Preventative Care Flashcards
Flow chart of impacts of animal diseases on human well-being

Define prevention of infectious diseases
Prevention of infectious diseases can be defined as inhibiting the introduction or establishment of a disease into an area, herd, or individual.
define control of infectious diseases
control is a better term when infectious disease is already present. refers to containment of the disease.
eradication of an infectious disease involves complete elimination of the pathogen or the disease-causing agent from the defined geographic region.
levels of infectious disease prevention
Primary: maintaining healthy pop by avoiding occurence of disease through elimination of pathogen or increased resistance
Secondary: halts progression of disease. early intervention and containment
Tertiary: rehabilitation and elimination of ling-term impairment

Farm Biosecurity (10)
Farm Biosecurity: biosecurity on a farm comprises all measures taken to minimize the risk of the introduction and spread of infectious agents.
- purchasing policy
- dirty and clean road
- vehicles entering/leaving
- people/visitors
- fodder and water
- equipment
- housing and managment
- vermin and bird control
- monitoring animal health
- disposal of dead bodies

Biosecurity measures: purchasing policy
New animals should be quarentined for a time dependant upon the incubation period of common/important infectious diseases.
incubation period- time elapsed between infection and presentation of symptoms.
The principle of the dirty and clean road
Biosecurity measures
There should be a clean entrance and a dirty entrance on any given farm. clean entrance for staff access to herd and facilities. dirty entrance for drop offs and shipments of non-control animals

Biosecurity measures: people
biosecurity measures: people
- keep visitors to a minimum
- log book
- have standardized disenfectment equipment and procedures in place (boots, footbath, hand washing)
Biosecurity measures: fodder and water
Biosecurity measures: fodder and water
- do not feed animal byproduct
- purchase from quality suppliers
- avoid contamination in all stages (storage/delivery)
Biosecurity measures: housing and managment (3)
Biosecurity measures: housing and managment
- All-in and all-out housing policy
- animals moved into and out of facilties in distinct groups prevents disease spread by preventing contact between groups.
- minimize contact between younger and older animals
- maintain optimal stocking density
Biosecurity measures: disposal of dead bodies
Biosecurity measures: disposal of dead bodies
- remove promptly
- store correctly
- dispose within 48 hours
- burying
- composting
- incinerating
General considerations to control transmission in pets(7)
General considerations to control transmission in pets(7)
- avoid overcrowding
- isolation/quarentine wards
- good nutrition
- vaccination
- sanitation
- reduce stress
- routine health monitoring and record keeping
Decontamination technique
antisepsis= application of a liquid antimicromial chemical to skin/tissue to inhibit/destroy microorganisms
Sterilization methods (5)
Sterilization methods
- moist heat
- dry heat
- chemical methods
- radiation
- steril filtration
PPE= Personal protective equipment
- standard veteranary precaution
- gown
- mask
- face shield
- gloves
pyrimid of infectious diseases
Red Zone= major diseases and zoonoses. goal is eradication
Yellow Zone= other major diseases. goal is maintenence
Green Zone= remaining diseases

Chain of infection

Breaking chain of infection

Example of Resevoirs
African horse disease
- zebras cary
- flies bite
- transfer to horse
Transmissible Gastroenteritis
- infected pig
- carried on farm boots
- to healthy pig
Resevoir Neutrilization
Resevoir Neutrilization
- remove infected individuals (test and slaughter)
- mass therapy (treat all)
- environmental manipulation
Vector Control
Vector control
- source reduction
- get rid of pools of water
- biological control
- introduce natural enemies
- chemical control
- insecticides
Reducing contact potential
Reducing contact potential
- Isolation- separate animals that show clinical signs
- Quarentine- regardless of test results/signs
- Population control programs
Protection of portals of entry
Protection of portals of entry
- repellants
- protective clothing
- nets
Increasing host resistance
Increasing host resistance
- chemoprophylaxi: antimicrobial drugs
- immunization: vaccination (4W’s)
- Where?
- When?
- Who?
- Why?
Features of a good vaccine
Features of a good vaccine
- safe to use
- effective
- few sideffects
- long lasting protection
- low cost
- stable shelf life
- easy to administer
- inexpensive
- benefit outweighs the risk
Herd immunity
Herd immunity
= immunity due to vaccination/ immunity of majority of population
Disease Control Program
Disease Control Program
- rationale for establishing program
- set up goals and objectives
- program planning
- implementation
Surveilence Networks
Surveilence Networks
- WAHIS- Wild animal health
- Disease Forecasting
- ex. in india vets report diesease outbreak with app
- ex. in india vets report diesease outbreak with app
Diagnostic capability (pyrimid)
Diagnostic capability

Outbreak investigation
- preparation for field work
- coordination with public health
- confirmation of report
- confirmation of diagnosis
- epidemiological follow up
- collection of data and distribution
- inplement control
- document and report

Zones and Areas