W2 - Liver CPC Flashcards
Describe the movement of blood along the hepatocytes in the liver
There is a portal triad consisting of the hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct. The portal vein and hepatic artery supply mix and travel down the sinusoid towards the central vein. The flow in the bile duct is the opposite direction.
The endothelial cells lining the sinusoid are fenestrated (discontinuous), so the blood can go into the space (space of disse) and come into DIRECT contact with the hepatocytes
What is the space between the endothelial cells of the sinusoids and the hepatocytes?
Space of Disse
What is the nature of the lining of the hepatic sinusoids
Discontinuous endothelial cells
How many zones are there between the portal triad and central vein? Which zone has the best oxygenated blood
Zone 1 - most oxygen
zone 3 - least oxygen as it is utilised by the hepatocytes in zone 1 and 2
What is the hepatic unit arrangement like?
hexagon arrangement
Describe what (3 things) should have happened to the blood entering the central vein in a HEALTHY liver
- all toxins should be removed
- extra glucose should be removed
- 1st pass metabolism has occurred so active metabolites
What are some causes of high bilirubin?
- Pre-hepatic (unconjugated) = liver is okay but something beforehand is increasing the through-put of bilirubin
- Haemolysis
- Gilberts - Hepatic disease (viral hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis)
- Post-hepatic (obstructive jaundice) gallstones and cancer of the pancreas
What investigations would you do if pt had high bilirubin?
- FBC + film (i.e. check for haemolytic anaemia)
- Repeat LFTs (check for hepatic causes)
Describe the conjugated vs unconjugated bilirubin
If liver working = conjugated bilirubin = DIRECT
if liver NOT working = unconjugated bilirubin = TOTAL - DIRECT
What is total and what is direct bilirubin?
Direct = conjugated
Total = conjugated + unconjugated
What is the most common cause of paediatric jaundice? What sort of bilirubin rise is expected? How to treat it?
usually due to liver immaturity coupled with a fall in the Hb early in life
- HIGH unconjugated bilirubin
- Phototherapy - converts bilirubin into 2 other compounds which do NOT need conjugation for excretion
What are rarer causes of paediatric jaundice?
- hypothyroidism,
- other causes of haemolysis (including a Coombes test to check for AHA)
Which LFT result is a good marker for obstructive jaundice?
Describe inheritance of Gilbert’s disease? % of population that are carriers? % affected
50% carriers
6% affected
What act causes worsening of bilirubin in Gilbert’s disease?
What is the pathophysiology of Gilberts?
UDP glucuronyl transferase activity reduced to 30%
unconjugated bilirubin binds tightly to albumin and does NOT enter urine
* pt will have urobilinogen - which is normal as everyone has it
Which is the most representative of liver function?
- Prothrombin time
- Albumin
- Bilirubin
- Alanine Amino Transferase (ALT)
- Aspartate Amino - Transferase (AST)
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Gamma GT
A - PT time as the clotting cascade components are made by the liver
Normal PT time
12-14 seconds
Function of liver is measured by… (3)
- albumin
- clotting factors (PT)
- Bilirubin
Aged 35
Chronic alcohol intake
Often appeared drunk to A + E
Nausea, abdo pain and jaundice.
LFTs abnormal: Bilirubin 90
Alk Phos 200 (NR <130)
AST 1500 (<50); ALT 750 (<50)
What is excluded?
Give top 2 ddx
ALT and AST very raised - suggests HEPATIC
Obstructive jaundice excluded as ALP only marginally raised
ALCOHOLIC or VIRAL hepatitis
Describe serology changes following hepatitis A infection?
shed virus in faeces for initial 5 weeks
anti-hepatitis A IgM between 2-12 weeks
anti-hepatitis A IgG starting from 5 weeks
How is hepatitis A transmitted?
faeco-oral route
What is the serology of someone who has cleared hepatitis A?
anti-hep A IgG +
what are the 2 antigens measured in hepatitis B?
What does each mean?
E antigen = soluble viral peptide that flows freely in serum = means person is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS
S antigen = surface antigen = = can be elevated in both acute and chronic phases of hepatitis B