Things that missed Flashcards
After battery master selected on what must be checked?
■ Flight compartment standby lights
■ Master warning / master caution
■ APU & main battery 22V or more
Airworthiness acceptance is FOM airworthiness
● IS in FliteView
● DMIs reviewed
● MEL / CDL on release
● Review MX log (14 days if paper)
When completing preflight checks task, what must be completed?
Briefings (ICE and all flights)
External inspection / security inspection
Airworthiness acceptance
Release review
+ additional duties
What is verified in Nav 1 & 2?
Transponder / ADSB
When are you required to calculate fuel load using FliteView manifest?
■ Fuel in the center tank and wing tanks are not full
After two min elapsed and no R FUEL LOS PRESS, what will the FO do?
■ Dry motor the engine for 30 seconds
Prior to departure the thrust reversers deploy and stow cycles must be less than
how many seconds?
■ 5 seconds
○ What is the definition of cold soaked?
■ 8 hours or more at -30 C or less
○ What pushback procedures are to be followed during pushback on a
contaminated ramp?
■ Delay engine start until us back complete
■ If starting an engine during pushback, only start one engine and maintain
idle thrust
● Then reposition to start the second engine
■ Headsets required for the ground crew
● Pilots can only NOT have headset if audio is deferred
○ How do you perform the rapid alignment procedure?
■ Compass switches (both) set to MAG
● If one set to DG, set it to MAG and see if it slews
■ Taxi away from ramp
■ Crosscheck against compass to identify which PFD is wrong
■ Affected compass set to DG then back to MAG
■ If it doesn’t work, continue with taxi
When is the before takeoff check to the line accomplished?
approaching to the runway as approaching to the runway.
If EFIS COMP MON message remains prior to takeoff, what is the procedure to
correct this message for takeoff?
■ Manual alignment procedure
■ Identify the incorrect PFD
■ Remain in MAG, slew the incorrect one to rwy heading
When is reduced thrust prohibited for takeoff?
■ Windshear
■ Anti-ice on
■ Tailwind >5
■ Contaminated
■ Heavy departed in front
■ Flaps 8
○ When would an unpressurized takeoff be used?
■ Performance (like FFOD bleeds closed), or
■ Anti-ice requires it, and
■ APU deferred
○ What precautions should be taken if there is suspected windshear during takeoff?
■ Always avoid if you can
■ Flaps 8
■ Longest runway with lowest chance
■ Monitor speed and trends
■ No flex takeoffs
■ AP off
○ What altitudes can EGPWS detect windshear?
■ RA 10-1500AGL
○ What is important to note when it is annuciated?
■ Below 150AGL it can pitch you 2-3deg above PLI
PM should call out descending below 1000AGL
○ What is our normal cruise speed at/below planned altitude?
■ Release speed
○ What is the minimum cruise speed for all altitudes?
■ Vmd
○ When are you required to advise ATC of your TAS?
■ 10kts or 5% different than planned
○ On the speed cards Vmd speed line, what do dashed lines indicate?
not alloed to hold
○ What V speeds are set for the landing data task?
■ Flaps 8 V2
What is the minimum holding speed?
■ Vmd
■ Found on speed cards by weight
What is the stabilized approach criteria for instrument approaches?
Gear down
Final landing configuration
Spoilers 0
■ 1000 HAT
Above idle
< 1000FPM
-0/+10 KIAS
Before landing check complete
■ 500 HAT
Vref established
Stabilized approach criteria for visual approaches?
—1500 HAT
Flaps >0
Spoilers 0
Gear down
—1000 HAT
Final landing configuration
< 1000 FPM
Airspeed -0/+10
BEfore landing check complete
Above idle
—500 HAT
Vref established
When would a single engine turn be conducted?
■ Deferred APU
■ Ground power unavailable
○ What are the post flight duties?
■ External inspection
■ FliteView closeout
■ Miscellaneous lights off
● General operations