Vrabec Chapter 3 Flashcards
“The visit of the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary to inform her she would be the Mother of the Savior, commemorated on March 25. Having given her consent to God’s word, the Blessed Virgin Mary became the Mother of God the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit”
“The prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented in the Temple. Anna, or Ann, is also the name of the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
Reparation for an offense through a voluntary action that expiates the injustice done
The wife of St. Zechariah, mother of St. John the Baptist, and kinswoman of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Finding in the temple
Described in Luke 2:41-52, Christ and his his parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. On the return journey, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Jose discovered Christ was not with them and, after three days, found him in the Temple, discoursing with the teachers of the Law.
“Latin for “let it be done.” This was the Blessed Virgin Mary’s response to God’s plan of redemption; it was her consent to become the Mother of God (Lk 1: 38”
One of the Archangels named in Sacred Scripture and the special messenger of God to the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Annunciation
From the Greek for “tracing of descent”; the study of ancestry or a list of someone’s ancestors. Sts. Matthew and Luke contain genealogies of Christ in their Gospels.
Immaculate Conception
“In light of God’s free choice of the Blessed Virgin Mary from all eternity to be the Mother of his Son, it was ordained, from the first moment of her conception, she—by a singular grace of God and by virtue of the foreseen merits of Jesus Christ—was preserved from all stain of Original Sin. Believed from antiquity, this dogma was formally defined by Pope Bl. Pius IX in 1854.”
“From the Latin for “to become flesh”; the mystery of the hypostatic union of the divine and human natures in the one divine Person of the Word, Jesus Christ. To bring about man’s salvation, the Son of God was made flesh (cf. Jn 1:14) and became man”
Indwelling of the blessed Trinity
“The Blessed Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—are present in the soul from the moment of Baptism and remain as long as that soul is in a state of grace”