Week 10 - Learning Flashcards
What is learning?
A relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience
What is memory?
The capacity to store and retrieve information
What is neural plasticity?
The set of physiological mechanisms that allow the modification of behavioural responses based on previous experiences
- Plasticity sustains learning
Learning depends on what in regards to plasticity?
Depends on the plasticity of the circuits within the brain - the ability of neurons to make lasting changes in the efficacy of their synaptic transmission
If two neurons are active at the same time, the synapses between them are
What are the 2 forms of non-associative learning?
Describe Habituation
Occurs when we learn not to respond to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly without change, punishment or reward.
During habituation, fewer neurotransmitters are released into the synapse
Describe Sensitisation
Occurs when a reaction to a stimulus causes an increased reaction to a second stimulus
For example, a child who is verbally bullied on a regular basis might, through constant fear of attack, develop a sensitisation toward other children and become more withdrawn.
What are the 4 types of learning that Carlson differentiates?
Perceptual Learning
Motor Learning
Relational Learning
Stimulus-Response Learning
Describe Perceptual Learning
The capacity to learn to recognise and learn about stimuli perceived previously and differentiate them from other stimuli
The main function is to identify and categorise stimuli eg objects
Developing an ability to distinguish between different odours or musical pitches and an ability to discriminate between different shades of colours.
Describe Motor Learning
Learning that requires both exteroceptive sensory stimulation and proprioceptive sensory stimulation
It requires feedback between the environment and the actions performed
eg riding a bike
Describe Relational Learning
Learning that is required to establish specific associations between stimuli
For example, spatial learning involves the association between different stimuli present in a given context and allows the organism to respond adequately
Describe-Response Learning (S-R)
Refers to the capacity to perform a learned behaviour in response to a specific stimulus with which the behaviour has been associated previously
The responses can be reflexes or complex sequences of actions
What are the main forms of S-R learning?
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Who developed Classical Conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
What is the UCS, NS, UCR, CS, CR in the classical conditioning technique used by Pavlov
UCS = Meat NS = Agent that initially has no effect = Bell UCR = Automatic response to UCS = Salivation CS = A former NS that comes to elicit a given response after pairing it with a UCS = Bell CR = A learned response to a CS = Salivation
What is one key point regarding the UCS in Pavlov’s experiment ? And one regarding consciousness?
The animal does not need to learn to respond to it
- dogs naturally drool in response to food
- product of nature, not nurture
Classical conditioning does not require consciousness
The CR is similar to the UCR but typically it is what?
Of a lesser response
The target behaviour is
Reward is
Behaviour depends primarily on
elicited automatically
provided unconditionally
autonomic nervous system
What is Acquisition?
Learning phase during which a conditioned response is established.
When the previously neutral stimulus becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus and comes to evoke a response when presented.
At this point, the unconditioned stimulus becomes known as the conditioned stimulus.
During acquisition, the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are repeatedly paired to create an association.
What is Extinction?
A gradual reduction and eventual elimination of the conditioned response after the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus
What is Spontaneous Recovery?
A phenomenon whereby a seemingly extinct CR appears (often in a weaker form) if the CS is presented again
What is the Renewal Effect?
Occurs when we extinguish a response in a setting different from the one in which the animal acquired it.
The renewal effect is when a conditioned response (CR) behaviour returns when a change of context or environment occurs after extinction.
What is Stimulus Generalisation?
Process by which conditioned stimuli similar to the original CS elicit a conditioned response