Week 10 Flashcards
what is a right culture?
a culture based upon the principles of fairness, quality, transparency, reporting, learning and safety
what is a just culture?
an open culture, reporting culture and a learning culture
what is the importance of raising concerns?
duty of care
protecting people recieving care
public safety
what can we raise concerns about?
the people pharmacist proffesionals come into close contact with during the course of their work
behaviours, competency, the working environment and any action that may compromise an idividuals safety
what types of behaviour in the work place would result in reporting a concern?
bullying and harrassment
unproffesional practice in clinical staff
poor patient care
breach of patient confidentiality
lack of proffesionalism online
irresponsible or illegle prescribing
a crime, or a civil offense
a miscarriage of justice
a cover up of information about any of these
what is the mechanism for raising concerns?
find out the organisations policy
report without delay
report to the immediate supervisor
report to another suitable person in authority or an outside body
keep a record
maintain confidentiality
what does PIDA stand for?
public interest disclosure act 1998
what does the PIDA aim to do?
sets out a step-by-step approach to raising and escalating concerns
aims to protect employes from unfair treatment or victimisation from their employer if they have made certain disclosures of information in the public interest
what to do in the event of a dispensing error?
1.establish if the patient has taken any of the incorrect medicine
2.inspect incorrect medicine
4.never try to minimise the seriousness of the incident
5. make a supply of the correct medicine ordered on the prescription, if appropriate
6.eatablish their expectations
7. provde details of how to complain to an ‘official body’ if requested
8. try and establish what happened and what went wrong
9. follow company procedures/SOPs for reporting errors or complaints
10.record, review and learn from errors made
11. notify the parmacist who was on duty at the time, if it was not you
12. inform your proffesional indemnity insurance provider
what is sexual behaviour defined as?
words or behaviour designed to arouse or gratify sexual impulses or desires
what are examples of sexualised behaviour?
revealing intimate personal details about themselves to a person under their care during a consultation
* giving or accepting social invitations
* visiting a home of a person under their care without an appointment
* asking questions unrelated to a person’s health
what is research?
it is a systematic enquiry that seeks to answer a question.
which variables are controllable?
independant variable can be controlled
dependant varibable can not be controlled
what is the mean?
the weighted centre (average)
what is the median?
point where half the observations fall below
what is the mode?
observation with the greatest frequency
what is range?
distance between the smallest and largest result
what is the null hypothesis?
there is no significant difference in what is expected and what is percieved
what are the two types of bias?
publication bias
experimental bias