War photographer Flashcards
What is the Context?
War photographer is in his dark room developing pictures that he has taken around the world
Photo develops and he remembers the cries of the man and his wife
Last stanza talks about how people wont acknowledge what’s happening
impossible to present the true horrors of war
Give analyses for
“church,ordered rows,light is red..dark room”
“LIGHT IS RED..DARK ROOM” sinister, evil contrast with the religious imagery of “CHURCH” show the pictures looks like he is at a funeral
“ORDERED ROWS”-reminds us of war graves are structed juxtaposes war because its the opposite
Analyse “half-formed ghost”
photograph is till developing but also suggest his body is being mutilated. Half a memory not fully remembered
Give analysis for “eyeballs prick with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers”
suggest how fast the reader forgets what’s actually happening.Juxtaposes ‘tears’ with the very comfortable images of
‘bath’ and ‘pre lunch beers’. Can be read almost angrily, their tears are meaningless and this is a small pause in their life, not of worth to them.
What is the structure of the poem?
Tight control structure
reflects the war photograph job who is trying to impose order
4 verse , 6 lines in each
juxtaposition-ordered structure but the theme is chaos of war
Analyse “they do not care”
ambiguous, could refer to the reader of the newspaper or could reflect the wide world who is apathetic about others suffering
Give a quote that has a double meaning
“A stranger’s features
faintly start to twist before his eyes”
Give analyses for A stranger’s features
faintly start to twist before his eyes
Caesura is before “a stranger”changes tone and builds tension. Double meaning the photo itself is taking form, however
the subject themselves may have been in pain, twisting.
Give analysis for “.Rural England.”
caesura separated completely from the description of the war zones and this is how the people in the war zone are able to separate what they can see from the reality of the situation we would look at the picture and be temporarily moved
What can you say about the cyclical structure?
-starts by him coming home from his trips and ends with him going back to another place theme of fate-no escaping going around in a loop
The structure is kept the same throught out the poem what does this show
The unchanging structure shows how the war photographer effort is futile nothing changes he is trying to make us realise the reality of war but everything carries on as normal
Analyse “Belfast. Beirut. Phnom Penh.
plosive sound break the peace imitates gunfire. Caesura makes us to pause and think out what’s happening in them country”mass” Juxtapose the idea of church with the warzones listed, this also emphasises scale of horror he has seen.
What state are mentioned?
Analyse “all fresh is grass”
Isiah religious reference.Metaphor emphasises the scale of death and fragility of life, suggests
that this life is as meaningless to people at home as mowing the lawn.