W28-L2: Hip and thigh, bones and muscles Flashcards
Where is the gluteal region?
posteriolateral, iliac crest to gluteal fold below
Where is the thigh region?
inguinal ligament
and knee joint anteriorly
gluteal fold and knee posteriorly
Where is the leg and foot regions?
leg is knee to ankle
foot is distal to the ankle
What attaches to the outer surface of the illium?
gluteal muscles
What delineates origins of different gluteal muscles?
Anterior and posterior gluteal line
What is the inner surface like and what does it give rise to?
Inner surface is smooth, gives rise to illiacus
What does the ischial spine divide?
greater and lesser sciatic notch
What bears weight in a sitting position?
Ischeal tuberosity
What projects forward from ischeal tuberosity?
Ischeal ramus
What are features of the pubis bone?
Inferior and superior pubic ramus
What angle does the head of the femur have with the shaft?
125 degrees
What joins the greater and lesser trochanter?
trochenteric line (anterior and rough) and trochenteric crest (posterior and smooth)
What runs on the posterior aspect of the shaft of the femur?
Posteriorly is linear aspera which runs the vertical length of the shaft of the femur
What does the linea aspera split into distally?
supra-condylar lines (medial and lateral)
What does the medial supra-condylar line end in?
Adductor tubercle
What is the action of gluteal muslces?
extend, rotate and abduct the thigh at the hip joint which minimises pelvic tilt whilst walking
Where do major flexors of the hip arise from?
Posterior abdominal wall
What is medial compartment of the thigh?
Hip Adductors
What is the anterior compartment of the thigh?
knee extensors, hip flexors
What is the posterior compartment of the thigh?
knee flexors, hip extensors
What is the fascia lata?
strong dense layer that invests the muscles and prevents bulging
What is the lateral thickening of the fascia lata?
tract from iliac crest to proximal tibia, which is a shared aponeurotic tendon of gluteus maximum and
tensor fascia lata
Where does the gluteus maximus arise from?
arises from illium posterior to the posterior gluteal line (next to dorusm of sacrum) and dorsum of sacrum
Where does the gluteus maximus insert into?
Illiotibial tract, some deep fibres go into posterior shaft of the femur
What is the main action of gluteus maximus?
minor contributor to walking on a level, more involved in standing up from sitting and walking upstairs,
involved in flexion to straightening
What is the origin of gluteus medius, minimus and maximums from sacrum to front?
Maximus, medius then minimus
Where do medius and minimus run to?
from posterior ilium to greater trochanter
What is the function of medius and minimus?
are abductors and medially rotate lower limb (as they originate in front of
axis of rotation)
How do medius and minimus help whilst walking?
opposite to side that has leg off the ground contracts during walking to prevent
pelvic tilt
What is piriformis?
triangular muscle that forms part of the wall of the pelvis, inserts into gluteal region.
Where is the sartorius and where does it run?
Anterior compartment, runs from superiolateral to inferiormedial
What muscles of thigh are above sartorius?
Iliopsoas into lesser trochanter, flex the trunk, postural muscle and pectineus
What is special about pectineus?
transition btw anterior and medial compartment, shares dual action and nerve supply
Where do the 4 quadriceps insert?
tibial tuberosity
Where do vastus lateralis and medialis insert as well as tibial tuberosity?
separate insertion into patella which keeps it aligned (prevent lateral dislocation)
Where is the vastus intermedius in the leg?
anterior compartment deeply placed, anterior surface has aponeurosis which blends with quad tendon, arises from anterior surface of femur
What is deep to the vastus intermedius?
gracilis and adductor group
where does the adductor group run?
as a group extend from inferior pubic ramus and insert into linear aspera
Where is the gracilis and where does it insert?
gracilis forms medial border of adductor group, inserts into tibia not femur
What is the order of adductors from superficial to deep?
longus, brevis and magnus
Where does the adductor magnus run?
extends for whole of linear
aspera, down medial supra-condylar line all the way down to adductor tubercle
Where is the hiatus of the adductor magnus?
there is a skip in its attachment between linear aspera and medial supra-condylar line which is the hiatus that allows for passage of major neurovascular structures
Where do hamstrings attach to?
superior part of ischeal
What are the actions of the hamstrings?
extensors of the hip, flexors of the knee
What overlies the hamstring semi-membranosus?
Which head of the hamstring biceps femoris is deep?
Short head
Where does the hamstring semimembranosus insert?
top of medial tibial condyle
Where do tendons that make up pes anserinus arise from?
One from each compartment