Eichelberger Chapter 3 Flashcards
Latin for “let it be done.” This was the Blessed Virgin Mary’s response to God’s plan of redemption; it was her consent to become the mother of God
The visit of the Archangel Gabriel to the blessed Virgin Mary to inform her she would be the Mother of the Savior, commemorated on March 25.
One of the Archangels named in Sacred Scripture and the special messenger of God to the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Annunciation
The Mother of Jesus. The Blessed Virgin Mary’s greatest privilege is her divine Motherhood and, hence, her title Bearer of God, or Mother of God
Christ’s work of redemption accomplished by his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, whereby,”dying he destroyed our death, rising he restored our life.”
Paschal Mystery
The Blessed Virgin Mary conceived Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. She, therefore, was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ. The Virgin Birth is allso an implicitproclamation of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Virgin Birth
The wife of St. Zechariah, mother of St. John the Baptist, and cousin of the Blessed Virgin Mary
From the Greek for “tracing of descent”; the study of ancestry or a list of someones ancestors. Sts. Matthew and Luke contain geneaologies of Christ in their Gospels.
The Blessed Virgin Mary visited her cousin St. Elizabeth
the woman who recognized Jesus, as the Messiah,who was being presented in the Temple
The event when Mary and Joseph lost Jesus, but found him in the temple three days later.
The Finding in the Temple
Latin for “to become flesh”
The men who came to see Jesus and brought him gifts at birth.
Man who recognized Jesus as the messiah at the presentation
The birth of Jesus and all the events surrounding his birth. Hint: the ________ scene.
Reparation for sin through voluntary action that expiate sthe damage done
The blessed Trinity are blessed in the soul at the moment of Baptism at the moment of Baptism and remain there as long as the soul is in a state of grace
Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity
N undeserved gift from God through the sacrifice of Jesus.
Christ dying on the cross for us is the: __________.
The free favor God revealed to us through the sacraments
Sanctifying Grace