Weather Operations Flashcards
When must a Cold Weather Preflight Inspection be performed?
The OAT is ≤5ºC
Atmospheric conditions conducive to icing exist
The aircraft has remained overnight and may have been subject to contamination
A through flight and residual ice from the inbound leg may have accumulated
The wing fuel temperature is 0ºC or less, and the difference between the OAT and the dew point temperature is 3°C or less
Cold soak ice is suspected in the fuel tank area
When must the preflight inspection take place if the temperature is 5°C or colder?
Within 30 minutes from pushback.
What must be done if there is any contamination on the upper surface of the wing?
It must be removed.
Is frost on the bottom surface of the wing tank area acceptable, and if so, to what extent?
Frost ≤1/8” on the bottom surface of the wing tank area does not need to be removed.
What must be done before engine start is initiated on the first flight of the day when the airplane is cold soaked?
The engines must be motored for 60 seconds and fan rotation verified.
How long must the engines remain at idle during cold weather warm-up?
Until oil pressure reaches the normal operating range.
What must be done with the thrust reversers after being cold soaked, prior to departure?
The thrust reversers must be actuated until the deploy and stow cycles are less than five seconds for the CRJ 200 or two seconds for the CRJ 550/700/900.
When should the engine cowl anti-ice system be turned on during taxi in cold weather?
When OAT is ≤10°C and visible moisture in any form is present (e.g., fog with visibility of ≤1 mile, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals).
When OAT is ≤10°C operating on surfaces where ice, snow, standing water, or slush is present.
What is the procedure for using engine cowl anti-ice on the ground?
Do not rely on airframe visual icing cues or ice detectors. Use the specified temperature and visual moisture criteria to turn on the engine cowl anti-ice system.
Under what conditions should the wing anti-ice be turned on for the CRJ 200 during taxi?
When OAT is ≤5°C, with or without visible moisture.
The aircraft has not been anti-iced with Type II or IV fluid.
What may result from delaying the use of engine cowl anti-ice until ice build-up is visible from the flight compartment?
It may result in ice ingestion and possible engine damage and/or flameout.
What should be done after the second engine start and at least two minutes prior to takeoff for wing anti-ice on the CRJ 200?
Check that the ED-2 displays the WING A/ICE ON advisory message prior to takeoff.
What should be done just prior to takeoff as conditions permit for wing anti-ice on the CRJ 200?
Check that the ED-1 displays the BLEED MISCONFIG caution message extinguished.
Note that the L or R WING A/ICE caution message(s) may be temporarily displayed during taxi.
What may cause increased fan vibration during ground operations in icing conditions?
Ice accumulation on engine components (e.g., spinner/fan blades).
What should be done when moderate to severe icing conditions are present during prolonged ground operation to address fan vibration?
Use the Ground Ice Shedding procedure.
What does the Ground Ice Shedding procedure involve?
Periodic engine run-ups to as high a thrust setting as practical for a minimum of 15 seconds each at 10-minute intervals and within 5 minutes prior to takeoff.
Why is the Ground Ice Shedding procedure effective?
It is effective in dissipating fan blade icing.
What should be ensured when running up engines as part of the Ground Ice Shedding procedure?
Ensure the area behind the aircraft is clear of jet blast
What are the conditions for turning on the cowl anti-ice during takeoff when OAT is ≤10°C?
Visible moisture (visibility ≤1 SM or any precipitation)
The runway is contaminated
What should be checked on the ED-2 display prior to takeoff when cowl anti-ice is turned on?
The COWL A/I ON advisory message should be displayed.
What are the conditions for turning on the wing and cowl anti-ice during takeoff for the CRJ 200 when OAT is ≤5°C?
Visible moisture in any form including any precipitation, fog, mist, or clouds < 400 feet AGL
The runway is wet or contaminated
What should be checked on the ED-2 display prior to takeoff when wing and cowl anti-ice are turned on for the CRJ 200?
The WING A/ICE ON advisory message should be displayed.
What are the conditions for turning on the wing and cowl anti-ice during takeoff for the CRJ 550/700/900 when OAT is ≤5°C?
Visible moisture in any form (visibility ≤1 SM or any precipitation)
The runway is contaminated
What should be checked on the ED-2 display prior to takeoff when wing and cowl anti-ice are turned on for the CRJ 550/700/900?
The WING A/ICE ON advisory message should be displayed.
What should be done prior to extending flaps for all approaches with TAT 10°C (50°F) or less in the CRJ 200?
Start the APU, use the APU bleed source, and turn the WING ANTI-ICE ON
When can the wing anti-ice system be selected OFF on final approach?
When fully configured for landing, ICE is not annunciated, and not in icing conditions.
What is allowed when the APU bleed source is not available, ICE is not annunciated, and not in icing conditions?
The “Bleed Misconfig” message is temporarily allowed.
What procedure should be followed if the ICE message is displayed or in icing conditions during approach?
Operation of anti-ice systems is required, and the unpressurized landing procedure for the APU INOP is appropriate if required.
What should be done when anti-ice equipment is required during approach/landing in the CRJ 200?
After Landing
* When OAT is ≤10° and visible moisture in any form is present (i.e., fog with visibility of ≤1 mile, rain, snow, sleet, and ice crystals).
- When OAT is ≤10° operating on surfaces where ice, snow, standing water, or slush is present: ANTI-ICE - COWL ON
When is an aircraft considered to be operating in icing conditions in flight?
When the TAT indicates ≤10°C, and
Visible moisture is encountered.
When is an aircraft considered to be operating in icing conditions on the ground and for takeoff?
When the OAT is ≤10°C, and
There is visible moisture, or
Operating on contaminated ramps, taxiways, or runways.
When do icing conditions no longer exist in flight?
When the in-flight SAT is ≤ -40°C.