W12: Biocontrol (Videos & Theories Of Invasion) [Dr. Nic] Flashcards
Biological control attributes? (3)
- Is an applied science.
- Uses the “sky is blue” approach.
- Uses specialist insects & not generalist insects.
The “sky is blue” approach attributes? (2)
- Often a way of presenting information that’s simple, straightforward & hard to dispute like “the sky is blue”.
- Implies sticking to the basics & presenting things as clearly & factually as possible without adding too much complexity that might be open to debate.
Video 1 attributes? (4)
- Introduces biocontrol.
- Agent = cactiphagous.
- Biocontrol is more effective than chemical use (expensive).
- Biocontrol is self-sustaining & doesn’t need to be reintroduced.
How are invasives around? (4)
- Boats, animal hides, bales of hay & ornamental plants are often how invasive plants are introduced.
- Some invasives are useful like prickly pear but they tended to become problematic.
- Most invasives are ornamental plants & grow easily.
Egs of invasives? (2)
- Weeds.
- Cactus.
Why were weeds & cactus problematic invasives?
It’s because of poor land management.
Egs of useful invasives? (2)
- Prickly pear.
- Dragon fruit.
What drives invasions/Theories of invasion? (40
- Enemy Release Hypothesis (ERH).
- Novel Weapons Hypothesis (NWH).
- Empty/Vacant Niche Hypothesis (ENH/VNH).
- Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability (EICA).
ERH attributes? (3)
- Premise of biocontrol.
- Escape from natural enemies (predators, pathogens & competitors).
- Released from its natural enemies.
= suggests that invasive species bring unique traits/weapons (like allelopathic chemicals or other harmful traits) that native species in the new range have not encountered before, giving the invader an advantage.
Who proposed the NWH? (2)
Callaway & Ridenour.
Eg of the NWH?
Garlic mustard & fungal species.
ENH/VNH attributes? (2)
- Suggests that invasive species succeed because they occupy a vacant/underutilised ecological niche in the new environment.
- Lack of competition allows the invader to thrive.
= suggests that once an invasive species has escaped its natural enemies, it reallocates its resources that would be used for defence towards growth, reproduction & competitiveness.
EICA attributes? (3)
- Proposed by Blossey & Notzold (in particular to plants).
- Little good evidence for this.
- Graph it’s associated with.
Explain EICA Graph? (8)
- Speaks to the investment of the invasive plant.
- x-axis = Population age.
- 2 points on x-axis = Invasion front & Core population.
- Invasion front means plant is now removed from native enemies.
- Core populations are native grounds.
- Positive/Increasing linear graph = from invasion front to cor populations, invasive plant has defense against generalists.
- Negative/Decreasing linear graph = from invasion front to core populations, invasive plant reallocates to growth, competitive effect (allelopathy) & dispersal ability.
- Constant dotted line = defence against specialist & competitive response.
What is the underlying mechanism? (3)
- Flow chart of the theories of invasion.
- Ultimately, all these contribute to invasion & are dependent on the species & the environment.
- You can implement more than 1 theory to explain invasion.
Explain the Invasion curve? (11)
- x-axis = Time.
- y-axis on left = Area infested.
- y-axis on right = Control costs.
- Sigmoid shape.
- Shifts around depending on the situation.
- From bottom to top: 1 = Introduction & prevention or eradication is simple.
- 2= Detection & eradication is feasible.
- 3 = Land managers aware of the problem.
- 4 = Eradication unlikely & intense effort is required.
- 5 = Public awareness typically begins.
- 6 = Local control & management only.