Bilal - Constipation/Megacolon Flashcards
What is the definition of constipation?
- Variable, but:
1. Infrequent BM: <2/wk for 12 months
- Infrequent BM: <3/wk for 12 mos w/straining, feeling of incomplete evacuation, hard stool at least 25% of time
What are the 3 patterns of colonic contractions?
- Motor func depends on contraction of CIRCULAR layer of smooth muscle:
1. Short duration stationary motor contractions: short areas of colon (focal); mix fecal material and extract water/electrolytes (15 sec)
2. Long duration: stationary or propagate short distances (orad or aboral direction); mixing and local propulsion (last up to a few mins)
3. Giant migrating complexes (MMC): propagate aborally over extended distances, causing mass mvmt of feces (1-2x/d) after water/electrolyte absorption-> may be precipitated by colonic distention
How does food intake affect colonic motility?
- Causes INC segmental activity via gastrocolic reflex, which may be mediated by CCK, which is responding to food in the stomach
- Response is proportional to the caloric content of a meal -> very heavy meal may induce exaggerated reflex
- Not the same food coming out; just that the entire body is connected
What hormones (4) influence colonic motility?
- CCK: INC frequency & amplitude of segmental contractions
1. PGF: stimulates longitudinal muscle contraction -> propagative
2. PGE: INH circular muscle contraction, so constipating -
Serotonin: mediates intestinal peristalsis & secretion in GI tract as well as modulation of pain perception
1. INC peristalsis
2. INC secretion
3. Modulates pain
What is the role of serotonin in the colon? Rxs?
- Serotonin (5-HT) is an important neurotransmitter in the brain-gut interaction
- Released by enterochromaffin cells: 80% of total body 5-HT in the GI tract
1. 5-HT3 receptor antagonists have offered some help in alleviating pain in IBS and functional dyspepsia
2. 5-HT4 receptor agonists have a pro-kinetic effect in humans
What are the differences b/t functional constipation and IBS-D?
- Both have symptoms >=3 mos, and onset >=6 mos prior to diagnosis
1. IBS-C predominant: starts with abdominal PAIN (have to have pain here; gets better with bowel movements)
2. Functional: NO pain, no alternating diarrhea
What is the epi of constipation?
- Prevalence: 12-19%
- More common in ppl with:
1. Little daily physical activity
2. Low income
3. Poor education - In pts >65-y/o, esp. females
What is the non-drug-induced etiology of chronic constipation (table)?
- 1o colorectal disorder: less prevalent, and falls under idiopathic constipation (he would put IBS in here)
- 2o: something else going on that is causing the constipation
1. Rule out 2o causes and drugs first, then think about primary/IBS - Neurogenic: peripheral or central
- Non-neurogenic: metabolic and myopathic
What are some drugs associated with constipation?
- Rule out 2o causes and drugs first, then think about primary/IBS
- Zofran (5-HT3 INH) given for nausea
What things might you think about when elderly person presents with constipation?
- ENDOCRINE/METABOLIC disease: DM, hypothyroid
- NEURO disease: autonomic neuropathy, cerebro-vascular disease, MS, Parkinson’s, spinal cord injury
- PSYCH conditions: anxiety, depression
- STRUCTURAL ABNORMALITIES: anorectal conditions (fissures, hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, rectocele), obstructive colonic lesions
- LIFESTYLE: dehydration, low cal diet, low fiber diet, immobility
What is the pediatric etiology of constipation?
1. Anatomic
2. Metabolic
3. Neuropathic
4. Drugs
5. Endocrine CT disorder
6. Lead intoxication or botulism
What is the difference b/t pediatric func constipation and func fecal retention?
Functional constipation: infants and pre-school
1. 2-wk duration of pebble-like, hard stools -
Functional fecal retention: common cause of chronic constipation
1. Fear and toilet refusal from infancy to 16-y/o
What are the important components in constipation diagnosis?
- Hx and PE; other medical conditions
- Evaluate current medication
- Rule out thyroid disorders or electrolytes problem
- Colonoscopy or barium enema (rarely done now)
- Colon transit of markers
- Anorectum manometry
What should you do with pts who present w/chronic constipation unresponsive to conservative tx?
- Rule out 2o causes
- Do colonoscopy, if indicated
- Other test to rule out 1o causes: transit, manometry
Who should get lab data (colon complaints)?
- Labs should be performed in pts w/rectal bleeding, weight loss of ≥10 pounds, a family hx of colon cancer or inflam bowel disease, anemia, or (+) fecal occult blood tests, as well as a person with short-term history of constipation
1. Complete blood cell count (CBC)
2. Serum glucose, creatinine, Ca2+
3. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) - Looking for red flags for cancer or IBD (UC, Chron’s)
- REMEMBER: 60-y/o w/severe constipation for past 3 months -> more worried than person who comes in with chronic history of the same problem