Viruses Flashcards
infectious particle of genes packaged in a protein coat
Different genome shapes
Double-stranded DNA/ Single-stranded DNA
Double-stranded RNA/ Single-stranded RNA
Single linear/ Single circular / Multiple pieces
protein shell enclosing the viral genome
protein subunit of a capsid
helical virus
icosahedral virus
icosahedral head + helical tail
membrane derived from host cells that surround many animal viruses
An envelope is made of
Phospholipids & membrane proteins from host cells, Glycoproteins and enzymes of viral origin
Obligate intracellular parasite
can only replicate inside a host cell
Viruses lack enzymes for ____
making macromolecules
Host range
limited # of species a virus can infect
Host range is controlled by __
Lock & key fit of viral surface proteins and receptors on host cells
West Nile Virus
infect mosquitoes, birds, horses, and humans
Measles affect
Bacteria virus
Lytic cycle
replicative cycle that ends in death of host cell
Virulent phage
ex. E.T4 phage
virus that is replicated by a lytic cycle
T4 phage uses tail fibers to bind specific receptors on outer surface of E.coli cells
T4 phage DNA is injected into cell
- Empty capsid left outside
- Host DNA is hydrolyzed (degraded)
viral genome/proteins are produced using host components
virus genomes packaged into capsids
viral enzymes break down cell wall
- cell bursts and 100-200 viral particles pop out
Lysogenic cycle
like zombies, which are..unhygenic. they have lice, … lice-unhygienic, lysogenic
replicative cycle that does not destroy the host cell
Temperate phage (ex. lambda phage)
a virus that uses both lytic & lysogenic cycles
pro, because, they’re evil pro-ph-agents
viral DNA integrated into host genome
every time the host divides, the viral DNA is copied to new daughter cells
Lytic cycle
can be triggered by environment changes
Bacteria defenses
Diversity, Restriction enzymes, CRISPR-cas system, Evolutionary arms race
Restriction enzymes
bacteria enzyme that recognizes foreign DNA entering the cell & cuts them up
Bacteria DNA is methylated to ____
protect from own restriction enzymes
CRISPR-cas system
long-term, targeted defense against a specific virus
- piece of DNA from phage is incorporated into CRISPR
Cas proteins
nucleases that cut up DNA identified in CRISPR
Evolutionary arms race
bacteria evolve to avoid virus infection. Virus evolve to beat bacterial defense.
Animal viruses
have envelope derived from host cell
Envelope glycoproteins bind to ___
specific receptors on WBC
Envelope fuses w/ ___
plasma membrane, releasing capsid into cell
Host cell enzymes break down ___
capsid, releasing viral genome
Reverse transcriptase enzymes copies ___
viral RNA
Gene expression of viral proteins
- Glycoproteins
- Capsomeres (subunits needed to make capsid)
- Reverse transcriptase
Capsids are assembled and ___
glycoproteins transported to membrane
harmless derivatives of a pathogen that stimulates the immune system to mount a defense against it
smallpox, polio, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B
infectious circular RNA molecules, have no capsids
infectious self replicating protein, no DNA/RNA
small circular DNA molecules that can be shared between bacteria
DNA segments that can jump to different parts of the genome