Vessel & Nerves Flashcards
right and left internal iliac arteries
- terminal branches of aorta
- runs caudally w/in pelvic cavity
- divide into 2 branches after the umbilical a.
Right & left external Iliac arteries
- given off by aorta
- go laterally to supply pelvic limbs
terminal branches of aorta
- Left internal iliac a
- Right internal iliac a
- Median sacral a
median sacral a.
runs caudally, ventral to sacrum & eventually supplies the tail
umbilical a.
- 1st branch of internal iliac a.
- part of fetal vessels
- may remain patent in adults to the apex of the bladder
2 branches internal iliac a. divides into…
- Caudal gluteal a.
2. Internal pudendal a.
Caudal Gluteal a.
- larger of the 2 division of the internal iliac a.
- its branches supply mm of rump
- passes lateral to ischium to supply proximal parts of caudal thigh mm
internal pudendal a
- ventral to caudal gluteal a.
- runs caudally through pelvic cavity
- supplies pelvic viscera & penis/clitoris
- divides into several branches
prostatic a.
- division of internal pudendal a in the male
- supplies prostate, ductus deferens, urethra, urinary bladder, & rectum
Vaginal a.
- branch of internal pudendal a.
- supplies urinary bladder, urethra, uterus, vagina, & rectum
Uterine a.
- comes from vaginal a
- runs cranially in mesometrium
- continuous with uterine branch of ovarian a.
- must be ligated in ovariohysterectomy
pelvic nerves
- met by hypogastric nn. caudally from caudal mesenteric plexus
- carry parasympathetic fibers from sacral segments of spinal cord
- supply sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers to pelvic viscera
- form pelvic plexus w/ hypogastric nn.
deep femoral a
- ONLY branch of external iliac a
- comes just before external iliac a leave abdominal cavity
caudal epigastric a
- runs cranially on deep surface of rectus abdominus m
- supplies rectus abdominus m
- originates from deep femoral a.
external pudendal a
- passes through superficial inguinal ring
- originates from deep femoral a
pudendoepigastric trunk
common trunk that both caudal epigastric a & external pudendal a may arise from
medial circumflex femoral a
- what deep femoral a becomes after caudal epigastric a & external pudendal a. are given off
- leaves pelvic cavity through vascular lacunae
- supplies medial thigh mm
femoral a
- when external iliac a leaves abdominal cavity
- main blood supply to hind limb
superficial circumflex iliac a
enters deep surface of sartorius m. from femoral a.
lateral circumflex femoral a.
- runs b/n rectus femoris & vastus medialis mm.
- supplies quadriceps femoris, tensor fascia latae, & superfical & middle gluteal mm.
proximal caudal femoral a
- crosses pectineus & adductor mm.
- enters deep surface of gracilis m.
- supplies pectineus, adductor, & gracilis mm
- leaves femoral a. near its middle
saphenous a
- comes from caudal surface of femoral a & runs distally on superficial surface of crus
- accompanied by saphenous n. & medial saphenous v.
- divides into cranial & caudal branches near stifle jt
saphenous n
originates from large femoral n.
-supplies cutaneous sensation to medial side of limb to the paw
middle caudal femoral a.
- comes from caudal aspect of femoral a.
- supplies distal portions of adductor & semimembranosus mm
distal caudal femoral a
- largest of caudal femoral aa.
- supplies biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, gastrocnemius, & digital flexor mm
lateral saphenous v
- large v. on lateral surface of crus
- its cranial branches drain dorsal surface of paw
- good site for venipuncture
popliteal a
- what femoral a becomes as it passes b/n medial & lateral heads of gastrocnemius m.
- supplies stifle jt & gastrocnemius & poplieteus mm
cranial tibial a
- one part of the termination of the popliteal a.
- passes through the interosseous space to craniolateral surface of tibia
- primary blood supply of paw
Lumbosacral plexus
where pelvic limb’s nerves come from
obturator n
- comes from caudomedial surface of mm ventral to vertebral column
- runs caudodistally along medial surface of shaft of ilium
- supplies adductor, pectineus, gracilis, & obturator mm.
- can be damaged in dystocia in large animals
femoral n
- gives off saphenous n
- supplies all 4 heads of quadriceps femoris m
What happens if damage to femoral n. occurs?
- inability to extend stifle jt & thus bear weight
- if damage occurs b4 saphenous n given off, it will also cause loss of sensation on medial side of hindlimb
Cranial gluteal n
innervates middle and deep gluteal mm & tensor fascia latae
caudal gluteal n
innervates superficial gluteal m.
Sciatic n
- largest n. of pelvic limb
- innervates biceps femoris, semimebranosus, semitendinosus mm
Common peroneal n
- 1 terminating branch of the sciatic n
- innervates craniolateral mm of crus (cranial tibial, long digital extensor, peroneus longus mm)
- splits into superficial & deep nn which innervate dorsal surface of paw
Tibial n
- medial branch of sciatic n
- innervates caudal mm of crus (gastrocnemius, superficial & deep digital flexor, and popliteus mm)
- provides sensory info from plantar paw
Celiac a
- 1st unpaired a that leaves ventral surface of aorta
- has 3 branches
celiacomesenteric ganglion and plexus
- covers initial portion of celiac a. & root of mesentery
- autonomic nerve fibers from vagal trunks and sympathetic trunk enter it
3 branches of celiac a
- splenic a
- left gastric a
- hepatic a
spelnic a
goes toward spleen w/ branches to spleen, stomach, & greater curvature of stomach
left gastric a
2nd branch of celiac a.
-runs toward lesser omentum near cardia
hepatic a
largest branch of celiac a.
-branches to liver & gall bladder, right side of greater & lesser curvatures, pancreas, & proximal duodenum
cranial mesenteric a
- immediately caudal to celiac a
- supplies duodenum, pancreas, jejunum, ileum, cecum & ascending/ transverse/cranial colons
phrenicoabdominal aa.
- leave either side of the aorta & pass laterally dorsal to adrenal glands
- they divide
renal aa.
- next aortic branch after phrenicoabdominal aa
- usually 1/kidney & enter at hilus of kidney
- right one comes of cranial to the left one
renal vv
- leave hilus of kidney & enter caudal vena cava
- left renal vein receives blood from left testicular v
ovarian a
- leave aorta just caudal to renal aa.
- run through mesovarium to ovaries
uterine branch of ovarian aa.
-continuation of ovarian aa to uterus
testicular aa
- leave aorta caudal to renal aa.
- run caudoventrally in abdominal cavity w/in mesorchium & exit via deep inguinal ring
caudal mesenteric a
- smaller unpaired a. that leaves ventral surface of aorta near its end
- runs in descending mesocolon to mesenteric border of descending colon
caudal mesenteric ganglion & plexus
-gets fibers from sympathetic trunk
-surrounds caudal mesenteric a.
-2 branches = hypogastric nn.
also supplies sympathetic to descending colon
hypogastric nn
supply sympathetic fibers to pelvic viscera
deep circumflex iliac aa.
last branches of abdominal aorta
-supply skin & mm of caudal abdomen & cranial thigh
portal vein
- enters visceral surface of the liver
- carries blood from digestive system to liver for filtration