Waters - Liver Flashcards
Why is assessing the health of the liver important?
- Health of the liver is important for:
1. Prognosis: important that pts and families know and understand severity/prognosis
2. Operative risk: pt survival of certain elective sxs may be affected by degree of liver func, helping guide tx decisions/risk assessment
3. Eligibility for transplantation: have to be sick enough they would live longer with a transplant than without one - REMEMBER: the liver can regenerate
What is the best biochemical (or other) test of liver disease?
- No easy measure of hepatic clearance or function
- No highly sensitive or specific test for underlying liver disease
- Liver is a silent organ associated with often non-specific symptoms (such as fatigue)
All biochemical tests have limitations in predicting function and prognosis
1. Symptoms, physical findings, and lab work have limitations in liver disease assessment
What are some of the complications of liver disease (4)?
Synthetic impairment: like est. function of a factory
1. Albumin
2. Clotting factors - Cholestasis: impairment of bile flow
DEC clearance: bilirubin
1. Few clinically useful hepatic clearance tests (Lidocaine): partially due to wide bell-shaped curves in healthy and unhealthy livers - Portal HTN: portal blood shunted around liver and not processed by it, leading to complications
What do LFT’s measure?
- Often biochem measures of hepatocellular injury or death, or impairment of bile flow (i.e., ALT, AST, alk phos)
What are the true liver “function” tests?
- Those that measure clearance (bilirubin) or synthetic activity (albumin)
Provide examples of liver chemistries that detect injury, measure clearance, and test synthetic capacity.
- DETECT INJURY: aminotransferases (ALT, AST) & alkaline phosphatase
- MEASURE CLEARANCE: bilirubin, ammonia (can build up in the blood due to cirrhosis, and cause neurological effects)
- SYNTHETIC CAPACITY: albumin, clotting factors made by the liver (simple blood test for evaluation of liver function)
1. Cholesterol: LATE COMPLICATION of severe dysfunction -> don’t depend on this one; not a great indicator of prognosis
What do aminotransferases measure? Which is more specific for liver injury?
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
- INC associated with cell injury or death
1. AST elevation also INC with muscle injury
2. ALT more specific for liver injury - Marked elevations assoc w/1o hepatocellular injury
What does alk phos measure? In what benign conditions can it be elevated?
Enzyme derived from bile ducts and correlates with intrahepatic and extra-hepatic injury or obstruction
1. Hard to tell if it is in tiny branches or the trunk: need imaging - Level associated with INC synthesis -> INC when bile NOT flowing through bile ducts
1. Can be high in pregnancy, growing children, teenagers - Three important iso-enzymes: gut, liver, bone
What dose cholylglycine measure?
- Serum bile salt
- Correlates with degree of cholestasis, intrahepatic or extra-hepatic obstruction to bile flow
- Cholestasis = impairment of biliary flow
What does GGT measure? Clinical utility?
- Gamma glutamyl transferase/transpeptidase (GGT): enzyme in many tissues, including biliary ductules
INC with cholestasis, biliary obstruction
1. Also INC with induction by many chemicals, ie Phenytoin (Dilantin: anti-convulsant) and ethanol - So many meds and chemicals induce GGT that it is LIMITED CLINICAL UTILITY: not a great test
- Isolated GGT elevation is often due to medications or ethanol, rather than liver injury
What do you see here?
Icteric sclera
What does bilirubin measure? Benign elevation?
- Level represents a balance between input and hepatic removal -> imperfect measure of hepatic clearance and excretory function
1. Some pts w/cirrhosis have normal bilirubin, but when high, it is important - INC with impaired clearance by the liver or w/intra-hepatic and extra-hepatic obstruction
- Helps advise for prognosis, operative risk, and transplantation
- BENIGN ELEVATION (2-3 range): Gilbert’s syndrome (not that uncommon) -> transport problem, often when fasting (jaundiced post-call, for example)
What does ammonia measure?
- Estimate of nitrogenous waste
- Detoxified in liver by the urea cycle and glutamine synthetase reaction
1. In chronic liver disease, DEC function and porto-systemic shunts around the liver - Often, but not perfect correlation with hepatic encephalopathy: loss of brain function when a damaged liver doesn’t remove toxins from the blood
What are the most important synthetic function tests?
Prothrombin time (PT): prolonged when clotting factors I, II, V, VII, X deficient (VIII not made by liver)
1. Prolonged when Vit. K deficient
2. Correlates well w/hepatic synthetic func - International standardized ratio (INR)
Albumin: 1/2-life about 20d, hepatic synthesis
1. Rapidly changed w/acute illness, malnutrition (which many of these pts have), but still a good test
How could this have been prevented?
- Pt should have received IV injection (instead of IM)
1. Bruise from injection - Delayed prothrombin time (PT)
What happened here?
- Pt. bled into thigh after arterial blood-gas because delayed PT
What are the components of the Child Pugh score (table)?
- 1 is normal bilirubin and normal PT/INR
- Encephalopathy: ammonia
- Combo of measurements to assess how things are working: least is 5 and most is 15 -> higher = worse prognosis
1. Grade A: 5-6
2. Grade B: 7-9
3. Grade C: 10-15 - Probably don’t need to know all of these details…
What are the parameters of the Model of End Stage Liver Disease? What is it used for?
- INR: standardized measure of prothrombin time (PT), hepatic synthetic function
- Bilirubin
- Creatinine: when this goes up, things aren’t looking good in regards to prognosis -> DEC muscle mass due to malnutrition (leading to low creatinine), so if HIGH = poor prognosis
- This msmt gives you a feel for 3-6-mo prognosis; MELD of 25-30 not good for those who want to make it to the next year
1. Has to be 15 to get on transplant list: this # is what determines priority - MEMORIZE THIS
What can you conclude from all of this?
- Biochemical tests can give estimates of hepatocellular injury, cholestasis and function
1. No perfect test; all have limitations
2. No accurate hepatic clearance test - Improved measures of staging pts and estimating prognosis and surgical mortality
1. Pugh
2. MELD: has to be 15 to get on transplant list (this is what gives priority on this list)
What is going on here?
- Variceal bleeding: endoscopy of distal esophagus with massive amt of blood flowing
- Distended vein bleeding as aggressively as arterial hemorrhage, but with no pulsation (like a garden hose)
- People can rapidly bleed to death with variceal bleeding: engorged, distended veins
1. Most feared complication of portal HTN
What is the breakdown of blood flow to the liver?
- 30% hepatic artery
- 70% portal vein:
1. Splenic vein
2. Splanchnic circulation
How can cirrhosis cause portal HTN?
- Pressure = flow x resistance
1. Resistance to flow + INC flow = INC pressure in the portal vein - Cirrhosis INC pressure in the veins going to, and around the liver by INC resistance
1. Fibrosis (scarring) w/distortion of vasculature
2. Live usually like a sponge, but sinusoids (low resistance to flow) changed to capillaries (higher resistance): CAPILLARIZATION - INC blood flow to stomach and intestines
What is the pathogenesis of chronic portal HTN?
- Pressure in portal vein – pressure in hepatic vein is the gradient: cirrhosis INC this gradient, leading to shunting around liver
1. Portosystemic shunting: shunts around the liver to the heart -> goal of the RBC - Chemicals (vasoactive peptides) in splanchnic blood supply get in systemic system (like glucagon, a vasodilator) b/c no longer filtered by the liver
1. Really 2 circulations: systemic and portal/splanchnic - Peripheral artery dilation: systolic BP may be 98 or 100 -> arteries to stomach and intestines dilated, so less resistance to flow in splanchnic arteries, leading to INC splanchnic blood flow, creating the problem
What collateral veinous systems become congested in portal hypertension?
- Venous collaterals form from distal esophagus (azygous system) to rectum
1. Hemorrhoids: esp. after delivering babies (bothersome, but small; can get massive) - ANTERIOR collaterals via umbilical vein: re-canalization of venous channels in navel, flowing on anterior abdominal wall back to the heart
- POSTERIOR collaterals via retroperitoneal veins, splenorenal shunts -> these collaterals exist, but we don’t use them; if splenic v. under high pressure, spleen enlarges/distend, collaterals will form/open
1. Splenic vein is portal
2. Renal is systemic - NOTE: blood will go the way of least resistance
What are varices?
- Torturous venous collaterals under high pressure underneath esophageal mucosa
- 50% of newly diagnosed cirrhotics
- INC up to 8%/year, and 32% bleed within 2 yrs
Major cause of death: when these bust, it is a medical emergency
1. Tell pts: if you vomit blood, or have melena, come to ER immediately
What are 2 complications of liver injury that make varices especially dangerous?
- High-pressure bleeding
- THROMBOCYTOPENIA: blood has trouble leaving the spleen, so PLT’s get caught here and don’t last as long
1. Normal PLT count: 100,000-150,000 - COAGULOPATHY: synthetic impairment of clotting factors -> lower production in cirrhosis (INR is a measure of liver function)
- IMAGE: blood in distal esophagus right at GE junc; high pressure from distended vein to stomach
What do you see here?
- Esophageal varices at GE junction; black is the stomach
1. PLASMA coming out: hardly any circulating red cells b/c Hct so low - This happened b/c pt could not get adequately transfused due to Ab’s to blood donations
- NOTE: when a liver pt vomits blood, take it SERIOUSLY
What is going on here?
- Tx for esophageal varices: suctioning up vein, and putting rubber band on it endoscopically (banding)
What do you see here?
- Portal hypertensive gastropathy: chronic source of bleeding (sometimes rapid bleeding)
- Congestion of stomach mucosa that gives mosaic pattern: portal HTN
1. Blood congesting submucosal area - May experience bleeding from the stomach, which may uncommonly manifest itself in vomiting blood or melena
1. Similar pattern to GAVE, but in the whole stomach, whereas GAVE tends to be in antrum/lower stomach
What is this?
- Portal hypertensive gastropathy: blood oozing from congested mucosa in body, antrum -> multiple punctate bleeding spots
- Steady oozing of inside lining of the stomach
How can you treat portal HTN?
- Volume resuscitation
Correct coagulopathy: Vit. K subcu to try and lower INR
1. Fresh frozen plasma with clotting factors -
Splanchnic vasoconstriction: try to constrict arteries to stomach/intestine, DEC blood flow to stomach, & indirectly DEC blood flow via collaterals
1. Don’t want to do too good a job, or you will get ischemic stomach or intestines -> do this gently: just enough to DEC blood flow - DEC blood flow to stomach and intestines
- DEC blood flow via collaterals
- Vasopressin: vasoconstrictor
- Somatostatin (Octreotide): blocks endogenous vasodilators (i.e., glucagon), and much safer than vasopressin
What is the prognosis with esophageal varices?
- BAD: these stats are from 1981
- Mortality 42% w/in 6 weeks
- 60% of early deaths due to bleeding
- 1/3rd of pts had rebleeding within 6 weeks
- 1 year survival 34%
What is the tx for esophageal varices?
- Endoscopic tx to sclerose or BAND (tx of choice) the varices
- DEC portal pressure:
1. Beta blockers: chronic use -> selectively DEC blood flow to stomach, intestines, and collaterals (non-selective like Propranolol)
a. Prevent re-bleeding
2. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
3. Liver transplant: any pt with complications of portal HTN
4. Surgical portosystemic shunt: often very high risk, and we try to AVOID this
What are the elements of the child Pugh classification (5)?
- Albumin
- Prothrombin time (INR)
- Bilirubin
- Ascites
- Encephalopathy
- REMEMBER: child A (6), B (9), and C (15) from good to bad prognosis (97-62%) -> this is key for evaluating for transplant and definitive tx
What is the pathophys of ascites?
- Free fluid in the abdominal cavity -> can be 12-14L
- INC resistance to portal veinous flow + INC flow to portal vein (INC flow to stomach, intestines)
INC lymphatic flow (and resistance) -> leakage of lymph flow from liver, intestines in peritoneal cavity
1. We all have a little fluid here, but not clinically detectable - INC portosystemic shunting of vasodilators due to INC resistance to flow
1. Systemic vasodilation: BP 98, but fingers are warm because vasodilated peripherally -
DEC renal perfusion: INC renal vasoconstriction, INC RAS, and INC Na+ reabsorption
1. Kidneys focused on themselves, and do not think about/know about the big picture
How does ascites affect the kidneys?
- Ascites -> DEC effective volume (via systemic vasodilation) -> renal Na+ retention -> ascites + edema
- Nobody really knows how this happens, but probably a combo of the all of these things
How does the kidney respond to ascites?
- Left side of the image is the point
- Vasodilated systemic system, but same # of blood cells -> this looks like less effective volume
- INC renin, Ang II, aldosterone, and tubular reabsorption of Na, and DEC excretion of Na by the kidneys
How can liver disease damage the kidneys?
- DEC renal clearance
- Severe liver disease associated w/Na+ retention and DEC creatinine clearance
- Hep C can cause renal disease independently:
1. Membranous glomerulonephritis
2. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis - Kidneys impacted by the severity of liver disease
1. Even good kidneys don’t work as well when the liver is sick
Why is all this fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) important?
- Tense ascites: pressure on diaphragms, stomach, leading to difficulty breathing and eating
- Hepatic hydrothorax: fluid can go superiorly; it will go the way of least resistance (pleural effusion)
- Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: infection -> un-drained, low protein fluid is like a giant petri dish
1. Transient bacteremia can get through intestinal wall (G- rods usually), infect 10L fluid, and cause spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
What is going on here?
- Umbilical hernia due to massive ascites
- Blue veins from umbilical vein going back to heart
What is this? Tx?
- Massive ascites with blue veins flowing back to the heart from the umbilical vein
Urgent paracentesis to draw fluid off: looks like it is about to explode
1. Never want to get your navel to this size
2. Skin so stretched that there is black eschar - NOTE: rash is unrelated in this case
What do you see here?
- FLOOD SYNDROME: spontaneous umbilical rupture in portal HTN with massive ascites
- Need emergency operation to fix this umbilical hernia
What is spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?
- Large amount of undrained fluid
- Low protein ascites
- Low complement
- Bacterial translocation from intestines to blood
- Transient bacteremia infects the ascites
How is ascites treated?
- Sodium restriction: not easy
- Diuretics: to try to get rid of Na -> telling kidneys to let Na+ go
- Treat the liver disease: hopefully, replace the liver
1. Liver transplantation: Memphis a transplant center - Large volume paracentesis: give IV albumin (6-8g) at the same time (Univ. of Barcelona)
- Correct the portal hypertension:
1. Transjugular portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
2. Surgical portosystemic shunt: quite limited
What does survival look like with refractory ascites?
- Can take fluid off safely, but survival for pts with ascites not responding to medical therapy terrible
- Think about transplantation with these guys
25-y/o Native American woman presenting with jaundice and epistaxis. Bilirubin 12, AST 210, ALT 88, Alk phos 128, PT 18, and INR 1.8.
What might be going on?
- Dying at 25 from alcoholic liver disease: case example from class
- Up to 41% of liver disease in Native Americans alcoholic liver disease: as high as 65% of all deaths from chronic liver disease in this population
- More F Native Americans have drinking problems than other groups, but disease affects all ethnicities
Epi of ethanol use and alcoholic liver disease in the US?
- ETHANOL USE: 63% >18 drink ethanol
1. Top 20% of drinkers drink 80% of ethanol and top 2.5% drink 27% of ethanol
2. Alcohol dependence/abuse 7.4%: 11% of M, and 4% of F - ALCOHOLIC LIVER DISEASE: 24% of chronic liver disease and 40% of deaths from cirrhosis
- NOTE: alcohol, by itself, is not that big of a picture in liver disease, even though this is the thing most people think about: often alcohol + something else that gets people into trouble
What are the main causes of chronic liver disease in the US?
- Hep C: 57%
- Alcohol: 24%
- NAFLD: 9%
- Hep B: 4%
- Other: 6%
What are the (3) manifestations of alcoholic liver disease?
- STEATOSIS: many of us probably had this in college
- Alcoholic HEPATITIS
- Alcoholic CIRRHOSIS: advanced fibrosis and regenerative nodules -> takes years
1. HCC, cholangiocarcinoma
What kind of drinking puts you at risk for alcoholic liver disease? Questions you should ask?
- Ethanol >40-80gm/d for >5yrs duration, or about 6 drinks/day
1. Women and men clearly differ: takes much less for F to have alcoholic cirrhosis risk (see attached image) - Alcoholic beverage: 12 gm
1. 12 ounce bottle beer: some pts don’t think of this as an alcohol
2. 4 ounce glass of wine
3. one ounce of liquor - Size of the drink important: good to quantify what they are drinking -> may ask how long a 5th of rum lasts, for example
- Key thing is asking in a non-judgmental way
- Having family members in the room can help too (because they may help the pt be more honest)
Do all alcoholic get liver disease?
- No
- Actually, only about 10%
Why the difference in men and women (alcoholic liver disease)?
- As little a 3 drinks/d in women
- Differences in volume of distribution: sometimes it’s just body build
- DEC gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity, esp. in younger adults
- Differences in first pass metabolism
What are the clinical features of alcoholic hepatitis (incl. labs)?
- Typically, 40-60-y/o and >80mg/d for >5yrs (often 100gm/d; 6-7 drinks)
- Rapid onset of jaundice + fever, muscle wasting, and ascites (can even present with this)
1. Hepatomegaly with tenderness b/c: left lobe will selectively regenerate before the right, and steatosis (fatty infiltration)
a. Liver normally about 11cm along right costal margin
2. Fever can be a confusing symptom b/c they don’t have active infection (possible aspiration pneumonia w/alcoholics -> rule out infection) -
AST, ALT rarely over 300 (important for exam); will have elevated INR
1. If it’s over 300 (esp. over 1,000), think of something else: Hep B, cocaine, Tylenol OD
2. AST > 2x ALT - Frequent leukocytosis: peripheral blood will have a high white count
- Prevalence unknown, but pproximately 20% of 1604 alcoholic patients undergoing liver biopsy will have evidence of alcoholic hepatitis
What do you see here?
What is this image illustrating?
- Hepatomegaly: palpable below costal margin
1. Can feel left lobe: left will selectively regenerate before the right lobe - Splenomegaly
What is the risk of cirrhosis with alcoholic liver disease?
- Steatosis -> steatohepatitis -> cirrhosis
1. 1% risk if > 30-60 gm/d
2. 5.7% risk if > 120 gm/d
What is the pathogenesis of ALD cirrhosis?
- Many proposed mechanisms of ethanol-induced injury
- Few animal models
- No one theory accepted
How are genetics involved in alcoholic liver disease (ALD)?
- Concordance rate for alcoholic cirrhosis 3x higher in monozygotic twins than dizygotic (regardless of fam envo in twins separated at birth
- East Asian: functional polymorphisms of ADH2*1 gene associated w/INC susceptibility to ALD
1. Flushing with acetylaldehyde exposure - Caucasians: only replicated assoc TNF α-238 polymorphism and ALD
- More than just a bad habit
- Alcoholism and alcoholic liver disease run in families
What are the mechanisms of ALD?
- Ethanol and acetylaldehyde cause intestinal injury and INC permeability, resulting in endotoxemia
- ENDOTOXEMIA results in an inflam response by Kupffer cells -> leukocyte chemokines, cytokines involved in hepatocyte apoptosis and necrosis
What is the two-hit theory of ALD?
- First hit: FATTY LIVER (weakened liver)
1. Oxidative stress
2. ↑NADH/NAD ratio
3. Obesity and DM: genetics/diet
4. Fat sensitizes liver to 2nd hits - 2nd Hit: INFLAM and NECROSIS
1. Oxidative stress, hypoxia, immunological rxn
What are the 3 predictors of survival for alcoholic hepatitis?
- Maddrey Score
- Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis Score
- Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)
What is the Maddrey score?
- Modified discriminant function: factors in PT and bilirubin
1. > 32 implies one-month mortality 35-45% (even with abstinence) -> there are cancers with a better one-month survival than this - These people NEED TO ABSTAIN
- Score helps express seriousness to pts and families
What factors are included in the Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis score?
- Age
- WBC on presentation
- Bilirubin
- Higher the score = less likelihood of survival (9 is the cutoff)
What is the cutoff for the Glasgow Alcoholic Hep score?
- 9 is the cutoff here
- This includes medical intervention
What are the factors in the Model of End Stage Liver Disease (MELD)?
- Bilirubin
- Creatinine
- For test purposes, KNOW THIS
- This is how we measure prognosis
1. As MELD score goes up, 90-day mortality goes through the roof: this is critical
What are 3 liver diseases can make alcoholic hepatitis worse?
- Hepatitis C: high prevalence in ALD w/risk factors like transfusion b4 1992, cocaine, IVDU
Hemochromatosis: ethanol assoc w/advanced fibrosis w/HFE -> INC cirrhosis and shorter survival
1. HFE heterozygosity may also play a role - Alpha one antitrypsin deficiency: also some overlap here -> double hit b/c genetic condition + alcohol (if ALD)
What is this?
- Prussian blue iron stain: hemochromatosis
- Regenerating nodules and lots of scarring