Gonzalez Chapter 3 Flashcards
latin for “let it be done” Mary’s answer at the annunciation
The Angel Gabriel’s visit to the Virgin Mary to tell her that she was to become the mother of our savior.
Archangel that was present at the Annunciation
The study of ancestors or a list of someone’s ancestors, greek for tracing of decent
Jesus’ Mother, Blessed Virgin
Christ’s accomplishment through his Passion, death, resurrection, and Ascension
Paschal Mystery
The Blessed Mary gave birth to Jesus as a Virgin because she conceived him through the Holy Spirit
Virgin Birth
Mother of John the Baptist and cousin of Mary
Mary’s visiting of her cousin Elizabeth
the prophetess who recognized Jesus when he was being presented in the temple
When Mary and Joseph found Jesus teaching the elders in the temple at the age of twelve after losing him for 3 days
Finding in the Temple
Latin for to take on flesh, the mystery of the hypostatic union or the union of Jesus’ fully man and fully divine nature
Wise men who came from the east to visit Jesus and brought him gold, frankincense, and myrrh
man who recognized Jesus at the presentation in the temple
he birth of Jesus and all the surrounding events
Jesus’ offering to God in the temple as the first born male in his family according to Mosaic Law
reparation for sin through voluntary action the expiates the damage done
The Blessed Trinity are present in the soul from the moment of Baptism and remain there as long as the soul is in a state of grace
Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity
Being made right with God, A free and undeserved gift from Godgh the sacrifice of Jesus.
Jesus Christ through is suffering and death set man free from the slavery of sin
The free and unmerited favor of God dispensed through the sacraments
Sanctifying Grace