Virgil Pg 6 (690-702) Flashcards
sic equidem ducebam animo rebarque futurum tempora dinumerans, nec me mea cura fefellit.
Thus for my part, I kept considering in my mind and kept thinking that it would be, counting the seasons, nor did my anxiety fail me.
quas ego te terras et quanta per aequora vectum accipio! quantis iactatum, nate, periclis! quam metui ne quid Libyae tibi regna nocerent!’
I welcome you; over what lands and what great seas you have travelled! By what great dangers you have been tossed about, o son! How I feared that the kingdoms of Libya would harm you in some way!’
ille autem: ‘tua me, genitor, tua tristis imago saepius occurrens haec limina tendere adegit; stant sale Tyrrheno classes.
But that [Aeneas replied]: ‘Your image, father, your sad image, so often springing to my mind, drove me to make my way to these thresholds; my ships lie anchor on the Tyrrhenian sea.
da iungere dextram, da, genitor, teque amplexu ne subtrahe nostro.’
Grant, father, grant [me] to join our right hands, and do not withdraw from my embrace.’
sic memorans largo fletu simul ora rigabat.
As he spoke in this way, he moistened his face at the same time with copious weeping.
ter conatus ibi collo dare bracchia circum; ter frustra comprensa manus effugit imago, par levibus ventis volucrique simillima somno.
Three times he tried there to put his arms around [Anchises’] neck; three times the image, grasped in vain, escaped his hands, like light winds and most similar to winged sleep.