extract from the prelude Flashcards
The poet had to live with is relatives which he hated so he spent most of his time outside embracing nature
What is the Form?
epic poem-full of exciting adventures which is a long narrative poem
1 long verse-3 main sections firstly its fairly light, distinctive change and then how the experience has now change him
to show he is overwhelmed by the experience of nature
Analyse the pronoun “her”
is actually nature personification
doesn’t want to steal the boat he is taken there by the nature
enjambment-overwhelming affect nature has on the child he has to blurt out the story that has happened
Give a quote describing the boy
“STEALTH” suggest the boy is sneaky and sly man is showed as selfish, pride
Analyse “proud of his skill”
-arrogant he is superior and he then is humbled
there are ripples of the oars the imagery is deliberately positive
Analyse “elfin pinnace”
“ELFIN PINNACE” the little boat from line 2 has now grown this shows his ego is greater ELFIN suggest the boat is magical could be translated as ‘fairy boat’,
a metaphor for the now heated mood of the poet. Elves were often viewed as sexual and lustful.
Give analysis for “so it seemed and stole”
“SO IT SEEMED”-the mountain wasn’t chasing him sibilance
Is now terrified and turns around to the willow tree-cyclical structure
“Stole” similar to line 5 but this time he owns up for his actions and shows desperation
How is the poet ego put down
give quotes
“GRAVE”-unspecific vague language reflects the enormity of what has
happened Days after he is unable to shake off his thoughts
“NO”-repetition makes us aware that the fact the poet now realises there’s so much he doesn’t know
Analyse “darkness,call it solitude”
The darkness hanging over him represents his change to a
darker mood at the end of the journey. The words all carry a dark and sinister tone, more morbid and melancholy. He is
reflecting on the conflict in his mind of the juxtaposed peaceful side of nature and the harsh extremes it also
contains “big and mighty forms”.
How does the poem change its words through out the poem?
The poem changes from Euphony (pleasant sounding words) to a Cacophony (harsh and rough sounding words.)
Analyse “horizon bound”
The Horizon marks the shift in tone, the language becomes darker and dangerous. The peak, mountain, is personified
“with purpose of its own”, nature shown as aggressive.
What does “utmost boundary” suggest|?
-he think the craggy ridge is the highest- shows man thinks he’s superior boundary represents nature, limiting the progress of the poet.
Give a quote showing his arrogance
“proud of his skills”
Analyse sparkling
adjective and a present participle reflects the fantastic moment he is in
Fixing his eye on a point more demonstration of the pride of man he feels completely in control “CHOSEN”-dominant
How is suspense created?
give quotes
“WHEN”-extra info added after “when” to delay the moment shows suspense
“HUGE”-repetition is shown that he is lost for words that’s why he uses the same vocab
What does the mountain represent?
The mountain is shown in the poem like a great angry entity and represents the full might
and power of nature. It seems to take offense at the poet going too far or too ‘lustily’. You
could imagine it like a game of ‘chicken’ where the poet is rowing toward the mountain,
the closer he gets the more menacing it appears before he backs away.
How is conflict caused?
The conflict between man and nature is caused by mans attempt to manipulate nature, nature still contains a power and majesty beyond mankind’s ability to command.
What does the poem structure show?
-The poet is structured to show the contrast of the serene and peaceful start where we works with nature, to the dark and disturbing battle with nature shown from when he tries to control his journey through rowing.