W8 - face, tongue + velum Flashcards
muscles for facial expressions
- produce facial expressions
- non-verbal communication
- high number of fast twitch muscle fibers - (quick movements)
upper face
- Occipitofrontalis (top of head)
- Orbicularis oculi (eyes)
- Procerus (between eyebrows)
- Corrugator supercilii (deep to eyebrows)
- Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (laterally to nose)
Front (frontalis)
~ raises eyebrows & wrinkles forehead
Occipital (occipitalis)
~ retracts scalp
Orbicularis oculi
Circular muscle (sphincter) surrounding the eyes (closes the eyes)
- Located vertically between the eyebrows
- Depresses medial aspect of eyebrows which produces wrinkles
- Involved in frowning
Corrugator supercilii
- located deep to skin of eyebrows
- produces vertical wrinkles
- frowning muscle
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
- located laterally to the nose & superior to the upper lip
- elevates upper lip
middle face
- Nasalis
- Zygomaticus major
- Zygomaticus minor
- Levator labii superioris
- Levator anguli oris
- Buccinator
Transverse part (runs across nose)
~ compresses nostrils
~ wrinkles skin of dorsum of nose
Alar part (~ dilator naris)
Zygomaticus major
- Extends diagonally from the zygomatic bone
- Draws angle of the mouth superolaterally
- Involved in smiling/laughing
Zygomaticus minor
- Extends diagonally from the zygomatic bone
- elevates upper lip & involved in smiling
Levator labii superioris
- located superiorly to lip
- elevates upper lip
Levator anguli oris
- extends superiorly from the mouth
- elevates angle of the mouth
- muscle of the cheek
- compresses teeth against cheek
- assists with mastication
lower face
- Risorius
- Depressor labii inferioris
- Depressor anguli oris
- Orbicularis oris
- Mentalis
- Platysma
- extends laterally from the angle of the mouth
- draws mouth laterally
Depressor labii inferioris
- located inferior to the lower lip (depresses lower lip)
Depressor anguli oris
- extends inferiorly from the angle of the mouth (depresses mouth angle)
Orbicularis oris
- circular muscle surrounding the mouth
- closes the mouth
- assists with mastication
- labial consonants
- located on chin
- protrudes lower lip (pouting muscle)
- located superficially on the neck
- tense neck skin
- Draws lower lip & angle of mouth inferolaterally
innervation of facial muscles
All muscles of facial expression are innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII), via its motor root
5 branches of muscles
- temporal
- zygomatic
- buccal
- mandibular
- cervical
upper facial muscles -innervation
~ Upper facial muscles receive bilateral cortical innervation (both sides of the brain)
~ Brain injury – upper face is unaffected
lower facial muscles - innervation
~ Lower facial muscles receive contralateral cortical innervation (innervation from one side of the brain)
~ Brain injury – lower face is affected on the opposite side to where the damage is
tongue components
- body
- tip
- blade
- dorsum
- root (base)
tongue - tip (function)
- most anterior part
- (t, d, z) sounds
- pushes food for swallowing
Oral part (palatal surface)
- anterior 2/3 - tip, blade & dorsum
composed of
- Foramen cecum
- Sulcus terminalis
- Median sulcus
- papillae
Pharyngeal part/surface
- posterior 1/3 - root
composed of
~ Lingual tonsil (covers entire surface)
~ Epiglottis
~ Gloss epiglottic folds
types of papillae
- circumvallate
- floiate
- fungiform
- filiform
tongue - sensory innervation
Mandibular nerve (CN V3)
- Lingual (tongue) nerve
Facial nerve (CN VII)
- chorda tympani – joins lingual nerve to reach anterior 2/3 of tongue
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
- Innervates posterior third of the tongue
- (taste & general sensation)
extrinsic muscles of the tongue
- alter its position
intrinsic muscles of the tongue
- alter its shape
what nerve is the tongue innervated by
- all muscles = HYPOGLOSSAL (CNXII)
- except for the palatoglossus which is innervated by the vagus nerve
tongue movements
- shortening & elongating
- narrowing & widening
- curling & flattening
- elevation & depression
- protrusion & retrusion
intrinsic muscles of the tongue
~ four paired muscles
~ alter the shape of the tongue
~ important for speech
intrinsic muscles of the tongue components
- Superior longitudinal
- inferior longitudinal
- transverse (elongates)
- vertical (widens/flattens)
superior & inferior longitudinal
- both shorten tongue
- SL = curls tip & sides superiorly
- IL = curls tip inferiorly
transverse - tongue
elongates & narrows tongue
vertical tongue
widens & flattens tongue
extrinsic muscles of the tongue
~ Originate OUTSIDE the tongue
~ insert within the tongue
~ alter the position of the tongue
extrinsic muscles of the tongue components
- genioglossus
- hyoglossus
- styloglossus
- palatoglossus
- Superior mental spine of mandible
- Depresses, protrudes tongue
- body & greater horn of hyoid bone
- depresses & retracts tongue
- Styloid process of temporal bone
- retracts tongue
- curls sides superiorly for swallowing
- soft palate
- elevates posterior tongue
suprahyoid muscles
- 4 muscles paired
- Located superior to the hyoid bone
- elevate the hyoid bone when swallowing
Suprahyoid muscles
- mylohyoid
- geniohyoid
- stylohyoid
- digastric
- Mylohyoid line of mandible
- Body of hyoid bone
- Elevates hyoid bone
- Elevates floor or oral cavity
- indirect branch of mandibular nerve (CN V3)
- Inferiors mental spine of mandible
- Body of hyoid bone
- Elevates hyoid bone
- Pulls hyoid bone anteriorly
-C1 spinal nerve, via hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
- styloid process of temporal bone
- Body of hyoid bone
- Elevates hyoid bone & Pulls it posteriorly
- branch of facial nerve (CNVII)
- anterior belly = digastric fossa of mandible
- posterior belly = mastoid notch of temporal bone
- body of hyoid bone via intermediate tendon
- elevates hyoid bone
- depresses mandible against resistance
- Anterior belly = indirect branch of mandibular nerve (CN V3)
- Posterior belly = Branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
velum soft palate
- Forms part of the roof of the oral cavity
- can be depressed, elevated and tense
Musculo-membranous structure:
- Anterior 1/3: palatine aponeurosis (connective tissue)
- Posterior 2/3: palatine muscles
- important for closing off the upper airway (nasopharynx) during Swallowing
- Velopharyngeal (or palatopharyngeal) closure
palatine muscles
- Tensor veli palatini
- levator veli palatini
- palatglossus
- palatopharyngeus
- musculus uvulae
palatine muscles - elevators
= elevates velum - musculus uvulae
= elevates & shorterns uvula
palatine muscles - depressors
- Palatoglossus
= depresses velum - Palatopharyngeal
= elevates pharynx in swallowing
= tenses velum & opens auditory tube during swallowing
palatine muscles
- all palatine muscles (except TVP) are innervated by the vagus nerve (CN X)
TVP = innervated by (CN V3)