Vessels and Nerves Flashcards
Which arteries supply the perineal region?
Internal pudendal artery
Caudal gluteal artery
Obturator artery (equine only)
What nerves are going to supply the perineal region?
Genitofemoral nerve
Pudendal nerve
What will happen if there is damage to the pudendal nerve?
Failure of the perineal reflex (responsive contraction of the anal sphincter with subsequent ventral flexion of the tail)
What would happen if there was damage to the genitofemoral nerve?
Desensitizaion of the proximal medial thigh, scrotum, prepuce and vulva
Where can one located the pudendal nerve?
In the ischiorectal fossa, between the tail and the ischiatic tuberosity
True/False. The pudendal nerve is often blocked for episioplasy in the mare.
False. This is done in the bitch
Which muscles are found on the cranial surface of the thigh and are considered flexors of the hip and extensors of the stifle?
Flexors of the hip: Rectus femoris m., Sartorius m., Iliopsoas m.
-Extensors of the stifle: Quadriceps femoris muscle
Which artery supplies the quadricep muscles?
Lateral Circumflex femoral artery
Which artery is going to supply the sartorius and iliopsoas muscles?
Iliolumbar artery
What is the sensory innervation of the saphenous nerve of the cranial thigh muscles?
Cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve
Cutaneous zone: medial thigh, stifle, leg, tarsus, and remainder of paw
An animal comes in and is unable to extend the stifle and bare weight, and you notice that they have no sensation when you pinch the medial aspect of the thigh, leg and paw. Which nerve is damaged?
Femoral nerve
What is the action of the medial thigh muscles?
Adductors of the pelvic limb
Lateral rotation of the hip
Which muscles are responsible for laterally rotating the hip?
External obturator muscle
Which muscles are considered adductors of the pelvic limb?
Gracilis muscle
Adductor muscle
Pectineus muscle
Which arteries supply the adductors of the pelvic limb and lateral rotators of the hip?
Deep femoral artery
Caudal femoral arteries
Which nerve is said to cause “Downer’s Syndrome” and is compressed during parturition?
Obturator nerve
An animal comes into the clinic and is unable to adduct their affected limb. When the animal walks on the slippery floors you notice their legs splitting to the side. What nerve is damaged?
Obturator nerve
What is the action of the caudal thigh muscles, and which muscles are responsible for this action?
Flexors of the stifle: Biceps femoris, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus muscles
Which arteries supply the flexors of the stifle?
Deep femoral artery
Caudal gluteal artery
Caudal femoral arteries
What nerve will be damaged if there is compression due to intrapelvic pressure, dorsocranial hip luxations, trauma, or innappropriate surgical approaches?
Sciatic nerve
What are the consequences to paralysis of the caudal thigh muscles and all the muscles distal to the tarsal joints?
Tarsus is unstable
Unable to flex the stifle
What is the action of the cranial muscles of the crus and what are the associated muscles?
- Flexors of the tarsus: cranial tibial, peroneus longus, and perineus tertius (equine) muscles
- Extensors of the digits: long digital extensor muscle
What is the artery that supplies the flexors of the tarsus and extensors of the digits?
Cranial Tibial artery
A dog comes into the clinic and is unable to straighten the tarsus and is knuckling over onto the dorsal surface of the digits. When you pinch the the cranial part of the crus and dorsal part of the pes you notice that there is no sense of sensation. Which nerve is damaged?
Common peroneal (fibular) nerve
Knuckling at the fetlock and dragging of the horse hoof due to loss of motor muscle to the craniolateral crus are consequences of which nerve being damaged?
Common peroneal (fibular) nerve
Which nerve can be targeted fro injection when it passes superficially across the lateral aspect of the stifle?
Common peroneal (fibular) nerve
The common peroneal nerve is a branch off of ____.
Sciatic nerve
Hyperflexion of the tarsus and overextension of the digits is due to what nerve being damaged?
Tibial nerve
Where does an animal loose sensation if the tibial nerve is damaged?
The caudal part of the crus and plantar surface of the pes
What is the action of the caudal muscle of the crus, and which muscles are associated with their actions?
- Flexors of the stifle: Popliteus, and Gastrocnemius muscle
- Extensors of the tarsus: Gastrocnemius muscle
- Flexors of the digits: SDF and DDF
Which arteries supply the flexors of the stifle, extensors of the tarsus, and flexors of the digits?
Popliteal artery
Distal caudal femoral artery
An animal comes into the clinic with the inability to extend or flex the pelvic limb distal to the stifle and they lack sensory innervation to the distal part of the limb. What is damaged?
Common peroneal and tibial nerves
What arteries supply the dorsal surface of the paw?
Saphenous artery
Dorsal pedal artery
Which arteries supply the plantar surface of the paw?
Saphenous artery
Dorsal pedal artery
True/False. The tibial nerve innervates the dorsal surface of the paw, and the superficial and deep branches of the common peroneal nerve innervate the plantar surface of the paw.
False. The tibial innervates the plantar surface and the Common peroneal innervates the dorsal surface
Which nerve is autonomous to the dorsal pes and is autonomous the joints of the tarsus and digits?
Superficial and deep branches of the common peroneal nerve
Which nerve is autonomous to the plantar surface of the pes and is also autonomous to the joints of the tarsus and digits
Tibial nerve
Which artery supplies the dorsal tarsus of the equine limb? Which nerve innervates it?
Dorsal pedal artery
Superficial and deep branch of the common peroneal nerve
Which artery supplies the plantar tarsus of equine?
Caudal tibial arterty
Which nerves are going to innervate the plantar tarsus in equine?
Medial and Lateral Plantar nerves
Which nerves are branches of the tibial nerve at the level of the tarsus in equine?
Medial and Lateral Plantar nerves
What is going to supply the dorsal metatarsal and dorsal fetlock of equine?
Branches of the great metatarsal artery
Medial and Lateral plantar digital arteries
What innervates the dorsal metatarsal and dorsal fetlock of equine?
Superficial branch of the common peroneal nerve
Medial and Lateral dorsal metatarsal nerves
What is the arterial supply of the plantar metatarsus in equine?
Great metatarsal artery
The ___ and ___ are nerves that innervate the plantar metatarsus and branch off the Tibial nerve in equine.
Medial and Lateral Plantar nerves
Medial and Lateral plantar metatarsal nerves
True/False. The medial and lateral plantar metatarsal nerves are abaxial to the equine splint bones.
False. They are axial to the splint bones
Where does the collateral circulation come from in the plantar aspect of the equine pelvic limb?
Medial and Lateral Plantar Metatarsal arteries
Medial and Lateral Plantar arteries
Which nerve runs along the great metatarsal artery?
Lateral dorsal metatarsal nerve
What is the arterial supply to the fetlock and digit of the equine distal limb?
Medial and Lateral Plantar digital arteries
How many nerves innervate the fetlock of the equine distal limb?
What are the six nerves that innervate the fetlock of the equine distal limb?
Med./ Lat. Plantar nerves
Med. / Lat. Dorsal Metatarsal nerves
Med./ Lat. Plantar Metatarsal nerves
Which nerves innervate the digit of the equine distal limb?
Med./ Lat. Plantar digital nerves
What is the major blood supply of the equine pelvic limb?
femoral a. –> popliteal a. –> cranial tibial a. –> dorsal pedal a. –> great metatarsal a. –> medial and lateral plantar digital arteries
Which nerve provides motor innervation to the striated musculature of the perineum like the external anal sphincter, external urethral sphincter, levator ani muscle, and coccygeus muscle?
Pudendal nerve
Which nerve provides sensory innervation the skin of the inguinal region, spermatic fascia, scrotum, and prepuce?
Genitofemoral nerve
Which nerve provides motor innervation to the cranial tibial muscle, peroneus longus and long digital extensor muscle?
Common peroneal nerve
Which nerve provides motor innervation to the pectineus, gracilis, and adductor muscles?
Obturator nerve
Which nerve is going to provide motor innervation to the quadriceps femoris, sartorius, and iliopsoas muscles?
Femoral nerve
Which muscles does the sciatic nerve provide motor innervation for?
Internal obturator muscle
Gemelli muscle
Quadratus femoris muscle
Hamstring muscle
What muscles is the common peroneal nerve going to provide motor innervation to?
Cranial tibial muscle
Peroneus longus muscle
Long digital extensor muscle
Which muscles does the tibial nerve provide motor innervation to?
Gastrocnemius msucle Popliteus muscle SDF DDF Interosseus muscles
What muscles receive motor innervation from the superficial and deep branch of the common peroneal nerves?
Digital extensor muscles
Which nerves are blocked to help diagnose proximal suspensory desmitis?
Deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve
Which nerve runs next to the great metatarsal artery?
Lateral dorsal metatarsal nerve
Running along with ____ you can find the deep peroneal nerve.
Cranial tibial artery
True/False. Both the medial and lateral plantar metatarsal artery and nerve run along the splint bones.
What is the saphenous vein a branch off of?
Femoral vein
Which vein is more likely to experience blood spavin due to bog spavin or a swelling of the joint capsule?
Cranial branch of the medial saphenous vein
Which vein is palpable at the medial metatarsus?
Dorsal common digital vein II
What is the terminating branch of the deep femoral artery that passes through the vascular lacuna and arborizes in the adductor muscle?
Medial circumflex femoral artery
Which artery is a branch off the femoral artery and supplies the medial aspect of the stifle and the stifle joint?
Descending genicular
The caudal gluteal artery and nerve supplies _____ and the cranial gluteal artery and nerve supplies ____.
Caudal = superficial gluteal muscle Cranial = deep and middle gluteal muscle
Which nerves provide innervation to the stifle?
Common peroneal nerve
Tibial nerve
Saphenous nerve
Which nerves provide innervation to the tarsus and digits?
Common peroneal nerve
Tibial nerve
Which nerves are part of the lumbosacral plexus?
Cranial and Caudal gluteal nerve
Obturator nerve
Femoral nerve
Which vein is most common for venipuncture and catheter placement in a cat?
Medial saphenous vein
Which vein is most common for venipuncture and catheter placement in the dog?
Cranial branch of the Lateral saphenous vein
What structures pass through the vascular lacuna?
Femoral artery and vein
Saphenous nerve
Medial circumflex femoral artery and vein
What is the first branch off the femoral artery on the medial aspect?
Superificial circumflex iliac artery
Which artery supplies the coxofemoral joint and is the caudal branch off the femoral artery?
Lateral circumflex femoral artery
Which artery is located at the level of the tarsus and is important for arterial catheter placement?
Dorsal pedal artery
Which artery can be palpated for a pulse?
Dorsal pedal artery
Which artery would you use to take a pulse in the metatarsus of equine?
great metatarsal artery
Which artery is found between the medial and lateral sesamoidean bones and can be used to get a digital pulse?
Medial and Lateral Plantar Digital arteries
Which arteries does the pudendoepigastric trunk give rise to?
External pudednal artery
Caudal epigastric artery
The common peroneal nerve gives off the lateral cutaneous sural nerve, which has a cutaneous zone on the ____ surface of the crus.
The tibial nerve gives off the caudal cutaneous sural nerve, which has a cutaneous zone on the ____ surface of the crus.