molecular diagnostics Flashcards
Diagnostic techniques (4)
Diagnostic techniques
- direct examination
- culture
- immunologic systems
- molecular analysis
specificity vs. sensativity
both are measurments of the quality of a molecular test/identification/detection
- Specificicity= true negative rate
- measures porportion of negatives that are correct
- if a test is more specific, it will have more negatives because it clearly and accurately targets only the specific thing
- Sensativity= true positive rate
- measures porportion of positives that are correct
- if a test is really sensative, it will easily/often detect the pathogen wether there is a lot or a little present
***we aim to reduce sependency on cultures because of safetly concerns thus maximizing specificity and sensativity of tests is a goal in molecular diagnostics**
List methods of molecular detection and identification of microorganisms (5)
Molecular detection and identification
- electrophoresis
- RFLP- restriction fragment length polymorphism
- hybridization & probe
- nuclear acid amplification- signal or target
- protein detection- western blot, proteomics
Molecular Detection & Identification
= separated in an electrophoretic field
(negative molecules travle towards positive pole)
- mobiliy based on
- molecule size
- structure

Molecular Detection & Identification
Restriction Fragment Legnth Polymorphism
restriction enzymes- cut DNA at apecific recognition nucleotide sequences (SEQUENCE SPECIFIC)

Hybridization & Probe
Molecular Detection & Identification
= use a “probe” which binds to complimentary single- stranded sequences
probe is a fragment of nucleic acids
- can be labled
- detects complemtary sequence (high specificity)

Nuclear acid amplification
Molecular Detection & Identification
Nuclear Acid Amplification
= amplify stuff enough to easily recognize it. signal or target.
- signal amplification
- bDNA assays or hybrid capture assays
- Target Amplificaiton= enzyme mediated process to synth copies of target nucleic acid
- PCR- polymerase chain reaction
- LAMP- isothermal amplification
- ** high sensativity but false positives!
(relation to PCR)
nuclear acid amplification
target amplification
primers= piece of RNA that is starting point for dna synthesis
- can be random or specific
- target complementary sequences that flank the region to be amplified
- distance between the primers determines legnth of product
- determine specificity

PCR variations (4)
(elaborate on one)
PCR variations
- reverse-transcriptase PCR
- nested PCR
- multiplex PCR
quantitative/real-time PCR
- generates an exponential curve with lag phase, log phase, and exponential phase.
- lag phase inversely proportional to amount of starting material

nucleic acid amplification
target amplification
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification
likely the future of dna amplification as it is easier and more cost effective than pcr. just as accurate
- pros: quick, as good or better than PCR, visible results
- cons: design of primer sets is complicated
Western blot
Molecular Detection & Identification
Protein detection
Western Blot
= method of proteomics (study of proteins) that detects specific sequences of amino acids which can then be put in database to identify protein