Volume 2 Flashcards
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ require the following: Continual use of the sdm Incident commandeatablished Proper ppe Accountability system established Safety procedures in place Continuous risk assessment by all members Uninterrupted communications
Actions in a calculated manner
The risk management team lan is effective and necessary for all types of hazards and incidents. This includes….
Large scale medical incidents
Haz mat incidents
Technical rescue incidents
Violent incidents
CALSSRC stands for
Central Arizona Life Safety System Response Council
CALSSRC defines the customer as
Any person who receives our services and anyone with who our members have dealings
Our mission and number one priority is…
To deliver the beat customer service possible
Treat all customers with….
Respect, kindness, patience and consideration
Create and sustain a positive public image by….
- Follow Phoenix regional standard operating procedures
- be professional at all times
- give the customer your undivided attention
- take a moment (when appropriate) to educate the customer about what we do and why we are doing it
The incident commander is responsible for the completion of the tactical objectives. The tactical objectives are:
Fire control
Property conservation
Functions of command include:
- Assume and announce command and establish an effective initial command position (command post)
- Rapidly evaluate the situation (size up)
- Initiate, maintain, and control effective incident communications
- Provide and manage a steady, adequate and timely stream of resources
- Identify the incident strategy, develop an iap, and assign companies and personnel consistent with plans and sop’s
- Develop an effective incident organization using sectors/divisions/groups to decentralize and delegate geographic and funtional responsibility
- Review and revise the startegy as needed to keep the iap current
- Provide for the continuity, transfer, and termination of command
The first ___ functions of command must be addressed immediately from the initial assumption of command
Follow up report includes
- Any immediate safety concerns
- Accountability started ( announce the initial accountability location)
- Disposition of resources ( hold/add/return)
- Disposition of iric ( only required if iric will not be present)
Command teams consist of
Incident commander
Support officer
Senior advisor
Strategic level
Overall direction of the incident
Tactical level
Objectives assigned to sectors (divisions or groups)
Task level
Task objectives assigned to companies
The accumulated achievements of task level activities accomplish ___
Tactical objectives
Span of control is usually ____ sectors and should never exceed ___ sectors
5, 7
When establishing a sector, the IC will assign each sector officer:
- Tactical objectives
- A radio designation (roof sector, east sector, etc)
- The identity of resources assigned to the sector
Branch officera manage and direct activities of____
Sector officers
The fire department’s involvement and needs at the incident scene can be divided into four sections. They are:
Logistics section
Planning section
Operations section
Administrative section
The time it takes for a company to reach their assignment area after receiving an order is….
In transit
The most likely assignments for on deck companies are:
- Reinforce a position within an assigned sector
- crew relief within an assigned sector
- any other tactical position assigned by the ic
- rapid intervention crew
- Interior conditions
- Routing instructions to the work area
- Interior obstructions
- Additional tools/ resources required
- Sector objectives
Information given to company officer of on deck relief crew
A timely and efficient means of air replacement and rehydration of companies while maintaining their sector assignment
Any situation where a firefighter is unable to safely exit the hazard zone or an event that cannot be resolved by that individual within 30 seconds
Mayday situation
It is every individual firefighters responsibility to maintain a high level of mayday readiness at all times. This includes everyday preparation and prevention as well as the practiced ability to communicate and respond to a mayday scenario
The rule of mayday readiness
Nfpa 1500 defines mayday readiness as…
The ability to don, doff, and manipulate the scba in zero visibility while wearing firefighting gloves.
2 components of mayday readiness are
Prevention and response
Once the mayday situation is recognized and reported, each firefighter should remember B.O.A. Whis means
Breathe, organize, act
The EOC is activated only on orders by
Mayor or city manager
… status for 5 alarm fires or when greater than %70 of engine companies are out of service for extended periods of time(more than 15 minutes) during an emergency
Condition 3
Emergency power outage plan can be implemented with temps above___ and below ___
105 and 34 defrees F
The hot zone is defined as
Any area that requires the use of an scba
Osha states that once firefighters begin the interior attack on an interior structual fire, the atmosphere is assumed to be idlh and paragraph 29 CFR 1910.134(g)(4) _____ applies
Two in two out
Exceptions to the 2 in/ 2 out requirements at structure fires
- When there is a reported or suspected life hazard where immediate action could prevent the loss of life
- When the fire is in the incipient stage
An incident is described as…
Any emergency situation that threatens life,safety, or property
This refers to the position within the incident command system that is in charge of incident management. They have the overall responsibility for the safety of responders working at an emergency scene.
Incident commander(IC)
This position functions as the incident safety officer in the isos until command van operations are commenced and a safety officer is assigned.
Support officer
This refers to the position within ics that is assigned to a geographical area or particular function and manages units assigned to these areas during incidents.
Sector officer
Often this position is assigned the support officer/iso or assistant incident safety officer(AISO) role during incidents.
Field incident technician
A memeber of the command staff responsible for monitoring and assessing safety hazards or unsafe situations and for developing measures for ensuring personnel safety.
Safety officer(SOFR)/ incident safety officer(ISO)
An individual appointed or assigned at an incident scene by the incident commander to assist the iso in the performance of iso functions
Assistant incident safety officer (AISO)
Temporary two person team assigned at the outset of a working fire to allow a two person team to enter the structure to perform primary search and rescue when information indicates a potential life hazard situation that can be resolved bu rapid search and rescue
Initial rapid intervention crew
Four person crew fully equipped on site, in a ready state, to immediately react and respond to reacue firefighters
Rapid intervention crew(ric)
Hazard control strategies developed by the iso to address the incident action plan and the type of incident encountered.
Incident safety plan
A foreward staging position located just outside the immediate hazard zone, safely distanced from the entrance of a tactical position/sector.
On deck
Companies assigned to on deck must prepare themselves to function as reacue crews by performing the following task/actions
- Monitor tactical radio channel
- Retrieve ric bag and confirm contents
- confirm tic is in a ready state
- determine which line each interior company is on (hose tags)
- coordinate the opening of doors and windows
- illuminate entrance/exits
- develop and discuss a possible search and rescue plan
On deck company actions for rescue include
- confirm mayday information
- determine resource and equipment needs based upon mayday report
- determine last known location of ff/crew in trouble
- communicate plan with crew
- implement plan
- utilize info and technology(radio reports, tic, flashlights etc)
- monitor air supply
- provide can report to command
Fire line tape(yellow)-
Hazard tape(white and red)-
No access tape(red and black)-
Yellow-helps control bystanders at scene
White and red- helps control firefighters
Red and black- identifies exclusion zones for all personnel
The resource sector is part of our incident command system and may be assigned under the ….
Logistics section officer
On duty fire engineer, rm14, may be contacted at….
… is used to control access to a building or area during fires, hazardous materials incidents, reacue operations or any other situation where it is necessary to control and maintain accountability for the entry and exit of personnel.
Lobby sector
Evacuation involves a small number of citizens. Evacuation time generally less than an hour or two.
Site evacuation
Evacuation that effects off site homes and businesses and normally effects fewer than 100 people. People remain evacuated for two to four hours or more.
Intermediate level evacuation
Thousands of citizens could be evacuated for many hours if not days.
Large scale evacuation
Red cross will need up to ___ hours to get adequate personnel, equipment, and supplies to the shelter sites.
Initiate notification of evacuation at the beginning of each block and every ___ yards after that.
City of phoenix eoc phone numbers
Formal departmental critiques will be conducted at the discretion of the …..
Tactical services chief
What ate the five levels of critiques
Individual Company level Battalion level Operations level Department level
All critique materials and documents including a critique summary will be forwarded to …
The tactical services section for filing
Situation grows at a rate faster than the response rate to that situation. Command ends up with an out of control situation and inadequate resources to control it.
Crisis management
Phx fire has 4 buoy wall tanks that hold___ gallons of water
Bambi buckets can hold from ___ to ___ gallons of water
Apparatus must be kept at least ___ feet to the side of the flight path of helicopters dipping into the tank
- Incident size up
- assumption of command
- coordinate 360 incident assessment
- search, rescue, and treatment
- forcible entry
- stretch hose lines
- operate nozzles
- pump hose lines
- loss control
Engine company functions
- incident size up
- assumption of command
- coordinates 360 incident assessment
- search, rescue, and treatment
- coordinated horizontal and vertical ventilation
- forcible entry
- raise ground ladders
- provide access/check fire extension
- utility control
- provide lighting
- operate ladder pipes
- perform overhaul
- extrication
- loss control
Ladder company/tender functions
- transportation of sick and injured to hospitals
- search, rescue, and treatment- rescue companies should communicate commitment and location to command and maintain a retrievable status for victim treatment and xport
- general firefighting duties as assigned by command
Rescue company functions
- incident size up
- assumption of command
- coordinates 360 incident assessment
- search, rescue, and treatment
- stretch hoselines
- operate nozzles
- loss control
- obtain 360
- coordinated horizontal and vertical ventilation
- forcible entry
- raise ground ladders
- provide access/ check fire extension
- utility control
- provide lighting
- perform overhaul
- extrication
- loss control
- structural collapse/shoring
- heavy lifting
Heavy rescue company functions
During an incident, firefround factor information is gathered utilizing one or more of the following overlapping forms of size-up:
Preplanning and familiarity
Fireground factors
- Building
- Fire
- Occupancy
- Life hazard
- Arrangement
- Resources
- Other factors
Tactical objectives are as follows:
- Rescue
- Fire control
- Property conservation
Tactical objective benchmarks to be announced upon completion
- all clear
- under control
- loss stopped
The umbrella of service is made up of three ongoing considerations. They are…
Firefighter safety
Customer service
Loss control
The incident commander constantly reevaluates the fireground strategy, driven by…..
Size up and risk management
The proper strategy will be maintained by following the following actions:
Avoiding simultaneous offensive and defensive strategies
Mathing the appropriate strategy to the fire conditions of the structure and minimizing risk to firefighters
Command must consider the most critical direction and avenues of fire extension, plus its speed, particularly as they affect:
- Rescue activities
- Level of risk to firefighters
- Confinement efforts
- Exposure protection
7 sides of the fire
Front Rear Both sides Top Bottom Interior
The basic variables relating to attack operations involve:
- Location/ position of attack
- Size of attack
- Support functions
A marginal situation is defined as
Defensive conditions with a known rescue
The elements of an effective defensive strategy always include:
- Identify what is lost
- Write it off
- Protect exposures
For tactical purposes a standard master stream flow of at least ___ GPM should be the guideline
The incident commander must consider the following factors in developing a badic reacue size up:
- number, location, and condition of victims
- affect the fire has on the victims
- capability of the control forces to enter the building, remove/protect victims and control fire
Command must make the basic rescue decision:
- do we remove the victims from the fire or
- do we remove the fire from the victims
Reacue efforts should be extended in the following order:
- most severely threatened
- the largest number(groups)
- the remainder of the fire area
- the exposed area
___ rather than time is the critical factor in a secondary search
The most urgent reason for calling additional alarms is for the purpose of covering…
Life safety
Interior attack and related support directed toward quickly conducting a search for victims and bringing the fire under control
Offensive strategy
Exterior attack directed to first reduce fire extension and then bring the fire under control
Defensive strategy
Positioning of operating companies can severely affect the safety/survival of such companies
Tactical positioning
When laddering the roof the ladder selected shall be one which will extend…
2’-3’ above the roof line
If possible when laddering buildings under fire conditions, place ladders…
Near the corner of buildings or fire walls as these areas are generally more stable in the event of structural failure
All personnel entering the hot zone shall: ………
All others stay outside
- wear full turnouts
- have crew intact
- be assigned to a sector
The _____ of firefighting personnel represents the major reason for fireground sectorization
If after ___to___ minutes of interior operations heavy fire conditions still exist, command should initiate a careful evaluation of structural conditions, and should be fully prepared to withdraw interior crews and change to a defensive strategy.
10-15 minutes
When operating around a high rise building where the potential hazards of falling glass and debris exist, a fire ground perimeter shall be established……. feet from the building and shall be observed by all fire personnel as a high hazard area
Each member of of the operations division shall be accountable for one scba and shall check the condition of that scba…..
- at the beginntof each shift
- after each use
- and at any other time it may be necessary to render the equipment in a ready state of condition
It is critical for firefighters to understand that the last __% of the air supply in an scba is the emergency reserve
____ is the foundation of this air management policy.
Individual firefighter air management
____ is knowing air levels prior to entering hazard zone, during fire fighting activities, and upon leaving hazard zone
Round trip ticket
It takes ___ rescuers to remove one firefighter in a mayday situation. And one out of ___ will have their own mayday event.
12, 5
Rehab sector will provide a specific area where personnel will assemble to have:
- Assessment of vitals signs
- Revitalization- rest, hydration, refreshments, and temp regulation
- Medical evaluation and treatment of injuries if needed
- Transportation for those requiring treatment at medical facilities
- Reassignment as needed
You ventilate a building principally for two reasons:
- To prevent mushrooming
2. To gain and maintain entry
Defensive ventilation is…
When a fire burns through the roof
Bowstring truss/ arched roof policy is:
- When the fire is in the attic/truss space and it is safe to do so quickly search the building and implement a defensive strategy.
- When crews are unable to locate the fire and it is safe to do so quickly search the building and implement a defensive strategy.
- When fire involves a room and contents with no evidence of extension to the attic/truss space implement a quick aggressive offensive strategy.
A standard attack team consists of:
Two engine companies plus a ladder company
In the city of Phoenix a high rise building is defined as:
6 elevator stops or greater or 75ft in height or greater
In high rise fires when ascending stairwells crews must collectively check their air supply every….
5 floors
____ will increase the value our customers place on our work
Loss control efforts
Salvage operations must be aimed at aggressively controlling loss by the most expedient means. Salvage objectives are:
- Stop or reduce the source of damage
2. Protect or remove contents
The following items should be considered when addressing salvage:
- Type value and location of contents
- The extent and location of fire
- Recognition of existing and potential damage sources
- Estimate of required resource
The goal of _____ is to reduce the incidence of secondary fires, control loss, and stabilize the incident scene while providing for firefighter safety
During ppv fire attack fans should be placed____ ft back from entry point. And placing fans in tandem one behind the other is more effective than side by side
Lines must be laid with consideration for the ___ problems they create
4 inch hose is limited to about___gpm at ___ft in length before it must be pumped by another engine at the hydrant
The first hose stream should be placed between the fire and the______ by it
Persons endangered
Greater penetration, reach and striking power. Less steam conversion
Solid stream
Increased heat absorption/expansion. Shorter reach. Most effective in confined spaces and protecting exposures
Peripheral stream
When utilizing crews with hand lines to enter basement fires, crews should not open nozzles until they see and/or are near the fire. Crews should not use____ when operating in basement fires
Fog streams
To access resources for injured displaced pets, or to get number for animal control, or for emergenanimal clinics type_____ into cad
A fire investigation is conducted after_______ activities are completed and before_____ actions which could hinder the investigation
Fire control and salvage, overhaul
Company officers on wildland fires must maintain LCES. LCES means
Escape routes
Safety zones
The following factors have a critical effect on the fire behavior of a wildland fire
Weather fuel and topography
In brush/wildland fires protection of ____ is the primary goal when immediate control is not possible
On a wildland fire ground large aircraft are referred to as____ and water hauling equipment is a ____
Tankers, tender
During wildland air operations smoking is prohibited within ___ feet of aircraft
Wildland urban interface is defined as
The zone of transition between wildland( or unoccupied land) and human development
There are two tupes of aircraft crashes:
High impact &
Low impact
High piled outside combustible storage fires tactical objectives:
- Firefighter safety
- Exposure protection
- Environmental protection (including public health)
- Fire control
The average passenger car tire holds ___ gallons of oil.
2.5 gallons
Upon arrival of a tire fire the company officer must determine the stage of combustion:
- Incipient
- Free burning
- Smoldering
Successful options for fighting a tire fire include:
- Burn it
- Bury it
- Drown it
Multi patient incident
Any incident with fewer than 25 patients
Mass casualty incident
Any incident involving 25-100 patients
Disaster incident
Any incident involving more than 100 patients
EMS tactical objectives are
Completion of a “triage report”
Declaration of “all immediates transported”
On Ems incidents The IC is responsible for building a command structure that….
Meets the organizational needs of the incident to achieve the tactical priorities
When possible patients should be treated amd transported in the following priority order:
- Immediate
- Delayed patients upgraded to immediate
- Delayed
- Minor
Triage tags should be used any time there are…..
3 or more immediates or more than 10 patients
In extrication A reasonable guideline is an initial commitment of one company per…….
Five victims
In treatment sector, One salvage cover provides ample working room for up to …..
3 patients
During major incidents in treatment sector initial objective should be one company per ……
4 patients ( one rescuer per patient)
To improve the fire departments capability to treat patients arising from a large scale multiple patient incident, a medical supply sector shall be established during all…..
3 alarm medical or greater incidents using a minimum of one fire company.
A hazardous materials incident action plan must provide for:
- Safety of all fire personnel
- Evacuation of endangered area, if necessary
- Control of situation
- Stabilization of hazardous materials and/or
- Disposal or removal of hazardous materials
A haz mat incident has two initial zones:
- Limited access zone
2. Evacuation zone
Be aware that _________ is responsible for the safety of all personnel involved in any incident
In haz mat calls the decontamination area should be established within the ________ perimeter and adjacent to the _________.
Hot zone,
Entrance/exit(lobby control)
DOT haz mat marking systems may be inadequate because some hazardous materials in quantities up to ________lbs do not require a placard and there may be combinations of products involved with only a “dangerous” label showing.
1,000 lbs
Do not apply water to _________ containers it will make the leak worse
When should the fire department try to clean up a mercury release
The preferred agent for flammable liquid fire fighting is____
AFFF/class b foam (Aqueous Film Forming Foam)
______ has no ability to suppress vapors and reignition is an extreme possibility
Class A foam
For the purpose of emergency response, a confined space is defined as:
- a space large enough for personnel to physically enter
- a space not designed for continuous employee occupancy
- an area with limited entry and egress
A phased approach to confined space rescue operations which include;_________________, can be utilized to safely and effectively mitigate these high risk low frequency events.
pre entry operations,
entry operations,
A ___________ shall be established prior to the implementation of any rescue plan proposed by rescue sector
Safety Officer and Technical Advisor
For the purpose of emergency response, an excavation shall be defined by any depression, hole, trench, or earth wall, man made or natural, of _____ feet or greater
For trench rescue first arriving apparatus shall remain at least_____ feet away from location of trench failure and level 1 staging shall take place at least _____ feet away from trench failure
50ft, 150ft
With trench rescue operations all non essential traffic should be moved at least____ft and heavy machinery to be shut down within_____ft of trench collapse
Non technical mountain rescue angles less than___
Technical mountain rescue angles between____
Between 40-90 degrees
In water rescues civilian personnel need to stay at least ____ ft from the hazard zone
For tree rescue operations a hazard zone is established _____ feet around tree amd civilians need to be at least ______ feet from tree
50ft and 150ft
The Phoenix Fire Department will respond to any emergency situation that threatens ________
Life, safety, or property
When returning to first due area, rescues should go available when within ____ minutes driving time to quarters.
10 minutes
Should rescues go unavailable when returning paramedics back to their station?
Deployment sector would be under the ______ section
Planning section
Level 1 staging is automatically in effect for all incidents with_________ companies responding.
3 or more companies
______ will be implemented for all greater alarm incidents
Level 2 staging
During major incidents where a _______ section is implemented, staging sector will be working under the direction of the _______officer
Logistics, logistics officer
Apparatus _______ should regulate placement
The placement of apparatus on the fire ground should be a reflection of the following:
- standard operational procedure for first arriving companies
- tactical objectives and priorities
- staging procedure
- a direct order from command
- a conscious decision on the part of the company officer based on existing or predictable conditions
Avoid _____ to______ on the fire ground
Belly to butt
Command must regard apparatus on the fire ground in two categories:
- Apparatus that is working
- apparatus that is parked
Apparatus should be positioned at least ____ feet away from involved buildings even with nothing showing
Lines should be laid with attention to ….
The access problems they present
It shall be the policy of the regional fire department to position apparatus at the scene of emergencies in a manner that best
Protects the work area and personnel from vehicle traffic and other hazards
Speed and distances for starts of traffic cones /flares
Speed. Distance
25 mph. ______ 65ft
40mph. ______105ft
60mph. ______160 ft
Emergency response (code 3) does not _______ the driver of any responsibility to drive with______. The driver of the emergency vehicle is responsible for its safe operation at all times
Absolve, due caution
Under good conditions driving code 3. the maximum mph over the speed limit is____. Under less than favorable conditions the speed limit is the absolute max permissible
When emergency vehicles must travel in center or oncoming traffic lanes the max permissible speed shall be _____
Fire can burn through the aircraft fuselage within…..
60 seconds
Hydrant cabinets in the papago tunnel are located appx. every ____ feet on alternating sides of the tunnel
The following frequencies will operate in the papago tunnel:
Fire channels A1,A5, and A8
Emergency telephone cabinets in the papago tunnel are located every _____ ft. Onboth sides of the eastbound and westbound sides
The papago tunnel hydrant standpipe sustem is located on____
Culver st. West of central
There are ____ below ground facilities in the papago tunnel. Each have multiple levels and go down nearly ____ ft
5, 40ft
Electrical equipment is classified as……
- Energized
- De-energized (cannot be 100% guaranteed)
- Dead (confirmed by utility company)
___________ within a damaged lithium ion battery or BESS presents a significant fire, shock, and/or explosion hazard to firefighters
Residual energy
Recommended initia evacuation distance for bess systems is_________
Expected voltages in pv systems:
Residential: up to……volts dc
Commercial: up to…….volts dc
Utility installations:up to ……. volts dc
Once converted through an inverter 1500 volts dc current becomes ________ volts of AC currents
______to______ communications should be utilized whenever possible within the company or sector
Face to face
Current radio equipment is the motorola______
The _______ team will be compromised of a Trauma surgeon or EMS physician, with the addition of a traima nurse being at the discretion of the responding physician
Surgical emergency response team
On violent incidents the key tactical positions are:
- Triage
- Extrication
- Treatment
- Transportation
On violent incidents fire/ems shall never operate within the inner perimeter.
True or False
A less experienced member is defined as:
- A probationary ff
2. Any member with less than 2 years total experience assigned to firefighting duties.
Turnout program manager phone number
602 -495- 5151
Youth assistance referral form ______ should be filled out by field captain if youth firesetter is identified on scene
For africanized honey bee calls fire apparatus should park______ feet from the colony
Heat stress management directives are in place between the dayes of _______ to ______
June 1st to September 30th
Big mechanical arm that connects the LRV(light rail vehicle)to the overhead wires
Normal height of ocs in light rail vehicles is _____ and ____ ft at washingt and the 143 overpass
18ft and 14.8ft