Virology- overview Flashcards
Morphology of Viruses
Morphology of Viruses
Enveloped vs. naked viruses
- enveloped= lipid layer enclosing nucleocapsid
- naked= just nucleocapsid
Different shapes of viruses

Structure of Viruses
Viruses contain nucleic acid genome (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat (capsid) and, in some cases, other layers of material, such as a lipid envelope (a bubble of fat).
- Capsid- protein shell that encases the nucleic acis/genome
- Nucleocapsid = Capsid + Nucleic acid
- Lipid envelope=outside of nucleocapsid
- Glycoproteins= on surface of envelope

Chemical composition of Viruses
Chemical composition of Viruses

Replication of Viruses (5)
- ) Attachment
- )Penetration
- )Uncoating- removal of protein coat (release genetic material)
- )Synth of viral nucleic acid (genetic material of virus hijacks synth)
- )Assembly and Maturation-viral particles assembled and released

Epidemiology of viral infections
(7 modes of transmission)
- Direct-Contact Transmission: Direct physical contact with infected/Susceptible Host
- Indirect-Contact Transmission:Contaminated inanimate objects (Fomites)
- Common-Vehicle Transmission: Fecal contamination of Water or Food and Virus contamination of Meat or Meat products
- Airborne Transmission
- Vector (Arthropod)-Borne Transmission
- Zoonotic Transmission
- Vertical Transmission- embryonic

Diagnosis of viral infections (7)
Diagnosis of viral infections

- ) Clinical signs- visible in physical exam ex.bluetongue virus in sheep
- ) Necropsy- post mortem investigation (internal signs)
- ) Histopathology- looking at tissue
- ) isolation and cultivation- cultures
- )Electron Microscopy- can see shape of virus
- ) Serology- detection of viral antigen or host antibody (ELISA)
- )PCR- process that amplifies nucleic material of virus so it is ealily detected/identified
Treatment of viral infections (3)
Treatment of viruses
- Antiviral drugs-Interfere with the ability of a virus to infiltrate a target cell or target different stages of replication/Synthesis of components required for replication of the Virus.
- Immune stimulation-Interferons, class of proteins that has antiviral effects and modulate functions of the immune system.
- Synthesize antibodies/administration of natural antibodies
Prevention of viral infections (4)
Prevention of viral infections
- Vaccination
- Proper Hygiene
- disinfectants
- Eliminating Arthropod Vectors
- using biological or chemical methods
- Quarantine & Culling
- separate/restrict movement of animals
Zoonotic virus
Zoonotic viruses can be transmitted between animals and humans
Virus Facts
Virus facts
“A Virus is a Piece of Bad News Wrapped up in a Protein”
- non-living entities
- no cellular organelles
- cannot make energy for itself
- obligate intracellular parasite (depends on other cells to survive)
- cannot multiply by division (use pieces and parts of host cell)
Effect of viral replication on host cells
Effect of viral replication on host cells

Cell death
fusion of cells
transformation to malignant cell
Types of Vaccines
Types of Vaccines
- Live-Attenuated Virus Vaccines:
- produced from other viruses
- Non-Replicating Virus Vaccines
- made from inactivated virons or viral proteins
- Vaccines Produced by Recombinant DNA and Related Technologies
- made from viral proteins or genetic matrial
in an enveloped virus, the lipid bilayer is kept under the capsid.
lipid bilayer outside- helps facilitate entry into new cells
genetic material inside
Step after uncoating in viral replication…?
synthesis of viral DNA
Viruses can be cultured the same way as bacteria?
viruses have to have a living cell to replicate
how do elisa test work?
elisa tests use antigens, antibodies and a marker to identify virus.
pathogenicity vs. virulence
pathogenicity= ability to cause disease (yes or no) (qualitative)
virulence= quantitative measure of disease