Week 1 Neuro Exam- Erickson Flashcards
CN 1
Olfactory Sense of smell located in roof of nasal cavity terminates in olfactory bulb Test: Pass oder under nose with eyes closed
CN 2
Visual acuity, fields, pupils
Leads from eye to diencephalon through OPTIC FORAMEN (runs with opthalmic artery)
Test: Pocket card/ wall chart
CN 3
Pupils, eye movements (does all muscles except 2)
-superior orbital fissure
Test: Direct, consensual, acommodation, swinging flash light
CN 4
Eye movements - superior oblique muscles
-superior orbital fissure
CN 5
Facial sensation, corneal response, muscles of mastication
Test: Cotton, pin, something cold, compare side to side
CN 6
Eye movements- lateral rectus muscle
Superior orbital fissure/cavernous sinus
CN 7
Facial muscle movements
-internal auditory meatus
At rest observes palpebral fissures and nasloabial folds
Squeeze eyes shut, eyelashes should be buring
Smile/puff out cheeks
Peripheral vs. central facial weakness lesions
CN 8
Hearing/ Dizziness/vertigo
-internal auditory meatus
Weber- hearing impaired 1 side, conductive loss louder in affected ear
Rinne- tunning fork on mastoid, then front of ear
Vertigo Test:
Diz Hallpike maneuver
CN 9
-jugular foramen
CN 10
Vagus Palate elevations Gag reflex swallow -jugular foramen Test: listen for horseness or breathiness
CN 11
Innervates sternoclidomastoid, traps
-foramen magnum
Tests: turn head against resistance at chin, shoulder shrug is not as good
CN 12
-hypoglossal foramen
Tests: Slurring w/ lingual sounds, observe at rest for fasciculation, observe w/ protrusion and movement for deviation to one side and slowness
What are the components of a mental status exam? What part of the brain is associated with mental status?
- Level of consciousness (awakeness, awareness)
- Orientation (person, place, time)
- Attention/Concentration (months of the year backwards)
- Calculation (serial 7’s)
- Language (naming, repetition, comprehension, fluency)
- Speech
- Memory (3 words)
- Fundamental Knowledge (president, nickels in a dollar, recent events)
What should you look for in a fundoscopic exam?
- Blurring of disk margins
- Loss of venous pulsations
- Color of optic nerve head
Three components of a motor exam?
Bulk- observe for atrophy
Tone- passive movement around a joint (spastic, rigid, paratonia, flaccid)
Strength- compare side to side and proximal/ distal. Grade 0-5
What does the finger to nose to finger test?
What does rapid alternating hand movements test?
Frontal Lobes
What does fine finger and toe tapping test?
Basal Ganglia, Cortex