Gupta - Pathology Flashcards
What do you see here? Types?
- Stress-related mucosal disease: punctate erosions
- Most critically ill pts admitted to hospital ICU’s have histo evidence of gastric mucosal damage -> cause likely ischemic
1. Most common in ppl with shock, sepsis, or severe trauma - CURLING: in proximal duodenum, and assoc with severe burns or trauma
- CUSHING: gastric, duodenal, and esophageal ulcers in ppl w/intracranial disease -> high incidence of perforation
What is this? Epi? Symptoms?
Esophageal mucosal web: idiopathic, ledge-like protrusions of mucosa that may cause obstruction
1. Fibrovascular CT + overlying epithelium - EPI: women, age 40, GERD, chronic graft-versus-host disease, or blistering skin diseases
- In upper esophagus, may be accompanied by iron-deficiency anemia, glossitis, & cheilitis as part of the Paterson-Brown-Kelly or Plummer-Vinson syndrome
- Main symptom non-progressive dysphagia assoc with incompletely chewed food
What do you see in these appendiceal histo images?
Mucinous neoplasms: invasion through appendix wall can lead to intraperitoneal seeding and spread (may be mistaken for ovarian tumors in women)
1. Advanced cases fill abdomen with tenacious, semisolid mucin -> pseudomyxoma peritonei - May be held in check for yrs by repeated debulking but, in most instances, follows inexorably fatal course
- Do NOT break these open in surgery
- NOTE: mucocele (dilated appendix filled w/mucin) may be obstructed appendix w/inspissated mucin or be mucinous cystadenoma /cystadenocarcinoma
1. Can also get mucoceles on lip
Etiology and molecular markers of SCC in the oropharynx?
- 95% of cancers of head/neck SCC
- 70% of SCC in oropharynx (NOT the oral cavity), esp those involving tonsils, base of tongue, and pharynx, harbor oncogenic variants of HPV, esp HPV-16
1. Better long-term survival if HPV+ cancer: over-express p16, cyclin-dependent kinase INH - Typically advanced stage at dx; not amenable to screening, and may have multiple primary sites
- Genetic alterations w/molecular signature consistent w/tobacco carcinogen-induced cancers
What are the features of Menetrier disease?
- Rare, acquired pre-malignant disease of stomach: associated with adenocarcinoma
- Mutations of TGF-alpha, leading to massive gastric folds and excess mucous production -> gastropathy
- 30-60 y/o’s
- Limited inflammation in body and fundus of stomach
- SYMPTOMS: hypoproteinemia, weight loss, diarrhea
What are these? Difference?
- OMPHALOCELE (left): closure of abdominal muscles incomplete and abdominal viscera do not return to abdomen from umbilical cord, remaining in a ventral amnioperitoneal membranous sac
1. May be repaired surgically, but as many as 40% of these infants have other birth defects - GASTROSCHISIS (right): similar to omphalocele, but it involves all of the layers of the abdominal wall, from the peritoneum to the skin; herniation through muscle near belly button (less frequently assoc with other defects than omphalocele)
What is going on here?
- Sialadenitis: inflammation of salivary glands
- Can be infectious (viral, bacterial) or noninfectious (Sjogren syndrome, sarcoidosis, radiation)
- Staphylococcus aureus is often the pathogen (see attached image)
- Acute sialadenitis typically involves parotid gland, which becomes swollen, erythematous, and painful + purulent discharge drains from the duct
What are the features of fundal gland polyps?
- Age 50
- Parietal and chief cells
- No inflammation or symptoms
- Risk factors: PPIs, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
- Association with gastric adenocarcinoma only in syndromic FAP
What happened here?
- Graft-vs-host disease: after hematopoietic stem cell transplant -> small bowel and colon involved in most cases
- 2o to donor T-cells targeting Ag’s on recipient’s GI epithelial cells, but lamina propria lympho infiltrate is typically sparse
- Epithelial apoptosis, particularly of crypt cells, is the most common histologic finding
- Apoptotic debris in this image
What do you see here? Epi?
- Erythroplakia: much less common than leukoplakia
- Much more ominous than leukoplakia: virtually all (about 90%) disclose severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, or minimally invasive carcinoma
Epi: associated with tobacco use
1. People 40-70 y/o
2. Typically males
3. Can occur anywhere in oral mucosa
What is this? Epi? Radiology? Histo? Tx?
- Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC; aka, keratocystic odontogenic tumor): assoc w/basal cell nevus syn
- EPI: posterior mandible in 10-40-y/o males
- RADIOGRAPH: well-defined unilocular or multi-locular radiolucencies
- HISTO: cyst lining a thin layer of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium w/prominent basal cell layer and corrugated epithelial surface (key to diagnosis)
- TX: requires complete removal of lesion b/c locally aggressive, and recurrence rates for inadequately removed lesions can reach 60%.
What are these?
- Mallory-Weiss tears -> lacerations: longitudinal mucosal tears near gastroesophageal junction
- Most often associated with severe retching or vomiting secondary to acute alcohol intoxication
- Do not generally require surgical intervention, and healing tends to be rapid and complete
What is going on here?
- Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE): watermelon stomach -> red and white alternating mucosa (ex: can be seen in systemic sclerosis or cirrhosis)
- Can be recognized endoscopically as longitudinal stripes of edematous erythematous mucosa that alternate with less severely injured, paler mucosa
1. Erythematous stripes are ectatic (dilated) mucosal vessels - HISTO: antral mucosa shows reactive gastropathy with dilated capillaries containing fibrin thrombi
- Patients may present with occult fecal blood or iron deficiency anemia
What do you see here?
- Mucoepidermoid carcinoma: variable mixtures of squamous, mucus-secreting, and intermediate cells
- 15% of all salivary gland tumors; 60-70% in parotid
Grade is important determinant of 5-year survival:
1. Low-grade = 90% (indolent)
2. High-grade = 50% - Most comm malignant salivary gland tumor in kids
- Mucin stain (pink) can be helpful for diagnosis
What is this?
- Esophageal ring, or Schatzki ring: similar to webs, but circumferential and thicker
- Include mucosa, submucosa, and, occasionally, hypertrophic muscularis propria
What are the features of gastric adenomas?
- Age 50-60
- More common in the antrum than the body
- Dysplastic, intestinal cells
- Variable amt/types of inflammation
- Similar symptoms to chronic gastritis
- Risk factors: chronic gastritis, atrophy, intestinal metaplasia
- Frequent association with gastric adenocarcinoma
What are the 2 main types of appendiceal tumors?
- Carcinoid
- Mucinous neoplasms
What is the most common manifestation of esophageal malformations?
- Proximal esophageal atresia (B)
- Esophagus continuous with the mouth ending in a blind loop superior to the sternal angle
- Distal esophagus arises from the lower trachea or carina
What is this? Describe the histo. Epi?
- Leukoplakia: white patch or plaque that can’t be scraped off, and can’t be characterized clinically or pathologically as any other disease
- Premalignant until proven otherwise; much lower threshold for calling things in oral cavity dysplasia vs. the cervix
- HISTO -> severe dysplasia characterized by:
1. Nuclear and cellular pleomorphism
2. Numerous mitotic figures, and
3. Loss of normal maturation - EPI: associated with tobacco use, 40-70-y/o males; can occur anywhere in oral mucosa
What are these (appendiceal)?
- Mucinous neoplasms: start worrying when cells become elongated and hyperchromatic
- TOP: tumor cells with abundant cytoplasmic mucin, enlarged, hyperchromatic basal nuclei, and minimal cytologic atypia
- BOTTOM: epi cells that are cytologically low grade, similar to neoplastic cells in the appendix
- ATTACHED: peritoneal mucin deposits with scant strips and clusters of mucin-containing epithelial cells (pseudomyxoma peritonei)
What is this? Histo?
- Carcinoid tumor: most common tumor of appendix
- Usually incidental, and almost always BENIGN
- Frequently forms solid, bulbous swelling at distal tip of the appendix (like in the image on front of card)
1. Golden, yellow appearance - Although intramural and transmural extension may be evident, nodal metastases are very infrequent, and distant spread is exceptionally rare
- HISTO: nested, bland cells with salt and pepper chromatin, like all NE tumors (see attached)
What is the most common form of congenital intestinal atresia?
- Imperforate anus: due to failure of cloacal diaphragm to involute
- These infants fail to pass meconium
What is this (anorectal biopsy)? Most significant prognostic factors?
- Squamous cell carcinoma: assoc w/HPV-16 (most common anorectal malignancy)
Tumor size (T stage) & nodal status (N stage) are most significant prognostic factors for pts with anal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
1. 5-year survival by stage:
T1 and T2 – 86%
T3 – 60%
T4 – 45%
N0 – 76%
Node-positive – 54%
What are the features of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome?
- Gastrinoma, leading to peptic ulcers and neutro inflammation
- INC HCl released by parietal cells in the fundus of the stomach
- No association with adenocarcinoma
- Risk factor: MEN-1
- Around age 50
What is this? Describe 3 types.
- Esophageal diverticulum: outpouching of mucosa through muscular layer of the esophagus
- Can be asymptomatic or cause dysphagia and regurgitation
- Dx by barium swallow; sx repair rarely required
- Several types, each of different origin:
1. Zenker (pharyngeal): posterior outpouchings of mucosa/submucosa through cricopharyngeal muscle; lack of coordination b/t pharyngeal propulsion and cricopharyngeal relaxation
2. Midesophageal (traction): traction from mediastinal inflam lesions or motility disorders
3. Epiphrenic: just above diaphragm and usually accompanies motility disorder (achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm)
What do you see here?
- Thyroglossal duct cyst: thyroid anlage begins in foramen cecum at base of tongue, and descends to midline location in anterior neck in devo
- Remnants can persist, and are lined by stratified squamous epi when located near base of tongue, or pseudostratified columnar epi in lower locations -> variable histo appearance makes anatomic location important for diagnosis
- CT wall of cyst may harbor lymphoid aggregates or remnants of recognizable thyroid tissue -> tx is EXCISION
What do you see in these images?
- Viral esophagitis
- GROSS: postmortem specimen with multiple, overlapping herpetic ulcers in the distal esophagus
- TOP RIGHT: multinucleate squamous cells containing herpesvirus nuclear inclusions
- BOTTOM RIGHT: CMV-infected endothelial cells with nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions -> can be a real problem in people with UC and Crohn’s
What are these? What are the divisions of the anal canal? Carcinomas?
- Condyloma acuminatum: can be precursor lesions to pure squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal (freq associated w/HPV infection)
- DIVISIONS (1/3rds):
1. Upper zone: columnar rectal epi
2. Middle: transitional epithelium
3. Lower: stratified squamous epi -> below dentate/pectinate line (palpable on exam) - NOTE: carcinomas of anal canal may have typical glandular or squamous patterns of differentiation
1. Tend to be squamous below dentate line, but more mucosal, and adeno above (only 5%)
What is this?
- Diaphragmatic hernia: incomplete formation of the diaphragm allows abdominal viscera to herniate into the thoracic cavity
- When severe, space-filling effect of the displaced viscera can cause pulmonary hypoplasia that is incompatible with life
- Liver in thoracic cavity in image on the front of card, and bowel in left side of the thoracic cavity in the attached imaging
What is this?
- Branchial (cervical lymphoepithelial) cyst: vast majority thought to arise from remnants of 2nd branchial arch -> young adults (20-40-y/o)
- Upper, lateral aspect of the neck along the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle
- MICRO: fibrous walls, usually lined by stratified squamous or pseudostratified columnar epithelium
1. Cyst wall typically contains lymphoid tissue with prominent germinal centers
What is going on here?
- Esophageal graft-vs-host disease
- HISTO features similar to those in skin, and include:
1. Basal epithelial cell apoptosis,
2. Mucosal atrophy, and
3. Submucosal fibrosis without significant acute inflam infiltrates (ex: in skin biopsy, can have just 1-2 lymphos and some dyskeratotic cells) - Going to see these effects in squamous mucosa b/c turning over rapidly -> GI tract a key region
What is this?
- Hairy leukoplakia: hyperkeratosis + acanthosis (diffuse epidermal hyperplasia)
- “Balloon” (glycogenated) cells in the upper spinous layer
- Elongation of the epidermis
What is the most frequent site of ectopic gastric mucosa in the GI tract? Consequences? Other sites?
Upper 1/3rd of esophagus -> inlet patch: generally asymptomatic, but gastric mucosal acid can cause dyphagia, esophagitis, Barrett’s, or adenocarcinoma (rarely)
1. Can also mimic invasive cancer b/c may be present in any layer of the wall - Gastric heterotopia (small patches of ectopic gastric mucosa in small bowel, colon) may present w/occult blood loss b/c peptic ulceration of adjacent mucosa
- NOTE: ectopic pancreatic tissue less common, but can be found in esophagus or stomach
Describe the progression of normal oral mucosa to SCC (image: gross, histo, molecular).
- Note that the SCC in the last set of images is invasive
- Molecular: p16 -> p53 -> Cyclin D
What do you see here? Associated pathology?
- Sialolith (stone) -> can cause chronic sialadenitis if recurrent or persistent ductal obstruction
- Episodic pain and swelling, usually at mealtime
- Submandibular involvement may include persistent enlargement
Tx: sialolith removal, if appropriate
1. Sx removal of the gland may be indicated for chronic sialadenitis
This histo is from the anal canal - what is it?
Squamous cell carcinoma: most common anorectal malignancy -> HPV-16
1. Atypical cells infiltrating into the mucosa - NOTE: adenocarcinoma only 5% of anorectal malignancies, and associated with HPV-18
What is going on here?
- Cholesteatoma: assoc w/chronic otitis media
- Non-neoplastic, cystic lesions 1-4 cm in diameter, lined by keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium or metaplastic mucus-secreting epithelium, and filled with amorphous debris
- Can erode locally and cause destruction in middle and internal ear
- Like an epidermal inclusion cyst in the ear
What happened here?
- Boerhaave syndrome: less common, but more serious than Mallory-Weiss tears; characterized by transmural tearing and rupture of distal esophagus
- Catastrophic event produces severe mediastinitis and generally requires SX INTERVENTION
- B/c pts can present w/severe chest pain, tachypnea, and shock, initial differential diagnosis can include myocardial infarction
- Contrast extravasation from distal esophagus in the image on front of the card
What do you see here?
- Hairy leukoplakia: not uncommonly the first sign of systemic disease (as oral lesions often are)
- Distinctive oral lesion on lateral border of tongue
- Associated with immunocompromised patients
- Caused by EBV
- Unlike thrush (candida), it can’t be scraped off
8 y/o presents with right lower quadrant tenderness and nausea, the white count is elevated as is the serum CRP. An appendectomy is performed. What is the diagnosis?
- Acute appendicitis with Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)
- NOTE: kids, in general, have more germinal centers and lymphos in their GI tract
What are the features of hyperplastic gastric polyps?
- Age 50-60
- Mucous cells
- Neutro and lympho inflammation
- Similar symptoms to chronic gastritis
- Risk factor: H pylori
- Occasional association w/gastric adenocarcinoma
What is congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis? Presentation?
- Muscle hypertrophy, so outlet obstruction from the stomach -> can go in and correct this surgically
- 3-5x more comm in males; 1 in 300-900 live births
- Generally presents b/t 3rd and 6th wks of life as new-onset regurgitation, projectile, non-bilious vomiting after feeding, freq demands for re-feeding
- Physical exam reveals firm, ovoid, 1-2cm abdominal mass
What are 4 causes small bowel obstruction? Most common? Clinical manifestations?
- Clinical manifestations: abdominal pain, distention, vomiting, and constipation
- HERNIAS: most frequent cause worldwide
- INTUSSUSCEPTION: most comm cause in kids <2; infant cries from abdominal pain, then is fine, then relapses (can also have bloody stool and sausage feeling on palpation in PE)
- VOLVULUS: intestine doesn’t adhere to abdominal wall correctly, and can get twisted around itself (more common in children)
- ADHESIONS: post-surgery
What is this? Gross appearance?
- Carcinoid tumor: most common tumor of appendix
- Nested, bland cells with salt and pepper chromatin, like all NE tumors
- Usually incidental, and almost always BENIGN
- GROSS: frequently forms solid, bulbous swelling at distal tip of the appendix (see attached)
1. Golden, yellow appearance - Although intramural and transmural extension may be evident, nodal metastases are very infrequent, and distant spread is exceptionally rare
What is this? Histo? Tx?
- Dentigerous cyst: originates around crown of an unerupted tooth
- RADIOGRAPH: unilocular lesions (1 chamber) most often assoc w/impacted 3rd molar (wisdom) teeth
- HISTO: lined by thin layer of stratified squamous epithelium w/dense chronic inflam cell infiltrate
- TX: complete removal of the lesion is curative
- Association with ameloblastoma -> locally invasive tumors in mandible, radiolucent “soap bubble”
What is this? Who gets it?
- Pleomorphic adenoma: middle-age F w/painless, slow-growing, movable, non-tender, firm mass
- Typically round, well-circumscribed, and may have a rubbery texture
- Benign mixture of ductal (epi) and myoepithelial cells -> both epi AND mesenchymal differentiation
- NOTE: carcinomas can arise in these -> sudden rapid growth (aka, carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma)
What do you see here? Describe the characteristic histo.
- Pleomorphic adenoma: benign mixture of ductal (epi) and myoepi cells -> both epi and mesenchymal differentiation
- Epithelial elements dispersed throughout matrix, and varying degrees of myxoid, hyaline, chondroid (cartilaginous), and even osseous tissue
- Epithelial component + background mucin-like supporting material common
- May advance to carcinoma, in some cases
What are the 3 most common tumors in the salivary glands?
- Pleomorphic adenoma (50%): mixed tumor
- Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (15%)
- Warthin tumor (5-10%)
What is going on here? Causes? Dx? Presentation?
- Acute appendicitis: appendix is a normal true diverticulum of cecum prone to acute/chronic inflam
- Initiated by progressive INC in intraluminal pressure that compromise venous outflow
1. 50-80% of cases associated with overt luminal obstruction, usually by a FECALITH: small stone-like mass of stool - DX: requires neutro infiltration of muscularis propria (inflam throughout the wall)
1. Mucosa shows ulceration and undermining by an extensive neutrophilic exudate here - PRESENTATION: epigastric pain that slowly moves to right lower quadrant
What is this?
- Fungal esophagitis: almost always Candida
- Parakeratosis of the esophagus
- Acute inflammation: may be less in young, or immunosuppressed people
- Pseudohyphae diving down in the attached image
What is this?
- Mucinous neoplasm in the appendix
- Typically display a circumferential growth pattern in appendiceal mucosa w/variable papillary architecture
- Glands much more elongated, and more cytoplasm: spitting out mucin
- This example is probably benign
What is the most common true diverticulum?
- Meckel diverticulum (ileum): failed involution of the vitelline duct (involves all 3 layers)
Law of 2’s: 2% of the population
1. Within 2 feet (60 cm) of the ileocecal valve
2. About 2 inches (5 cm) long
3. Twice as common in males
4. Most often symptomatic by age 2 (only about 4% are ever symptomatic) - Can have ectopic tissue in these, which can make them symptomatic
What is this? Who gets it?
- Warthin tumor: middle-age M smokers; painless
- Benign, but can be bilateral; almost exclusively in the parotids
- Epithelial + lymphoid elements -> follicular germinal center beneath the epithelium
- Cystic spaces separate lobules of neoplastic epi consisting of double layer of eosinophilic epithelial cells based in a reactive lymphoid stroma
- Often do FNA and describe what they pull out as “motor oil” -> dark, thick fluid (cystic)
What nodules and tumors can be found in the liver?
- Nodular hyperplasia(s)
- Benign neoplasms
1. Hepatocellular adenomas
2. Hemangiomas - Malignant Tumors:
1. Hepatoblastoma
2. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
3. Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA)
4. Other Primary Hepatic Malignant Tumors
5. Metastasis: colon, lung, and breast
What is this?
- Focal nodular hyperplasia: well-demarcated, but poorly encapsulated nodule, up to many cm in diameter -> “central scar” is the buzz word
- Spontaneous mass lesion in an otherwise normal liver, most often in YOUNG to middle-aged adults
- Central gray-white, depressed stellate scar from which fibrous septa radiate to the periphery
- Not much clinical significance
What are the 2 types of nodular hyperplasia? Common factor?
- TYPES: 1) focal nodular hyperplasia and 2) nodular regenerative hyperplasia
- COMMON FACTOR: focal or diffuse alterations in hepatic blood supply, arising from:
1. Obliteration of portal vein radicles, and
2. Compensatory augmentation of arterial blood supply - NOTE: FNH doesn’t have much clinical significance vs. NRH, which can cause portal HTN
What is this?
- Focal nodular hyperplasia: broad fibrous scar with hepatic arterial and bile duct elements
- Chronic inflammation in parenchyma lacking normal architecture due to hepatocyte regeneration
- A little bit of duct hyperplasia: reactive process
What do you see here?
Focal nodular hyperplasia: all bile ducts in the fibrous area with inflammation
What is this? Describe the condition.
- Nodular regenerative hyperplasia: trichrome highlights compressed central veins
- Denotes liver entirely transformed into nodules: grossly similar to micronodular cirrhosis, but w/o fibrosis
- Can lead to devo of portal HTN
- Association with conditions affecting intrahepatic blood flow, incl. solid-organ (esp. renal) transplant, hematopoetic stem cell transplant, and vasculitis
- Usually incidental finding