Jackson - Colon Polyps to Cancer Flashcards
What are the 7 types of colon polyps?
Adenomatous (70%): pre-malignant (how most colon cancers start)
1. Tubular
2. Villous
3. Tubulovillous
4. Sessile serrated -
Non-adenomatous (30%):
1. Hyperplastic
2. Hamartomatous
3. Juvenile polyps
What are these?
- Hyperplastic polyps: most common non-neoplastic polyp
- Histology with saw tooth (star-shaped) pattern (some histo overlap with sessile serrated adenomas)
- Usually diminutive
- Location usually in rectum and sigmoid
- No malignant potential in small distal hyperplastic polyps
What do you see here? Describe the related syndrome.
- Peutz-Jeghers Syn.: multiple GI hamartomatous polyps (sm. intestine) & mucocutaneous lesions (like freckles on buccal mucosa; may go away by age 20)
- Auto dom (present around 11) -> germline hetero LOF mutations in the gene STK11
- Assoc w/markedly INC risk of several malignancies; lifetime risk approx 40%
- Regular surveillance recommended starting at birth:
1. Sex cord tumors of the testes
2. Late childhood gastric, sm. intestinal cancer
3. 2nd-3rd decades of life for colon, pancreatic, breast, lung, ovarian, and uterine cancers - Occasionally sporadic, or as components of various genetically determined/acquired syndromes
What are juvenile polyps? Presentation? Morphogenesis?
- Focal malformations of epi and lamina propria
- Sporadic (usually solitary) or syndromic in kids <5
- Commonly in rectum; present with rectal bleeding
1. Intussusception, intestinal obstruction, polyp prolapse (through anal sphincter) may occur - Pts w/auto dom syndrome can have from 3-100 hamartomatous polyps, and a minority can undergo malignant transformation
- Morphogenesis is incompletely understood, but proposed that mucosal hyperplasia is initiating event
1. Dysplasia is rare in sporadic juvenile polyps
2. 30-50% of pts w/juvenile polyposis syndrome develop colonic adenocarcinoma by age 45
3. Most common mut, SMAD4
What is this? Risk factors? Types? Histo?
- Adenomatous polyp: prevalence 25-30% at age 50
- RISK FACTORS: age, abdominal obesity, male sex, and AA race
- Can be sessile (front image), pedunculated, flat, or depressed
- HISTO: tubular (80%), villous (5-15%), or mixed (tubulovillous adenoma)
What is the most common type of neoplastic polyp?
- Adenomatous
- Image of pedunculated attached here
What are these?
Villous adenomas
What factors are most important in the prognosis of colon polyps?
- SIZE + villous component
- Usually takes about 10 years for malignant transformation
What do you see here?
- Sessile serrated adenoma: some histo features of hyperplastic polyps, but have malignant potential
- More prevalent in proximal colon
- Typically flat lesions
- May account for missed lesions on colonoscopy
- Have MSI-H or BRAF mutations
- May have mucous cap sitting on top of them
What is going on here?
- Polypectomy: removal of a stalked polyp with colonoscopy using cautery and a snare
- Sent to pathology next to check margins
What is the epi of colorectal cancer?
- Most common GI malignancy; mortality 2nd only to lung cancer
- Higher incidence in developed countries: thought to be 2o to high fat, low fiber diet
Calcium and folate in diet may be protective
1. Folate may have anti-cancer benefit early in adenoma sequence - Most colorectal tumors are adenocarcinomas
- Incidence of CRC has declined 30% in last decade in patients >50-y/o
1. 5% of Americans will develop CRC and 40% of these will die of the disease - NOTE: cancer of sm. intestine very rare
What are the risk factors for colorectal cancer?
- Age: >50
- Colitis: may not develop colon polyps
What is the most common risk factor for colon cancer?
- Age
- Male = female
- NOTE: AA’s may have earlier age of onset
How does family hx affect colon cancer risk?
- Very young relatives, or more than one relative, start thinking about inherited syndromes
What is the influence of tumor location on colon cancer presentation?
- LEFT: obstructive symptoms (smaller lumen), changes in bowel movements, overt bleeding
- RIGHT: iron deficiency anemia or occult blood in stool
- NOTE: when an adult presents with iron deficiency anemia, think about colon or gastric cancer
What is going on here?
- Barium enema: apple-core lesion surrounding lumen of descending colon
- Can be used to diagnose colorectal cancer: will show mass or constricting lesion
What are 2 techniques for diagnosis of colorectal cancer?
- Barium enema: will show mass or constricting lesion
- Colonoscopy: locate & biopsy lesions, and remove polyps
What are some of the txs for colorectal cancer?
- Endoscopic polypectomy can be curative if cancer is localized to head of polyp
- Pre-op CT to look for metastatic disease (mets usually to liver, lungs)
- Surgery: mainstay of treatment -> involves removal of tumor and adjacent lymphatics
- Chemo: adjuvant tx in pts with (+) nodes -> DEC recurrences and improves survival (see attached)
What are the 2 goals and 4 barriers of colorectal cancer screening?
1. DEC mortality by detecting lesions earlier
2. Prevention by removing adenomatous polyps - BARRIERS:
1. Limited access to medical care/colonoscopy
2. Pt preference: bowel prep, time off from work for colonoscopy
3. Risk and expense of screening tests: best test for individual patient is test that gets done - NOTE: only 65% of patients currently get screening between age of 50 and 75
What are the colorectal cancer screening recommendations based on risk category?
Average risk: asymptomatic, age >50
1. US Task Force recommended to stop screening at age 75 -
High risk: asymptomatic + 1 of the below; always require a colonoscopy
1. Personal history of adenomas or cancer
2. Family history of adenomas or cancer
3. Hereditary cancer (FAP, HNPCC)
4. IBD colitis - If any of these screening tests (+), recommended pt have colonoscopy (last 3 are stool sample tests)
- NOTE: if you have symptoms, no longer screening, but rather diagnostic colonoscopy
What is the FOBT?
- Fecal occult blood test (FOBT): stool-based colo-rectal screening test
- (+) test = 20% chance of having lg polyp or cancer
80% false positive rate: affected by meds, diet
1. Can also have false negatives b/c pt may not always be bleeding - Requires 3 stool samples
- Low sensitivity for detecting CRC
- NOT__E: FIT is a better test
What is FIT?
- Fecal immunochemistry test: stool-based colo-rectal cancer screening test
- Responds to only human hemoglobin: no dietary restrictions
- Does NOT detect UGI bleeding
- Requires 1 or 2 stool samples, and may detect as little as 0.3gmHb/gm stool
- More expensive than Guiac (FOBT), but also more sensitive and specific
- Can use for low-risk, asymptomatic patients
What is virtual colonoscopy?
- Helical CT reconstructed into 3D images
- Requires bowel prep: most pts dislike this
- Exposure to radiation
- Not widely available, and studies on sensitivity and specificity have been variable
- Role in screening unclear: not paid for by most insurance
1. Positive test requires colonoscopy
Is sporadic or familial colorectal cancer more common? 1o difference?
- Majority of cases SPORADIC (see attached image)
- Cumulative incidence much higher at younger ages in FAP, then HNPCC -> genetic syndromes, as compared with the general public
What is the genetic etiology of FAP?
- Auto dom: one allele of APC gene inherited in a mutated form (germ line mutation)
- Mutation present in every cell of the colon
- Polyp growth begins when 2nd allele is somatically mutated, causing loss of gene function
1. Normally, during teen years
What is FAP?
- Mucosal surface of colon a “carpet” of small, adenomatous polyps (see attached image)
- Typically, total colectomy before age 20 (post-pubertal)
- Polyps look like tubular adenomas histologically
1. Don’t look any different than sporadic, and no higher risk of change, but so many that risk of colon cancer is high - Adenocarcinoma in 100% of these pts if untreated, often before age 30, and always by age 50
- NOTE: adenomas may devo elsewhere in GI tract, esp. adjacent to ampulla of Vater (union of pancreatic and common bile duct) and in the stomach