Water deprivation/Sodium ion Flashcards
When does water deprivation become a problem for swine?
Overcrowding Non functional water system Pigs in a new enclosure that don't know where the water is Water freezing Unpalatable water (medicated)
In what situations might a pig ingest increased sodium?
Salt licks
Feeding brine, whey, or garbage
T/F: Salt has an irritant effect on MM
mild irritant
Too much can cause emesis
At what dose in feed dose sodium chloride become toxic?
0.5 - 1%
Animals can tolerate more than ___% salt in feed if they have FREE access to water
What animals are most susceptible to water dep/sodium toxicosis?
How does sodium enter the brain after absorption?
Passive diffusion - then it is REMOVED by active transport
What occurs in the brain of an animal with excessive sodium intake/water dep.?
- when Na levels in the plasma increase to 150-190 mEq/L –> it will move into the cerebrospinal fluid passively due to the concentration gradient (CSF Na - 145-185 mEg/L - above normal)
- High Na in the brain inhibits anaerobic glycolysis –> results in NO energy to be used for the active transport to remove sodium
- Na is trapped in CSF —> pulls water towards it = cerebral edema
What clinical signs are noted in animals with water dep/Na toxicosis?
Constipation and thirst
Vomiting, PU, metabolic acidosis
Intermittent convulsive sz
- Sz last only 30sec - 3min - will be interrupted by other signs
progressing: circling/pivoting/head pressing, blindness/deafness, inability to eat or drink
T/F: Seizures caused by water dep/Na toxicosis can be elicited by external stimuli
What clinical signs will be seen in poultry with water dep/Na toxicosis?
Depression, ascites, collapse
What lesions are associtated with water dep/Na tosicosis?
Gastric congestion/inflammation with pinpoint ulcers, fluid in body cavities and organ edema, cerebral edema
**HISTO: eosinophilic menigoencephalitis - eosinophilic peri vascular cuffing = pathopneumonic in pigs only if the animal dies early (within 24 hours)
T/F: Eosinophilic perivascular cuffing will be noted on brain histo of a cow that died of water dep/Na toxicosis
*pigs only - within 24 hours
Diagnostic values of sodium = Serum and CSF or ocular fluid with sodium concentrations of ___ mEg/L or more
*brain sodium concentrations above 2000 ppm support diagnosis
Can also test Na in feed
Dx: with history, signs, lesions, lab results
Diseases with ___ signs will be DDX for water dep/Na toxicosis
CNS signs
Ex: heatstroke, trauma, brain tumor, insecticides, Roxarsone (organic arsenic), Pseudorabies etc
T/F: In order to treat water dep/Na toxicosis - getting water into the patient ASAP is the most important tx
If the patient is hydrated too quickly, cerebral edema will become worse
giving small amounts of fresh water gradually over 2-3 days is rec. if the animal is able to drink
What is the prognosis for water dep/Na toxicosis?
Generally poor - patients will severe brain damage will die no matter what tx
mortality is about 50%
What drug class may include sodium? These could be added to feed or water
How long does water deprivation take?
Only a few hours
What signs may be noted in patients a few days prior to neurological signs of water dep/Na toxicosis?
constipation and thirst
usually farmers will not catch this - so Seizure activity is often the first CS reported
T/F: Clinical signs noted within a herd of pigs with water dep/Na toxicosis will be the same throughout all the animals
False - this will occur at different rates in each animal - so they will be at different stages of the disease