Week 12- Women's Health Flashcards
Occurs when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus
Endometriosis can occur on the…
-Fallopian tubes
-Connective tissues
-Bowel and rectum
Endometriosis may affect more than 11% of American women between ages _____
Endometriosis is common in women ages ____
Symptoms of endometriosis
-Digestive disturbances
Risk factors of endometriosis include…
-Menstrual periods > 7 days
-Menstrual cycles < 27
-Family history
Chronic pain condition that affects the bladder, and sometimes the pelvis and genitals
Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome
Painful bladder syndrome affects ________ more than ________
Painful bladder syndrome affects _____ million women in the U.S.
Painful bladder syndrome may affect _________ women more than other racial or ethnic groups
Symptoms of painful bladder syndrome
-Urinary frequency
-Bladder pressure
Most common type of dysmenorrhea
Primary Dysmenorrhea
Pain from primary dysmenorrhea is usually caused by…
Contractions of the uterus
Risk factors of primary dysmenorrhea
-Menarche began before age 11
-Long/heavy periods
Caused by an associated medical condition such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts
Secondary dysmenorrhea
Tumors that grow in or on the wall of the uterus. They are almost always not cancerous.
Fluid filled sacs on the ovary. These do not cause any symptoms other than pain during your periods or at ovulation.
Ovarian cysts
Describes a syndrome of poor health and declining athletic performance that happens when athletes do not get enough fuel through food to support the energy demands of their daily lives and training. This can and does affect athletes of any gender and ability level.
Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) / Female athlete triad
Components of female athlete triad
-Low energy availability / disordered eating
-Low bone density / osteoporosis
-Irregular period / amenorrhea
A mental health disorder in which a person severely limits the amount of food they eat to prevent weight gain
Anorexia is characterized by intense fear of ____________
Gaining weight
Anorexia affects _________ more than _________.
Health problems associated with anorexia
-Heart problems, including low blood pressure, a slower heart rate, irregular heartbeat, heart attack, and sudden death from heart problems
-Osteopenia or osteoporosis
-Kidney stones or kidney failure
-Amenorrhea and fertility concerns
-During pregnancy, a higher risk for miscarriage, cesarean delivery, or having a baby with low birth weight
Mental health disorder characterized by binging and purging (vomiting, laxatives, or over-exercising)
Bulimia affects younger women most at ages _____
Signs and symptoms of bulimia
-Swollen cheeks or jaw area
-Calluses or scrapes on the knuckles (if using fingers to induce vomiting)
-Tooth decay
-Broken blood vessels in the eyes
-Acid reflux, constipation, and other gastrointestinal problems
-Severe dehydration
Binge eating occurs when you eat at least once a week for ___ months or more
Binge eating aspects
Eating until the point of discomfort, eating when not hungry, and eating at a faster speed than normal
Binge eating disorder typically begins in early to mid ___
Mental health conditions that affect women more than men
-Anxiety (>2x)
-Depression (2x)
-Borderline Personality Disorder (mostly young women)
-Body Dysmorphic Disorder
-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (2x)
-Postpartum Depression
Pregnancy and postpartum conditions treated by PT
-Low back pain
-Rib pain
-Shoulder pain
-Hip pain
-Groin pain
-Sacro-iliac pain
-Diastasis Recti Abdominus
The separation and thinning of the rectus abdominus muscles and stretching of the linea alba by > 2 inches
Daistasis rectus abdominus (DRA)
This is a specific form of LBP
Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain
Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain affects the…
-Lumbo sacral junction
-Symphysis pubis
Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain prevalence
20% of pregnant women
Pelvic girdle pain symptoms
-Pain with walking & running
-Pain with single leg WB activities
-(i.e.: dressing, stairs, lunges)
-Pain with bed mobility
-Pain with straddle movements
-Pain with lifting, bending, pushing, pulling
-Feeling “unstable” in pelvis
-Decreased tolerance to sit, stand, walk
Signs of pelvic girdle pain
-Waddle gait pattern
-Clicking/grinding in pubis area
-Provoked pain with resisted ABD & ADD
-Limited ABD AROM
High risk pregnancy conditions
-Premature Rupture of Membranes
-Incompetent Cervix
-Placenta Previa
-Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
-Gestational Diabetes
-Multiple Gestations
-Premature Labor
-Spinal Cord Injury
Major women’s health issue
Autoimmune conditions
Autoimmune conditions targets women ____% of the time
Women have enhanced ____________ systems compared to men
Women’s enhanced immune systems increases their women’s __________ to many types of infection. It makes women more ___________ to autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune diseases affect women ___ times more than men
Common cardiovascular conditions affecting women
-Heart failure
-Atrial fibrillation
-Heart valve disease
Heart attack symptoms in females
-Pain in the back, neck, jaw, or throat
-Nausea (feeling sick to the stomach)
-Extreme fatigue (tiredness)
-Problems breathing (shortness of breath)
After age 85, more women have _________ than men
It is ___x more likely for a woman aged 20-39 to have a stroke compared to men
More women than men will have a repeat stroke within ___ years
Unique risk factors for stroke
-Preeclampsia or gestational diabetes
-Hormonal birth control while smoking
-Hormone replacement therapy
Most breast cancers begin in…
Ducts or lobules
There are _____ new cases of breast cancer for every 100,000 women in the US every year
Breast cancer makes up _____ of the cancer diagnoses in women yearly
The median age at time of breast cancer diagnosis is _____. Very few cases occur before age ____.
Breast cancer prevalence increases with age, peaking around ages ______
Non-modifiable risk factors for breast cancer
-Family history
-Genetic mutations
-Height (taller increases risk)
-Race (White)
-Early menstruation (< 12 years)
-Late menopause (> 55 years)
Modifiable risk factors for breast cancer
-Consuming alcohol
-Not having children or breastfeeding
-Use of certain hormonal contraceptives or hormone replacement therapies
Most common cancer of the female reproductive system
Ovarian cancer
More than half of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer are age ____
> 63 yrs
Ovarian cancer affects _________ women most
Ovarian cancer risk factors
-Are middle-aged or older
-Have close family members (such as your mother, sister, aunt, or grandmother) on either your mother’s or your father’s side, who have had ovarian cancer.
-Have a genetic mutation (change) calledBRCA1 or BRCA2,or one associated withLynch syndrome.
-Have hadbreast,
uterine,orcolorectal (colon) cancer.
-Have anEastern European or Ashkenazi Jewish background.
-Haveendometriosis (a condition where tissue from the lining of the uterus grows elsewhere in the body).
-Have never given birth or have had trouble getting pregnant
Cervical cancer develops from the ____ virus in most cases
Cervical cancer is most frequently diagnosed between ages _____
Cervical cancer still impacts more mature women, more than ____% of cases are found in women over the age of 65
Risk factors for cervical cancer
-Increased parity (>3)
->5 years on oral contraceptive
-Higher number of sexual partners
Decreased bone mineral density which increases risk for fractures
Osteoporosis affects ___ in ___ women age 65+
Women are more likely to get osteoporosis than men because…
-Women usually have smaller, thinner, less dense bones than men.
-Women often live longer than men. Bone loss happens naturally as we age.
-Women also lose more bone mass after menopause with very low levels of the hormone estrogen. Higher estrogen levels before menopause helps protect bone density.
Osteoporosis risk factors
-Small, thin frame
-Family history
-White, Mexican-American, Asian–American
-Insufficient Vit D and Calcium
-Insufficient weight-bearing physical activity
-Eating disorder
-Smoking & excessive alcohol use
Conditions that develop because of weakening of the support structures of the pelvic floor
Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs)
Examples of pelvic floor dysfunction
-Pelvic organ prolapse
-Stress urinary incontinence
-Urge urinary incontinence or overactive bladder
-Fecal incontinence or accidental bowel leakage
Risk factors for PFD
-Pregnancy/child birth
-Chronic constipation
Weakening of the pelvic floor leads to the pelvic floor organs falling out through the vagina
Pelvic organ prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse can occur in ____ in ____ women
Stress urinary incontinence happens when the support structures around the _________ (tube that drains the bladder) are weakened.
When you cough, sneeze, lift something heavy, or even just stand up, urine leaks out
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI)
SUI can occur ___ in ___ women
Overactive bladder/urge incontinence affects ____% of women across all ages
A sudden urge to urinate, sometimes followed by leaking
Overactive bladder/urge incontinence
Triggers for overactive bladder/urge incontinence
-Key in the door
-Running water
-Seeing a toilet
OAB occurs when…
The detrusor muscle contracts too often, and before the bladder is full
Leakage of stool and/or gas
Accidental bowel leakage
Accidental bowel leakage impacts ___% of younger women and ____% of women of advanced age
Risk factors of accidental bowel leakage
-Vaginal delivery with Grade IV perineal tear
-Use of forceps or vacuum in Vaginal delivery
-Uncontrolled diabetes/diabetic neuropathy
-Radiation therapy
-Nervous system disorders (stroke, SCI, MS, etc)
-Severe chronic constipation
Types of constipation
-Slow transit
-Obstructed defecation
-Dyssynergic defecation
Women suffered from ___________ significantly more than men
Chronic constipation impacts ____% of North Americans