VRU 2005 Flashcards
Describe the DWI/ADC characteristics on MRI of acute infarction?
DWI hyperintense, ADC hypointense
What 2 dog breeds may be more predisposed to cerebellar cerebrovascular accidents?
Spaniels & CKCS
Are males or females MORE LIKELY to get cerebellar cerebrovascular accidents?
Most cerebellar cerebrovascular accidents affect what vessel?
Rostral cerebellar artery
Describe the MRI appearance of a cerebrovascular accident
T2 hyperintense, T1 iso/hypointense, often WEDGE-SHAPED, predominantly affect GRAY matter of cerebellar hemispheres & vermis, minimal or no mass effect
What is the origin & insertion of the collateral DIP ligaments in a horse?
Collateral ligaments of the DIP originate at P2 and insert on P3 abaxial to the extensor process
Injury to the collateral ligaments of the DIP joint in a horse are best seen on which MRI sequences?
T2 & STIR transverse images
What is the only form of canine meningoencephalomyelitis that is often associated with normal CSF
Inflammatory distemper
MRI lesions seen in dogs with inflammatory CSF that have a 100%PPV are in what location?
Commonly MULTIFOCAL or DIFFUSE lesions that affect ALL AREAS of the brain
Multifocal or diffuse intracranial lesions that were T2 HYPERintense = moderate sensitivity (68%) and 100% PPV for inflammatory CSF
What % of MRIs in dogs with inflammatory CSF are normal?
24% interpreted as normal
What lesion on MRI has a low-to-intermediate T1 signal intensity, T2 high signal intensity with contrast-enhancing rim & hypointense center; with regional tissues that have similar T1/T2 signal intensity with a reticular/lacey pattern, +/- muscle enlargement?
Abscess (e.g. paraspinal)
A FB will be what signal intensity on MRI
HYPOintense on ALL sequences
On T2W images, they can be surrounded by a ring of increased intensity, contrast enhancement of surrounding abscess or granulation tissue
In dogs with reduced PV flow, what happens to hepatic arterial flow?
Hepatic arterial perfusion INCREASES
Which CT study provided the best vascular anatomical detail?
A) Dual phase (arterial & portal phases)
B) Single phase (venous phase) with timed dynamic CT angiography
C) 2 minute-delayed single phase timed dynamic CT angiography
D) None of the above
During dynamic CT of the feline pituitary gland, which portion enhances first?
Neurohypophysis ENHANCES FIRST (direct arterial supply)
Describe the enhancement patterns (2) of the feline pituitary gland.
initial dorsal & peripheral enhancement (4); initial central enhancement (4)
Homogeneous enhancement in ALL
T or F, there is minimal variation in acetabular angles with small differences in pelvic tilt and slice selection?
FALSE, significant variation!
- Maneuvers that result in a more horizontally positioned pelvis (e.g., hind limbs extended) should be avoided
Standardizing CT gantry angle to floor of sacral vertebral canal may be a reasonable landmark
The size and location of what nasal/paranasal aperture is age-dependent in horses?
Frontomaxillary aperture - connects frontal and caudal maxillary sinuses
- opens more caudally in older horses (110/210 vs 107/207
-also the largest aperture
Which equine nasal/paranasal sinus connects the ventral conchal sinus & rostral maxillary sinus?
Conchomaxillary opening
An intramural radiolucent & hypoattenuating band in the stomach of cats on radiographs & CT corresponds to what?
Normal fat within gastric submucosa
Seen in 35% of rads & 27% of CTs
In normal beagles, eyes with lens, vitreous body, hyaloid artery, and scleroretinal rim could be clearly identified from what day of pregnancy/gestation?
Day 37
FCE more common in what size dogs?
Medium & large breed > small
A large breed, non-chondrodystrophic dogs is presented with acute, non-painful asymmetric paresis of the left pelvic limbs. Describe what MRI findings you may see with the most likely ddx
Most likely DDx = FCE
Focal intramedullary T2 hyperintense lesion, +/- focal intramedullary cord enlargement in acute phase, usually NO or mild contrast enhancement
What is different about the anatomy of dog & cat duodenal papilla?
In dogs, accessory pancreatic duct terminates in minor papilla. In 92% of dogs, the common bile duct and a tiny pancreatic duct terminate together in the major papilla. (In dogs, the accessory PD is the main secretory duct)
In cats, the CBD and pancreatic duct terminate together in the major papilla
A young dog presents with metaphyseal bone irregularities of distal radius & ulna - what breed of dog is this? And describe the changes associated with this condition?
Newfoundland, usually MALES & ASYMPTOMATIC
METAPHYSEAL bone irregularities of distal radius & ulna characterized by islands of reduced opacity outlined by thickened, radiopaque osseous trabeculae, which were aligned with the axis of stress; sporadic evidence of flattening of the distal metaphysis of the ulna by 4 months, metaphyseal flaring; no periosteal rxn
What is the mean VHS?
A) < 12 +- 0.2
B) <10.2 +- 0.5
C) 9.7 +- 0.5
D) 9.2 +- 0.2
Answer = C
Mean VHS = 9.7±0.5
VHS was ≤10.5 suggested as a clinically useful upper limit for normal heart size in most breeds.
What is the ONLY tumor that occurs predominantly in the UB of young/new born dogs? Describe its appearance
Rhabdomyosarcoma; botryoid
T or F, in the diagnosis of intra-thoracic lesions, especially neoplasia, FNA samples are nondiagnostic less often than biopsy samples?
FALSE, FNA non-diagnostic MORE OFTEN
In radiography of the feline tympanic bullae, what projection is SUBJECTIVELY more accurate and easier to perform than a rostrocaudal open mouth view?
rostro 10° ventro-caudodorsal oblique (R10°V-CdDO)
What are the 2 most constant radiographic signs of elbow incongruence in dogs?
Widening of the humero-ulnar joint space & step defect between radial head & ulnar LATERAL coronoid process
Radiography is a sensitive and specific test to detect what if the elbow is flexed at a 90° angle regardless of the radiographic beam position?
MODERATE to SEVERE radio-ulnar incongruence (2mm and over)
Best specificity & 100% sensitivity for each evaluator obtained with 90° elbow flexion & with 3mm of incongruence
Ischemic myelopathy in dogs affects which areas (gray or white matter) of the spinal cord?
GRAY matter > white matter
-higher metabolic demand in gray matter
In cat echocardiography, an increase E:A ratio at the mitral valve indicates what?
Restrictive mitral flow
What is the most common location for a distal sesamoid fracture in horses?
A) medial parasagittal, HL > FL
B) lateral parasagittal, HL > FL
C) medial parasagittal, FL > HL
D) lateral parasagittal, FL > HL
Answer = D
Lateral parasagittal, FL > HL