Bacteriology- overview Flashcards
Understand and differentiate the morphology of common bacteria: Cocci, bacilli, spirochete
Cocci: round
Bacilli: rod-shaped
Spirochete: corkscrew

Know the difference between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
- no membrane bound organelles
- no nuclear membrane
- dna- single (often round plasmid)
- replicate by binary fission
- membrane bound organelles
- nuclear membrane and nucleolus
- dna-chromisome
- replicate by mitosis
Bacterial cell structure: name and describe elements of…
- Appendages (2)
- Cell envelope (3)
- Cytoplasmic content (2)
Bacterial Cell Structure
Appendages (not present in all bacteria)
- Flagella-long and flowy and present in motile bact.
- Pili (fimbriae)- short and hair-like and help cell adhere to stuff
Cell envelope= entire outer part of cell
- capsule-outer most layer of cell. protects cell. polysaccharide
- cell wall-middle outer layer. rigidity
- plasma membrane- inner outer layer. permeability barrier
Cytoplasmic content
- chromisomes- genetic material of cell in nucleoid
- ribosomes- protein synthesis

Describe differences in cell wall structure between gram positive and negative bacteria
Gram-positive cell wall
- layer 1: capsule
- layer 2: thick layer of peptidogylcan (murein)
- layer 3. plasma membrane
- techoic acids: run perpendicular to petidoglycan sheets
Gram-negative cell wall
- layer 1: capsule
- layer 2: phospholipid-lipopolysaccharide outer membrane
- layer 3: thin peptidoglycan sheet
- layer 4: plasma membrane
***the space between outer membrane and plasma membrane where peptidoglycan layer is is called periplasm.

Know details about LPS
- location
- structure
- function
LPS = endotoxin = Lipopolysaccharide
Location- outer membrane of gram-negative cell wall
Structure- lipid head (inside membrane) with polysaccharide tail (outside cell)
- Lipid A- toxic portion of molecule. causes fever, hemmorage and shock.
- polysaccharide- responsible for antigenic properties (how immune system will respond)
** O-specific polysaccharide may be part that provides adherence

Discuss bacterial chromosomes
Bacterial Chromisomes
- haploid circular chromosome of DNA (nucleoid)
- small extrachromosomal pieces of DNA= plasmids
- chromisome is genetic control center of cell
Endospore= dormant form of a bacteria.
Structure (outer to inner)
- Exosporium
- Spore coat
- Cortex
- Core wall-dipicolinic acid
- INSIDE- ribosomes and chromisome
- dormant form that bacteria can take on when conditions are not correct
- allows some bacteria to stay dormant for years before regermination
- the dehydrated core contains chromosome and ribosomes
Capsule function
Capsule function
- adherence
- resistance to phagocytic cells
- antibody and drug resistance
- reserve of nutrients
- protection against drying
How would you technically determine gram+ or gram-?
evaluate the components of the cell wall.
Gram +
- Thick wall
- 1 layer
- lots of peptid
- techoic acids
- sensative to penicillin
- sensative to lysozyme
Gram -
- Thin wall
- 2 layers
- less peptid
- NO techoic acids
- not sensative to penicillin
- not sensative to lysozyme
Cell wall function
Cell wall function
- prevents damage to PROTOPLAST
- contains receptor sites for drugs and ligands for adherence
- components responsible for symptoms
- provides immonological distinction among strains of bact.
- lends rigitity and structure to cell
- contains MUREIN (distinctive of bacteria)
Draw disease triad