Brown Ch. 3 Flashcards
Latin for “to become flesh.” The mystery of the hypostatic union of the divine and human natures in one divine and human nature in one divine person of the world,Jesus Christ. To bring about men’s salvation the son of God was made flesh and became man.
Latin for “Let it be done.” This was the Blessed Virgin Mary’s response to God’s plan of redemption. It was her consent to become the mother of God.
The mother of Jesus. The Blessed Virgin Mary’s greatest privilege is her divine motherhood and, hence, her title Bearer of God, or mother of God.
Jesus Christ, through his sacrificial Death on the cross, set man free from the slavery of sin.
Virgin Birth
The Blessed Virgin Mary conceived Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. She, therefore, was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ. The virgin birth is also an implicit proclamation of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Wife of Saint Zechariah, mother of St. John the Baptist
From the Greek for “tracing of descent”; the study of ancestry or a list of someone’s ancestors. Saints Mathew and Luke contain genealogies of Christ in their Gospels.
The Blessed Virgin Mary visited her kinswoman Elizabeth. St. Elizabeth’s greeting is Luke 1:39-80.
The prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented in the Temple. Anna, or Ann, is also the name of the mother of Mary.
The visit of the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary to inform her she would be the Mother of the Savior, commemorated on March 25. Having given her consent to God’s word, the Blessed Virgin Mary became the Mother of God the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit
Finding in the Temple
Jesus was lost when his family went to Jerusalem for the Passover. He was lost for three days and was found teaching the teachers of the Law.
The wise men in Mathew 2. They came from the east and brought the newborn King of the Jews gifts.
The birth of our Lord.
Jesus’ offering to God in the temple as the first born male in his family according to Mosaic Law. The women who gave birth also had to be purified.
Reparation for an offense that expiates the injustice done.
God becoming man. From the Latin word for “to become flesh.”
Being made right with God.God chose to give us this.
Sanctifying Grace
Free and unmerited favor of God dispensed through the sacraments. It heals human nature.