Bacterial Diagnostics Flashcards
Sample types(7)
Sample types
- blood
- swabs
- transudates/exudates (other fluids)
- urine
- feces
- vomitus
- tissues
Blood samples
Blood samples
*maintain sterility*
- veinpuncture sites
- jugular
- femoral
- cephalic
- caudal vein (cattle)
- ear veins (rabbits+pigs)
- Bloos can be used for:
- culture
- serology
- diagnostics
Vacutainer Colors(6)
Vacutainer Colors
- Red- no additive or clot activator (for serum)
- Tiger top- cloct activator/serum separator (also for serum)
- Purple top- KEDTA anticoagulant (CBC)
- Green- lithium heparin anticoagulant (chemistries)
- Green tiger- lithium heparin and plasma separator
- Light blue- sodium citrate anticoagulant
Swabs(6) and Scrapes(2): Locations
Swab and Scrape: locations
- ears
- wounds
- abscesses
- conjunctiva
- joint
- genitourinary areas
- skin
- ** for mycology and parasitology
- ** for mycology and parasitology
Transudates/Exudates (7)
Transudates/Exudates= Misc. fluids
- abscess
- abdominal fluids
- oral fluid
- nasal fluid
- joint fluid
Urine: collection methods (4)
Urine: collection methods (4)
***very important in practice*** (exam)
There is a order of preference for urine collection methods:
- cystocentesis- with needle
- catheter
- free catch
- environmental
Feces (3) and Vomitus (2): collection methods
Feces (3) and Vomitus (2): collection methods
Feces- usually for parasite diagnostics
- fecal loop
- fecal swab
- environmental
- same/similar
- uncommon to collect vomit
Tissue collection (2)
Tissue collection (2)
- biopsy
- necropsy
Methods for direct examination of sample
Methods for direct examination of sample
- Stain!!!
- Culture- identification and antibiotic susceptibility
Stains (4)
- Histopathology (h&e)
- shape
- cellular association(intra or extra)
- Romanowsky/Wright (diff-quik)
- everything will be purple
- shows shape
- Gram Stain- bacteria
- shape
- surface characteristice (+/-)
- Acid Fast Stain
- mycobacterium
- nocardia
- cryptosporidium
Gram stain
Gram stain
- stains peptidoglycan layer in gram + cells (blue)
- gram - cells dont hold the crystal violet stain becuase less peptidoglycan. dye red with follow up stain.
** shapes and groupings can help with diagnostics
- staph- grapes
- strep- chains

Making the decision to culture
Things to consider…
- time
- cost
- supplies
- expertise
Bacterial Nutrition
Bacterial Nutrition-for cultures
- lots of carbon and nitrogen
- peptones (amino acids and peptides)
- some vitamines
Bacterial environmrntal conditions
Bacterial environmrntal conditions
- temperature
- mesophiles-body temp
- thermophiles
- psychrophiles- cold
- psychrotropes
- ph
- acidophiles
- neutrophiles
- alkaliphiles
- humidity
- atmospheric composition
Oxygen requirements
6 types
different location in culture based on requirements
Oxygen requirements
- obligate aerobes (1)
- obligate anerobes (2)
- faculative either (3)
- microaerophiles (4)- killed by high o2 but like some
- aerotolerant anaerobes (5)
- capnophiles - like co2 (not shown)
***grow differently based on preferences see diagram

Culture (3)
Culture (3)
- Agar
- nutrient media
- selective media
- diffferential media
- Broth
- nutrient broth
- enrichment broth
- Biochemical Testing
- enzymes
- fermentation
Agar- specifics
Review agar slides in powerpoint for specific examples
- basic nutrient media- food
- enriched nutrient media- food to grow extra good
- selective media- only allows growth of target
- differential media- results in different behavior of different organisms
ID test strips
ID test strips
- save space and resources and time
- lots of tests in one strip
- gives you diagnostic bacterial info!
Molecular diagnostics (4 specifics)
Molecular diagnostics
- 16s ribosomal RNA PCR = GOLD STANDARD
- real-time PCR
- MALDI-TOF- based on molecular weights of component proteins
- Snap tests
- ELISA- looks for antibodies or antigens
antibiotic sensativity vs. resistance
- Kirby-baur disk diffusion
- there are antibiotics in a place, see to what degree it deters batcherial growth
- Microdilution
- different concentrations of antibiotics in different wells. determine at what dilution bacteria ceases to grow
Sample Results
Sample Results
- S: senative
- R: resistant
- I: intermediate
- NI: no interpretation
Diagnostics for parisitology
Diagnostics for parasitology
- based on fecal sedemintation. FLOAT eggs
- send samples to lab
- blood samples can be used sometimes too