Week 10a: Elimination GI Disorders Flashcards
Mallory-Weiss tears
longitudinal tears at the esophagogastric junction caused by chronic alcoholism or occur during acute illness with vomiting
what is the primary cause of PUD?
what are 3 tests used to detect H.pylori?
- blood test
- breath test
- stool test
S & S of gastric ulcers
- pain increases after eating
- anorexia
- weight loss
- hematemesis
S & S of duodenal ulcers
- pain is relieved by eating, usually occurs 3-5 hours after eating or commonly at midnight
- appetite is good or normal
- may have weight gain
- melena
Goals of pharmacological treatment of PUD and GERD
- neutralize gastric acid
- reduce gastric secretion
- increase mucosal defences
what is the preferred treatment for short term therapy of GERD and long-term therapy of PUD
General side effects of PPIs
- indigestion
- diarrhea
- nausea
- vomiting
- abdominal pain
- flatulence
PPI side effects: malabsorption of nutrients?
- B12, folate and iron
- Calcium (prolonged use increases the risk for osteoporosis)
- Magnesium (Hypomagnesemia can lead to arrhythmias )
Cimetidine and rantididine are examples of
H2 receptor blockers
Lansoprazole, omeprezole and pantoprazole are examples of?
which antacids cause constipation?
calcium and aluminum
which antacid causes diarrhea?
contraindications of antacids?
- severe renal failure
- electrolyte imbalance
- severe cardiac disorders
- Pregnancy (Category C)
mechanical or paralytic intestinal obstruction
strangulation with necrosis of the bowel may occur and lead to perforation, peritonitis and sepsis
telescoping of the bowel into the adjacent segment
paralytic or adynamic obstruction
neurogenic or muscular impairment of peristalsis that can occur after abdominal surgery, during inflammatory conditions of the bowel, and with pelvic fractures or back injury
bulk forming laxatives
pull water into stool and add bulk to the stool
example of bulk forming laxative
stool softeners
pull water and fat into stool
example of a stool softener
saline and osmotic laxatives
pull water into the stool
examples of saline and osmotic laxatives
lactulose and milk of magnesia
milk of magnesia is…?
renal excreted
lactulose is not absorbed but may elevate..?
stimulant laxatives
irritants that increase peristalsis
examples of stimulant laxatives
dulcolax, Senna and castor oil
complications of diarrhea
- electrolyte imbalances
- dehydration
- malabsorption
Signs and symptoms of C.Dif
- severe diarrhea
- blood or pus in the stool
- fever
- abdominal pain
antihistamines like gravel have a high efficacy for?
motion sickness
treatment for morning sickness
odansetron is a..?
serotonin receptor antagonist
metoclopramide is a..?
dopamine receptor antagonist