Week 10 Terms Flashcards
Body image
The way an individual perceives him/herself physically in eyes of others
Cultural competence
Ability to communicate with people of other cultures and belief systems
Physiological process of removing cellular and chemical waste products from body
Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs
Model of human achievement and self actualization; developed by Abraham Maslow
Ability for an organism to move
Refers to intake of food by an organism
Patient-centered care
Therapeutic care communication and intervention provided according and centered around unique pt needs
Refers to biochemical and metabolic processes of an organism
Communication with the pt that helps the individual connect with his/her current feelings with events in the environment
Therapeutic communication
Purposeful method of communication in which the caregiver responds to explicit or implicit needs of pt
Act of breathing and taking in oxygen
Body must be able to transport substances to tissue and cells
Waste products are produced as a result of normal metabolism
Applies to cellular reproduction; necessary for growth and development
Normal growth and development, growth of cells and body systems; repair of tissues
Process that occurs following illness and trauma
Body must be able to react to harmful conditions in the environment
Anesthesia awareness; many pts fell they won’t wake after anesthesia
Fear of death during or after sx is common for pts
Fear of pain is normal protective mechanism
Body image very improtant psychological consideration
Loss of control
Pts feel loss of personal rights and control
Physical exposure
Fear of with pts
Loss of privacy
Fear of personal info not held in confidence
Active listening
Make eye contact and listen attentively
Providing information
To pt as needed
Paraphasing and restatement
Restating pts words with different wording
Clear understanding what pts is saying or implying
Birth to 18 mos; Fear seperation from caregiver
19 mos - 3 yrs; Express aggression and regression
4 - 6 yrs; Punishment or abandoment
School-age children
7 - 12 yrs; Insist on helping
13 - 16 yrs; Privacy and body image
Peristalis, liver function, gag reflex decrease with age
Capillary walls thicken, systolic bp increase, cardiac output decreases with age
Range of motion, cartilage, bone mass, muscle strength decreases with age
Sensory perception
Progressive hearing loss, sense of smell decreases, pain threshold increases, night vision decreases, sensitivity to glare increases, propriception decreases
Bladder capacity, kidney filtration rate, estrogen, testosterone decreases
Loses elasticity (turgor), becomes thin and delicate, sebacous glands become less active
Cortisol production decreases, bg increases, pancreas releases insulin at a slower rate
Body mass index
BMI; relationship between height and weight; BMI=wt in kg/ht in meters squared
Airway obstruction
High risk for obese and morbidly obese pts; briatric pts prone to sleep apnea (collasping trachea)
Hemodynamic function
Movement of blood through the body and blood pressure
Venous stasis
Edema of lower extremities; causes high risk for deep vein thrombosis
Respiratory problems
Difficulty breathing common for bariatric pts
Diabetes mellitus
Endocrine ds; disrupt metabolism of carbs, fats, proteins
Type 1 diabetes
Diagnosed in childhood; insulin-producing beta cells of pancreas are damaged through autoimmune disorder
Type 2 diabetes
Caused by obesity and advanced age; impaired insulin secretion and insulin resistance at the cellular level; w/o insulin to carry glucose into cells, glucose remains in blood
Human immunodeficiency virus; immunosuppressed pt
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; immunosuppressed pt; higher risk for post op infections and delayed healing