Volume 1 Flashcards
Every member of the PFD is expected to operate in a highly self disciplined manner and is responsible to regulate his/her own conduct in a positive manner, productive and ________ way.
Whena. Fire department employee engages in outside work activities, he/she is required to notify ________ or _______ via the outside employment status or chamge report. (Form #90-23D)
Battalion chief or section head
PFD members are required to conduct themselves in a highly _________ manner, obeying the city of phoenix personnel rules and policies, fire dept. rules of conduct and dept. SOP’s
Self disciplined
It is the policy of the PFD that supervisors administer discipline in a _______, ________, and _________ manner
Corrective, progressive, and lawful
Supervisors MAY allow ________ for the member in disciplinary actions resulting from alleged criminal activity
Legal counsel
When there exists ______ to believe that the employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the supervisor may direct the employee to submit to a drug screening and/or blood alcohol test.
Reasonable grounds
Any suspension, demotion, or dismissal is subject to appeal to the civil service board within _____ days of service of notice or _____ days from the date of certified mailing.
All PFD members will respond to the public in a _______, _______, & ________ manner
Courteous, caring, and appropriate
The alleged act did not occur
The act occured but was justified, lawful, and proper
The investigation produced information insufficient to prove or disprove the allegation
Not sustained
All or part of the act that occurred as alleged. (A findingof “sustained” must be based on the existence of substantial fact in support of reasonable proof)
Of the property liability claim is _____$ or less the claimant will secure ____ estimates on the cost of repairs
$200, 3
All employees must have at least a valid _____ operator’s license to operate any city vehicle, or to use their personal vehicle for city business
Class D
Acceptable driving record means that the driving record of the employee has ____ or less points for the previous 12 months.
Must notify mvd of any change of address within _____ days
Eligibility to use vacation credits shall begin only after ___ months of city employment
Number of employees off on vacation each day
M-th ——25
Sat. ——-27
Holidays add two members each day
Partial leave will allow up to ____ hrs by contacting partial leave line at #______
7.5, 602-534-8463
A member who determines he/she is too ill to work shall make notification no later than _____ hours on the day the sick leave is to begin
Report of sick leave form is……
For emergency sick leave the immediate family shall include:
Mother, father, husband, wife, child, stepfather, stepmother, brother, or sister, of the family member.
When a family member needs to make arrangements for the homecare of a family member or to cope with a minor or short term emergency, a maximum of _____ hours of sick leave will be allowed. The use of accumulated vacation, compensatory time, or unpaid leave may be approved for the remainder of the time required to secure the situation
10 hours
The duration of major emergency sick leave shall be limited to the emergency situation and shall not exceed:
40hr members-
56hr members-
40hr. -5 working days plus 2 for out of state travel
56hr. - 3 shifts plus 1 shift for out of state travel
Extended sick leave is ____ days or more. If required by health center to get exam prior to returning to duty, must be done within ____ days of receipt of letter from health center
30, 5
All required industrial forms shall be completed and forwarded to the fd health center within _____ calender days.
A certified permanent full time member who works a schedule at full time 52 weeks of the year who is disabled and absent from work as a result of an industrial injury or occupational disease should be kept on the city payroll amd be paid an amount equal to but not to exceed his/her regular net take home a current rate of pay for up to ______ total per injury.
1 year
Members on industrial leave for more than ____ days shall report to the healthe center for consultation with fd physician.
45 days
Members on industrial leave for _____ months or more shall be placed in a light duty position for a period of time to assire full rehabilitation to the fd’s satisfaction
PPMIS leave request form#
Department members shall not work more than 3 consecutive 24-hour shifts. In instances where 3 consecutive shifts are worked, the employee musthave planned to be off-duty a full ____ hours before working again
24 hours
Overtime/constant manning report form #
____ 24 hour time slots per shift will be available for comp time use
The fire department health center in conjunction with the _____________ will be assigned the responsibility of managing the alternate duty program
Personnel control officer
The fire department health center will coordinate a _____ month follow up evaluation on members who have been assigned to alternate duty for a period of ______ months or more
3, 3
In accordance with ______ members shall not be permitted to directly supervise a relative as defined above. The personnel control officer is responsible for enforcement of this policy
A.R. 2.91
Member services mission
Our family helping our family
Member services resources can be found at……
Pursuant to arizona house bill 2310 (effective July 2017) members are eligible to receive up to ______ counseling sessions by a licensed counselor who has had training and expertise in trauma
Fire support line phone number
Crisis line
602-845-fire (3473)
When an employee is remanded for care he or she will be required to sign a release of information during their consultation with their supervisor. This release specifies that the provider release to the department and the supervisor
- Confirmation that the employee is attending counseling sessions
- Progress on treatment plan***
- Reports of drug screens where this is required
- Cooperation and motivation of the employee in counseling
- Date of completion of services
Peer support team mission statement:
Listen, refer, and support
Peer support advisory board consists of:
Member services deputy chief,
L493 member services v.p., and
Licensed behavioral health professional
The criteria for a member to appear on member services leave report is:
100 hours or less of accumulated sick leave, or 4 or more sick occurrences in 90days
The alternative dispute resolution process is a confidential process and…..
Participation is voluntary
The length of time a non-disciplinary document,as described above, is to remain a part of the supervisor’s employee file will be determined by the supervisor, and a date for petition for removal shall be indicted on the document. (May be petitioned for review in 1year, 3 years, etc). In most cases the minimum length of time before a document can be petitioned for review is_____________.
One year
The length of time a suspensions of 80 hours or less is to remain a part of the employees fire department file is for a minimum of __________.
10 years
Suspensions of more than 80 hours along with demotions and dismissals are a __________ record to be kept in the employees fire department file and a copy shall be retained with the c.o.p. Human Resources department.
The ______ and the _______ chair the correlating teamof the labor management “process”
Fire chief and the L493 union prez
Labor management teams shall attempt to meet______ but shall meet no less than______ times per year
Quarterly, 2 times a year
_______ have the final say on whether a citizen observer will ride on his/her apparatus during the scheduled shift.
Company officers
All vehicle accidents involving F.D. Vehicles must be reported to _______ immediately.
Alarm headquarters
In the event of a serious accident, employees should be taken to the command van (if onsite) or to a nearby fire station. They must not be permitted to talk to anyone about the accident except to _______.
Police and fire officials
It is the injured employees responsibility to notify the employer as soon as possible. All injuries should be reported immediately ( within________) if you wait to report an injury you take the risk of your claim being investigated and being denied.
4 calendar days
Regular physical fitness activities are very important to the total well-being of the firefighters. Participating in them not only helps reduce injuries; it also increases strength and stamina - keeps our minds alert- releases various forms of __________ and can be a key factor in the building of friendship and closeness within the crew
Personal stress