Week 1 ENT 3 of 4 Flashcards
What would allergy related symptoms look like? (presenting physical symptoms)
Clear, watery discharge; itchy or watery eyes; congestion; and fatigue
Clear discharge is usually related to allergies.
What makes a person more likely to have allergies?
History of allergies and family history of allergies
Allergies often have familial component.
What are two common seasonal allergens?
mold and pollen
What are the two types of rhinitis and what causes it?
May be allergic or vasomotor/idiopathic
Allergic – Sneezing, rhinorrhea, and pharyngeal itching after exposure to allergen.
Vasomotor – Nonallergic, noninfectious perennial nasal congestion.
Subjective findings of Rhinitis?
Scant, watery discharge after exposure to allergen, odors, temperature changes, sunlight, environmental factors.
Objective findings of Rhinitis types?
Allergic rhinitis – pale mucosa with/without polyps
Idiopathic – erythema to mucosa
Management of Rhinitis types?
Allergic rhinitis – antihistamines, oral decongestants, avoidance
Idiopathic – avoidance of irritants
Health promotion for rhinitis?
smoking, spicy foods, and the use of perfumes/colognes should be monitored closely.
What is Sinusitis and what causes it?
A viral, bacterial or fungal inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. S. pneumoniae is the most causative agent.
Sinusitis subjective findings?
Nasal congestion, facial or dental pain, postnasal drip, headache, fever, discolored nasal discharge.
Sinusitis Objective findings?
Fever, symptoms x 2 week, frontal/maxillary sinus tenderness, pharyngeal edema, inflammed nasal mucosa.
Management of Sinusitis?
Symptomatic treatment, antibiotics may be needed for bacterial infections (Amox, Bactrim, Biaxin, Zithromax, etc.)
Health promotion related to Sinusitis?
Sinusitis often manifests after repeated allergen exposure.
Test question on being able to tell the diff. between sinusitis and rhinitis. So what is the difference between the two?
Rhinitis- watery discharge, pale mucosa, sneesing, runny nose, itching, congestion due to allergen typically.
Sinusitis - pain, HA, DISCOLORED NASAL DISCHARGE, fever, 2 weeks or more of symptoms and caused by bacterial or fungal process.
what is anosmia?
loss of sense (of smell)
what is hyposmia?
loss of taste
With taste and smell disturbances Subjectively you should be able to distinguish between anosmia and hyposmia. How would you do this?
The slide literally just says: Subjective findings:
Distinguish between anosmia and hyposmia
(no answer for this in the ppt but I will guess below)- is this the chicken or the egg? :)
anosmia- loss of smell can be tested for by having someone smell something and see what they can smell.
hyposmia is loss of taste, so if they can smell it but then the taste is just super dull it would be more of a loss of taste than smell?
I mean if your smell is gone your taste is going to suffer but if your taste is “gone” then smell should be normal and just no taste.
Management of a taste and smell disturbance?
Will depend on causative diagnosis
Objective finding for taste and smell disturbance?
Complete medical, social and medication history is warranted.
Health promotion with taste and smell disturbance?
Aging, tobacco usage, medications, toxins, malignant neoplasms, nasal inflammation, infection, malnutrition, facial trauma, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers’, diabetes may contribute to anosmia and hyposmia.
The nose can be a primary site for malignant tumors such as ?
carcinomas, lymphomas, sarcomas, and melanomas
Tumors and Polyps of the Nose: Subjective findings?
May be asymptomatic, nasal obstruction, pain, nasal discharge, epistaxis, anasomia, headache
Tumors and Polyps of the Nose: Objective findings ?
Erythema, edema, discharge, bleeding, visualization of tumor or polyp.
Tumors and Polyps of the Nose: Management?
Referral for biopsy by otorhinolaryngologist
Tumors and Polyps of the Nose: Health Promotion?
Smoking and smokeless tobacco may contribute to cancers of the nasal cavity.
What are three allergy studies, and tell me a little about them?
Radioallergosorbent test (RAST) Blood assay of the IgE antibodies
Interdermal sensitivity studies
The introduction of specific suspected allergens under the skin and evaluation of the response
Eosinophil counts
Accomplished by the submission of a mucous smear from the nasal passage
IgE involves what cells and what kind of reaction?
mast cells and basophils, anaphylactic reaction.
What must you use in order to view the oropharynx well?
Use of brightly lit otoscope is a necessity to view the oropharynx.
When would you avoid using a tongue depressor for viewing the oropharynx?
should be avoided in suspected cases of epiglottitis
Inspection of the Mouth and Throat, what are you looking for?
Observe movement of the mouth and lips and note any asymmetry
Inspect the lips for symmetry, color, edema, and lesions
Note odor with mouth open
Observe for the parotid gland openings (Stensen’s ducts)
Inspect the tongue
Observe position, color, and number of teeth
Inspect the hard and soft palates
Observe the movement of the uvula
Inspect the posterior throat
What are some common disorders of the Oropharynx?
Dental Abscess Salivary gland disorders Epiglottitis Oral infections Parotitis Peritonsillar abscess Pharyngitis/Tonsillitis
What all will you palpate in the mouth and throat?
Palpate lips in patients with cosmetic augmentation
Palpate the gums for tenderness, firmness, and bleeding
Palpate the tongue for texture and consistency
Palpate the lymph nodes in the neck area
What is a Dental Abscess/Dental pain?
Acute infection of the periapical tissue caused by various agents – usually is accompanied by dental caries.
Subjective findings of Dental abscess/dental pain?
Localized pain, poor dental hygiene, edema, purulent discharge, sensitivity to heat/cool, swelling of the jaw.
Objective findings of dental abscess/dental pain?
Edema and erythema of the soft tissue surrounding the carie.
Health Promotion of Dental abscess/dental pain?
Dental expertise will be needed for root canal, extraction, or surgical intervention. Antibiotics and pain medications only treat the infection but do not eliminate the causative agent. .
What types of salivary glad disorders can you have?
Neoplastic – benign or malignant
Non-neoplastic – infectious or non-infectious.
Where does a salivary gland disorder typically occur?
Consist of the paired parotid glands, submandibular, and sublingual glands.
Subjective findings of a salivary glad disorder?
Painless swelling of the salivary gland in non-infectious cases
Infectious cases will include painful edema of the affected gland with increased symptoms at meals.
Objective findings of a salivary glad disorder?
Unilateral or bilateral swelling of the affected gland, inflammation, edema.
What patient population is at greater risk for salivary glad disorders?
HIV patients are at greatest risk for salivary gland disorders. Hydration, good oral hygiene and current immunizations are important for prevention. .