Vocab #8 Flashcards
bones joined by fibrous tissue, no joint cavity is present
fibrous joint
bones United by cartilage, no joint cavity is present
cartilaginous joint
freely movable joint exhibiting a joint cavity enclosed by a fibrous capsule lined with synovial membrane
synovial joint
hyaline cartilage covering the epiphysis of a bone at a joint
articular cartilage
the joint surfaces are enclosed by a sleeve, or layer, or fibrous connective tissue, which is lined with a smooth synovial membrane
articular capsule
enclosed by articular cartilage; contains lubricating synovial fluid secreted by the synovial membrane
joint cavity
the fibrous layer of the capsule is usually reinforced with ligaments
reinforcing ligaments
an elongated bursa that wraps completely around a tendon subjected to friction
tendon sheath
when a bone is forced out of its normal position in the joint cavity
restoring broken bone ends ( or dislocated bone) to its original position
nonaxial synovial joint in which two bones have flat articular surfaces; a plane joint allows only short gliding movements
plane joint
the cylindrical end of a bone fits into a trough-shaped surface on another bone. Angle movement is allowed in just one plane, like a door hinge.
Hinge joint
unaxial synovial joint in which the rounded end of one bone fits into a sleeve or ring of bone or ligaments
Pivot joint
biaxial synovial joint in which the convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another.
condylar joint
biaxial synovial joint in which both articulating bones have both convex and concave surfaces
saddle joint
multiaxial synovial joint in which the rounded head of one bone fits into a socket (depression) of the other
ball and socket joint
“water on the knee”, due to inflammation of bursae or a synovial membrane
when the ligaments or tendons reinforcing a joint are damaged by exercise, or are torn away from the bone
inflammation of the joints
extra bone tissue grows around the margins of the eroded cartilage and restricts joint movement
bone spurs
most common form of arthritis, affects old people
chronic inflammatory disorder
rheumatoid arthritis
an abnormal tissue that clings to and erodes articular cartilage
when scar tissue ossifies and bone ends become firmly fused and often deformed
caused by uric acid build up in joints, gout
Gouty Arthritis
an increased softening of the bone recruiting from a gradual decrease in rate of bone formation, common in older people
the fibrous membranes in the skull where bone has not yet formed; babies “soft spots”
a small sac filled with fluid and located at friction points especially joints
a fluid secreted by the synovial membrane; lubricated joint surfaces and nourishes articular cartilage
Synovial fluid
an immovable joint