vitamins (water soluble and fat soluble Flashcards
b vitamin deficiency
organic compounds needed in small quantities in the diet because can not be synthesized in the diet
A, B, C, D, E, K, choline
fat soluble A, D, E, K
water soluble B, C, choline
Vitamin fat soluble (vitamin A)
require fat in order to be absorbed.
vitamin A: retinoids and caretinoids
stored in liver, fat, bone marrow, lungs, kidney, eyes,
dependent on fat
90% absorbed.
Low fat diet , negatively impact vitamin A absorption.
Vitamin absorbed, hops on bus called retinol binding protein in liver, carries A to target tissues in the body, in blood needs a helper (TTR, transthyrotine) binds to retinol binding protein.
Vision, normal reproduction, bone development, immune function
def: not healthy well balanced diet and exclude food groups
night blindness and wound healing
Development of skin and tissue
orange fruits and veg, dark green leafy veg, fish, polar bear liver.
toxicity: muscle and bone pain, alopecia, skin and vision disorders, headaches.
vitamin D
ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) diet
cholecalciferol (d3) synthesized from sun
incorporated into mycelle the same as fat
absorbed with fat and bile salts into intestinal cell absorbed into lymphatic and then blood
absorbed in Duodenum.
Function: maintain calcium and phosphorus levels. bone calcification, neuromuscular function.
lower risk of multiple sclerosis , strengthen immune system, support diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease
celiac disease, polystatic liver disease, chrohns disease, gastric surgery (at risk for deficiency)
25-hydroxy- vitamin D levels (testing)
Fotified milk, egg yolk, fatty fish (salmon) sunlight ,
exclusively breastfed babies (vitamin D deficiency), sunscreen, sun shirts, no sun exposure.
sun exposure: 15-20 minutes per day.
Vitamin E
alpha-tocopherol most naturally occuring and most active
antioxidant and protects cells
gamatocopherol (antineoplastic) helps fight inflammation and cancer
beneficial when body is in stress (sepsis)
fat in jejunum (absorbed) , stored in liver, muscle and fat.
alot excreted in feces. urine and bile
vegetable oils, whole grains and nuts.
deficiency: gi conditions, bowel resection, cystic fibrosis
weakness, decrease RBC, hemolytic anemia, vision changes.
toxicity: increased bleeding and hemorrhage , be cautious with supplementation
vitamin K
dependent on fat for absorption
pancreatic enzymes and bile salts released for absorption.
if gi tract is compromised, absorption is not good
enzymatic reactions that affect bones, skeletal development and blood clotting, effect on calcium balance.
When baby born, vitamin K for hemorrhagic ,
antibiotics, anticoagulants, crohns disease, (cause deficiency)
warfarin : consistent vitamin K intake
symthesized by bacteria in the lower gi gut.
green foods: broccoli, spinach, kale.
resection of jejunum
ileum can take
water, b12 and bile salt absorbed
fat soluble vitamin can be an issue
water soluble
b vitamins, vitamin C, choline
vitamin B
B1 (Thiamine): absorbed in jejunum, passive diffusion , transported in blood bound to albumin, taken up in liver and stored in muscle,
carbohydrate, thiamine is needed , produces energy
alcohol abuse (defiency)
1. dry beriberi , nervous system, weakness in lower extremeties
2. wet beriberi : heart, heart failure, hepatomegaly, tachycardia, uligeria, water retention
Vomting and gi surgery (deficiency)
wernekes encephalopathy:
mental status changes, confusion, involuntary eye movement.
Thiamine to overturn conditions (cure)
excess is excreted
vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
carbohydrate metabolism
bile salts and food in intestinal tract (help with absorption)
deficiency: along other b vitmain, chelosis stomatitis magenta tongue
broken down by light
animal proteins and dairy products.
deficiecy: thyroid , alcoholism, chronic malabsoprtion,
iron, manganese, zinc and copper prevent absorption.
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
enriched fortified bread, meat, fish, poultry
synthesized from Tryptophan (amino acid) TURKEY.
carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism
excress excreted in urin
toxicity: flushin of the skin, vasodilation, gi irritation, glucose intolerance
pantothenic acid (B5)
essential role in energy metabolism
production of steroid hormone, neurotransmitters and hemoglobin,
defieicny rare:
vomtinig intestinal discomfort, insomnia, fatigue
deficiency happen along with other defiioencies
alcoholism, gi (inflammatory bowel )
B6 (Pyrodoxine)
enzymatic (protein and lipid)
organ meats, whole grains, fortified cereal
alcoholism, medications (antibiotics, steroids) elderly
symptoms: glossitis, chelosis, microcytic anemia, depression
toxicity in supplemental form: affects spinal cord, walking damage to nerves, headache, depression
B7 (biotin
coenzyme of fatty acids
intestinal bacteria release biotin
defiency: long term parental nutriton, alcoholism,
no known symptoms of toxicity
folate (B9)
neural tube defects
homocystein to methionine
brush border
food: enriched cereals, dark leafy veg.
megoloblastic, macrocytic anemia
medications can cause defieicny
zinc deficiency and alcoholism
toxicity can mask vitamin b12 , depression, confusion, headaches, seizure
cobolamin (b12)
cell replication, nerve functioning,
only found in animal products (most bioavalable) fortified cereals
cyanocobalamin (active form)
requires intrinsic factor.
food (b12) HCL and pepsin release b12 that is bound to protein, free B12 binds to glycoprotein secreted in saliva, intrinsic factor in parietal cells in duodenum , attach to free b12, goes to ileum where intrinsic factor receptor. where absorbed.
absorb 1/2 consumed
deficiency if there is any issue with where absorbed.
hpylori (gastric ulcers)
mimic folate deficiency
megaloblastic anemia, confusion, depression. thick beefy tongue.
oral supplements available
pernicious anemia
vitamin C
collagen formation, carnetine and neurotransmitter synthesis
hepls with absorption of non-heme iron (eat with strawberries, orange)
pressure injuries (wound healing)
absorbed in the ilieum
Too much, absorption decreases
if less is, the small amount will be absorbed more.
deficiency: scurvy (swollen bleeding gums, weakness, poor wound healing)
excess excreted becuase water soluble
kidney stones and kidney failure ( avoid)
lecithin (phospholipid)
conditionally essential
fetal development (brain development)
increased amount in pregnancy
transports and metabolizes cholesterol
eggs (good source) , milk, liver, peanuts
betaine oxidized form of choline
excess not excreted, made into betaine, provides a methyl group to homocystein
cancer, liver disease, atherosclerosis, neurological disorders (if deficient)