IFSTA Company Officer Flashcards
A person who leads or directs a unit
A person whi is responsible for directing the performance of other people
The company officer’s most import task is to________
Ensure the safety of the units personnel
Leading by ________ means to set a positive example for subordinates founded on a consistent adherence to a set of moral, ethical, and social values
Individual who accomplishes organizational objectives through effective and efficient handling of material and human resources
A common organizational structure used in the fire and emergency services is _________. Which is defined as having an uninterrupted series of steps of a chain of command
__________ states that each subordinate must have only one supervisor
Unity of command
_________ refers to the number of subordinates and/or number of functions that one individual can effectively supervise. There is no absolute rule for determining how many subordinates or functions that one person can supervise effectively. The number varies with the situation but is usually considered to be between 3 & 7. (NIMS-ICS) model is based on a span of control ratio of one supervisor to three to seven subordinates or functions. NIMS-ICS suggests an optimum of 5.
Span of control
One of the roles of the company officer amd other fire officers is to make the best possible use of available resources, which involves protecting personnel and equipment, conserving materials and supplies, and planning for the most ________ and efficient use of resources.
____ relates to the empowered duties of an official to perform certain tasks. In the case of a fire inspector, the level of an inspector’s authority is commensurate with the enforcement obligations of the governing body
There are two types of decision making models :
Centralized authority and decentralized authority
_____ are the agreed upon philosophical principles that define what is correct and proper behavior for the members of a society
________ employees requires the supervisor to relinquish some authority and have confidence in employees skills, judgement, and abilities. The supervisor is helping to increase their self image and productivity
_____ includes the process of directing, overseeing, and controlling the activities of other individuals
______ refers to the administration and control of projects, programs, situations, or organizations
The acronym SMART can be used to establish objectives that are:
- specific
- measurable
- attainable
- relevant
- time bound
The company officer should help to create an environment that fosters teamwork, communications, and ________
Resolving _______ may include any one or more of the following five methods: avoiding, accommodating, forcing, negotiating, or collaborating
Most public entities have policies, guidelines, or practices requiring some form of _______
Progressive discipline
A __________ may be lodged by the subordinate or the labor representative if the company officer does not follow the agreement procedures when administering a disciplinary action (even a minor one), potentially preventing any future action against the employee on that issue
Five step planning model:
Identify Select Design Implement Evaluate
A_______ details in writing the steps to follow in conducting organizational policy for some specific, recurring problem or situation
_______ include training, performance, attendance, hazardous materials or biological/medical exposures, and medical records
Personnel records
A ______ is a guide to organizational decision making
Public organizations use two types of budgets:
Capital budgets (projected major purchase) And operating budgets (recurring expenses of day to day operation)
Medical records are kept on all employees for the duration of their employment plus ______ years
Company officers are responsible for ensuring a safe working environment through training, education, equipment, policies, procedures, leadership, and __________
The overall risk management plan should have three distinct sections:
- Community risk assessment
- Organizational risk management plan
- Operational risk management process
When company officers combine _______, _______, _______, & _______ they create a strong foundation for developing an effective company
Leadership, supervision, safety, and training
For company level training the four step method of instruction is very effective. The model consists of:
Most learning takes place during the ______ step, making this step critically important
Company level_________ reinforce the skills learned during formal training sessions and help company personnel to learn to work together. Practical training evolutions are also opportunities for personnel and units from various agencies, organizations, and jurisdictions to train together for potential joint operations
Practical training evolutions
For training evolutions nfpa 1403 recommends instructor to student ratio of_____
One to five
Achieving tactical objectives leads to the completion of_________
Strategic goals
The upper human survivability limit is _______ according to theNFPA
212 degrees F
____________ is a system that optimizes the utilization of all available resources, personnel, procedures, and equipment in order to promote safety and improve operational efficiency
CRM (crew resource management)
Incident scene management should reflect overall incident priorities. Thes priorities are always considered in the following order:
- Life safety
- Incident stabilization
- Property conservation
_______ means the amount of time it takes to request and obtain additional resources
The lead/reflex time
Fire spread results from _____ transferring from a burning object to other objects of lower temperatures
_______ means the thermal or chemical decomposition of fuel (matter) because of heat
Firefighters need to understand that _______ is a form of ventilation. The act of gaining entry into a structure on fire introduces air into the fire environment
Forcible entry
R E C E O - V S
Rescue Exposures Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul - Ventilation Salvage
The size up process will probably ________ when the unit arrives at the emergency incident scene
———— overall desired outcomes
______ activities ised to reach those outcomes
Strategic goals
Tactical objectives
Achieving tactical objectives leads to the completion of _________
Strategic goals
A ______ is a state in which the government functions with the common consent of the people
_____ Is an ongoing process throughout an employee’s career
______ is the company officer’s final assessment of the individual’s performance
Formative evaluation
Summative evaluation
The four change process stages are:
________ determine the company officer’s ability to deal effectively with the informal group
Group dynamics
The five stages of group development are:
Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning
_______ is a process of directing an individual’s skills performance
For the company officer, _______ is the process of giving motivational correction, positive reinforcement, and constructive feedback to subordinatesin order to maintain their performance.
Fore and emergency services mist provide training and ___________ for their personnel
Professional development
The _______ is the area where the ignition source and material first ignited actually came together
Area of origin
Four steps in determining area of origin:
- Examine exterior
- Examine interior
- interview witnesses and firefighters
- Analyze the information
The six basic questions to ask a witness during interviews about fires are:
Who, what, when, where, why, & how
The following are four generally accepted classifications of fire cause:
The ____ is responsible for the personnel accountability system
______ is often one of the most dangerous phases in incident management
Transfer of command
The command organization must develop at a pace that _______ of the tactical deployment of resources
Stays ahead
For situations where the incident has an odd geographical layout (no obvious north, south, east, west) the front of the building is designated as sector A and the remaining sides are designated as B, C, or D in a ________ manner
When establishing D/Gs the IC will assign each unit:
- Tactical objectives
- A radio designation
- The identity of resources assigned to them
In regards to accidents caused by human factors three broad categories exist. They are:
Improper attitude
Lack of knowledge or skill
Physically unsuited
All workplace accidents are the result of ______,______ or both
Unsafe acts, unsafe conditions or both