Week 12 Terms Flashcards
Exertion of power over others through intimidation, sarcasm, or bullying
Communicating one’s personal and professional needs to others
Body language
Communication through facial expressions, posture, and gestures
Agreement among member of a group
Small images or acronyms used to convey emotion in email and SMS communication
Group leader who coordinates direction and flow of a group meeting without influencing the content of people’s contributions
Response to a msg, component of effective communication
Conformity of a group to one way of thinking and behaving
Lateral abuse
Verbal abuse of sabotage of people of equal job/professional ranking
Idea, concept, thought, or feeling expressed during communication
Behaviors that are accepted as part of the environment and culture of a group
Person to whom a msg is communicated by sender
Person who communicates a msg to another
Sexual harassment
Extreme abuse of power using sexualized language, gestures, or unwanted touch to coerce or intimidate others
Therapeutic touch
Purposeful touching to convey empathy, care, and tenderness
Verbal abuse
Deliberate attempts to devalue, intimidate, bully, or embarrass another person using loud, vulgar, sexualized or intimidating language
Win-lose solution
A soln that leaves one party satisfied but the other party dissatisfied
Manner or implied feelings behind msg, reflected in emphasis of certain words or pitch of voice
Hands on hips
Authority or anger
Arms folded across the chest
Resentment or guarding
Eye contact
Confidence, attention, and respect for the speaker
Eyes cast downward
Contemplation, embarrassment, or contrition
Backing up
Desire to leave or social distance that is too close
Rigid posture
Restrained emotions or tension
One brow raised
Doubt or mistrust
Mouth covered by hand
Shock, sudden grief, or embarrassment
Network etiquette; set of guidelines to help people use email in a what that promotes security, respect, and clarity
Telling and retelling of events about another persons personal/professional life or physical condition
Manager allows team to make decisions based on loosely organized communication and little or no management