virtues Flashcards
what do “virtues” mean?
This is aktin word eaning “perfection”
Moral habits which human beings need to practice in order to become good people.
What do catholics believe?
Living a good life and following yheir conscience is sometjing that requires practice.
Doing the right thing is not always eay and if our moral chracter is weak then it is evern more difficult to do wat is right.
Thi s is why epople need to practice eving more courageous and generous for emaple so they can make better decidions in the long run
What do virtues challange?
Virtues challange our insticitve selfishness: our desire to keep outselves safe has to be overcome in order to become more courageous.
How can people grow in the experience of suffering?
People can grow in virtue throguh the experience of suffering: I” if i suffer in poverty, this can make me more generous when i do have food and other things to share”
helps us to improve in the virtues and develop our souls.
What does the Catholic church teach?
To become a morally good person, the CC teaches that all individuals should become virtuous. this means adopting virtues which allow the person to develop attitudes and habits that result in good moral decisions being made.
Quote from Aquinas?
“happiness is secured through virtue”
How will this change a catholics life?
“Catholics will try to develop their virutes throguhout their lives by practicing theier virtues such as faith and chartiy through supporting CAFOD.