waves of feminism Flashcards
first wave
first emerged in mid 1800s - main aim was reforming social and legal inequalities, getting the vote for women - right to vote for women was granted in 1928- laws were passed to give women better access to education and more rights as mothers
second wave
1960s and 1970s - linked to other campaigns for civil rights, gay rights and anti war protests - their focus were personal problems that women face as a consequence of the unequal way society is organised
third wave
developed in 1990s - much more individualistic form of feminism - focuses less on laws and policies and more on individual identity - acknowledges there isnt one approach to feminism - the focus on making changes to traditional ideas about sexuality and gender roles
fourth wave
contested concept with some arguing, it is not distinct from the third wave - Cochrane states that the fourth wave is defined by technology