Abdomen/Abdominal Cavity Flashcards
Abdominal cavity
- extends into bony thorax. (liver & spleen live under rib cage)
- bounded cranially by diaphragm
freely communicates with the pelvic cavity
Area bounded cranially by caudal ribs, dorsally by lumber spine, caudally by tuber coxae
Pelvic Cavity
bounded by pelvis, sacrum, caudal vertebrae.
freely communicates with abdominal cavity
3 body cavities
thoracic, abdominal, pelvic
Which body cavities aren’t under negative pressure?
abdominal and pelvic cavities
Vaginal process
contains vaginal tunic, vaginal cavity, and structures inside it
extra abdominal extension of the peritoneal cavity
can get hernia here in female dogs.
vaginal cavity
peritoneum which extends out of the ab. cavity & lines the structures of the vaginal process.
cavity inside the vaginal tunic
vaginal tunic
serous membrane outside ab. cavity.
continuous with peritoneum but the name changes once the membrane leaves the abdominal cavity
serous membrane in abdominal and pelvic cavities
Peritoneal cavity
in abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. in pelvic cavity it is pouches
should only have a little bit of serous fluid in it.
Median ligament of urinary bladder
- goes from umbilicus to bladder.
- very thin.
- contained umbilical aa. therefore now contains round lig. of urinary bladder.
Falciform ligament
cranial to umbilicus.
contains lots of fat.
round lig. of liver in free edge of this.
Remnants of ventral mesentary after birth
- Falciform lig.
2. Median lig. of urinary bladder
Ventral Mesentery
divides the peritoneal cavity into 2 parts in the fetus.
called mesentaries b/c they had v. & aa. of fetal development
Deep inguinal ring
cranial border = internal ab. oblique
caudal border = inguinal lig.
ventral border = rectus abdominus
(can’t see when ex. abdominal oblique is in place)
Superficial inguinal ring
natural hole in aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique m.
where vaginal process comes out of
Inguinal canal
natural passageways through the caudoventral aspects of abdominal walls.
~space b/n deep and superficial inguinal rings~
vessels & nerves can leave ab. cavity b/c of this.
- vaginal process
- male = spermatic cord
- female = fat-filled, fetal remnant
Parietal peritoneum
peritoneum against the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities (diaphragm & inner abdominal walls)
-continuous with the vaginal tunic
Visceral peritoneum
peritoneum on organs of abdominal and pelvic cavities
Connecting peritoneum
- double layers
- connect parietal and visceral peritoneum
- has 3 specific subtypes
ex: greater and lesser omentums
Types of connecting peritoneum
- Mesentery
- Ligament
- Ventral Mesentery
connects organs, vessels, and nerves to dorsal walls.
ex: connects jejunum to dorsal wall
connecting peritoneum that connects organ to organ
-typically lacks vessels
EXCEPTION: broad lig. (mesentery to female repro tract)
Ventral Mesentery (after birth)
the dividing mesentery breaks down into 2 remnants
Genitofemoral n.
receives sensory info from mid-pelvis to mid-thigh
Vaginal ring
where transition from parietal peritoneum to vaginal tunic occurs.
(edge formed by parietal peritoneum as it turns from the body wall out through deep inguinal ring)
- part of fetal development
- guides male gonad to scrotum
- degenerates into various lig. in female
- followed by peritoneum
(dorsal body wall->gonad->through inguinal canal->skin [scrotum/labia])
Gubernaculum degenerates in ____ in the female.
- Suspensory lig. of ovary
- Proper lig. of ovary
- Round lig. of uterus
Suspensory lig. of ovary
connects ovary to dorsal body wall
proper lig. of ovary
connects ovary to uterus
Round lig. of uterus
- goes from uterus to inguinal canal & into vaginal process
- in lateral fold of mesometrium
Structures that pass through the inguinal canal (in m & f)
- External pudendal a. & v.
- genitofemoral n.
- peritoneum
Gubernaculum in male dog
- swells & stretches out inguinal canal so testis can leave abdomin
- drags/guides a. & v., mesorchium, etc. w/ testis to inguinal canal to scrotum
male adult remnants of gubernaculum
- proper lig. of testis
- lig. of tail of epididymis
(very short parts)
proper lig. of testis
connect testis & tail of epididymis
lig. of tail of epididymis
attaches tail to parietal vaginal sheath
Visceral vaginal tunic (male)
covers ONLY the ductus deferens in spermatic cord and the testes and epididymis
mesoductus deferens
covers the a. & v. associated w/ ductus deferens
surrounds testicular vessels (many veins, 1 artery)
vaginal cavity (male)
full of testicular vessels, ductus deferens, and a few drops of serous fluid
Caudal superficial epigastric artery
- runs cranially on superficial surface of rectus abdominus m.
- male: lies adjacent to prepuce
- female: supplies caudal pr. mammary glands
external pudendal a.
- parent vessel of caudal superficial epigastric a.
- only called this PRIOR to leaving superficial inguinal ring
parietal vaginal tunic
surrounds entire spermatic cord (the ‘wall’)
pampiniform plexus
- large, tortuous venous plexus in spermatic cord.
- aids in cooling the testes via heat transfer from the aa.
aortic hiatus
- where aorta enters abdominal cavity
- between 2 crura of diaphragm
Parts of the diaphragm
- sternal
- costal
- lumbar (made of 2 tendons called right and left crura)
Caval Foramen
Location: in tendinous portion of diaphragm
Purpose: where caudal vena cava enters abdominal cavity
Esophageal Hiatus
Where esophagus, dorsal & ventral vagal trunks enter abdominal cavity
Lateral ligg. of urinary bladder
run between lateral body walls and urinary bladder
greater omentum
“net-like” in appearance
-covers ventral surface of abdominal viscera
parts of the greater omentum
- superficial leaves
- deep leaves
the space b/n them = omental bursa
Superficial leaf of greater omentum
runs cranially to greater curvature of stomach.
Deep leaf of greater omentum
more dorsal of the 2 leaves.
-encloses the left lobe of the pancreas
lesser omentum
thin, lacy sheet of peritoneum which connects the lesser curvature of the stomach to the liver.
- dark-red structure on lateral wall on LEFT side
- may extend as far cranially as the 11th intercostal space & as far caudally as the mid-lumbar region.
- its size varies
gastrosplenic ligament
part of greater omentum running from spleen to greater curvature of stomach
large, red-brown organ lying against diaphragm in cranial abdomen.
has 6 lobes.
parietal surface of liver
surface lying against diaphragm
visceral surface of liver
faces the abdominal viscera.
more caudal portion of liver
Lobes of the liver
- Caudate lobe (caudal process & papillary process)
- right lateral lobe
- right medial lobe
- Quadrate lobe
- Left lateral lobe
- left medial lobe
What are the 2 processes of the caudate lobe of the liver?
- Caudate process
2. Papillary process
Papillary process of caudate lobe of liver
in lesser omentum b/n liver and lesser curvature of the stomach
Caudate process of caudate lobe of liver
rest on cranial extend of right kidney
Parts of the stomach
greater curvature, lesser curvature, cardia, fundus, body of the stomach, pylorus
Lesser curvature of stomach
concave surface directed cranially and to the right
greater curvature of stomach
convex surface, directed caudally and to the left
where abdominal esophagus empties into the stomach
cardiac region of stomach = very small & surround esophagus’ opening
part of the stomach that lies to left & dorsal to the cardia
medium in size
body of the stomach
extends from the cadiac region to the sharp bend in the lesser curvature
terminal portion of the stomach
parts of the small intestine
- duodenum
- jejunum
- ileum
parts of the duodenem
- cranial duodenal flexure
- descending duodenum
- caudal duodenal flexure
- ascending duodenum
duodenojejunal junction
where duodenum become jejunum.
occurs where short mesoduodenum is continuous with longer mesojejunum
hepatoduodenal ligament
- cranial portion of mesoduodenum running from descending duodenum to liver
- contains bile duct
- grey, lobulated organ
- in mesoduodenum and deep leaf of greater omentum
- has left & right lobes (left lies by stomach & right lies by descending duodenum
- 2 ducts drain to duodenum (pancreatic duct & accessory duct)
Major Duodenal Papilla
cranial most papilla extending into the lumen
-where pancreatic duct & bile duct enter SI
Minor duodenal papilla
2-3 cm caudal to the major papilla.
-where accessory pancreatic duct empties
jejunal lymph nodes
surround jejunal arteries near root of mesentery
way to arbitrailly distinguish b/n ileum & jejunum
small artery running along antimesenteric surface of terminal SI.
ileal orifice
where ileum empties into large intestine.
a well-defined sphincter exists here.
parts of the colon
- ascending colon
- right colic flexure
- transverse colon
- left colic flexure
- descending colon
peritoneal layer that supports the 3 segments of the large colon
blind-ended pouch that attaches to ascending colon near ileocolic junction.
-somewhat coiled
ileocecal fold
where cecum joins ileum
kidney positioning
left kidney is slightly more caudal than right.
hilus of the kidney
indentation on medial border
-where renal vessels and ureter enter/leave kidney
renal cortex
granular-appearing tissue deep to renal capsule (outer layer)
renal medulla
darker inner layer of the kidney
renal sinus
fat-filled area at hilus of kidney that surrounds renal pelvis
renal pelvis
expanded origin of ureter
renal crest
formed by the renal medulla and projects into renal pelvis
renal pyramids
- triangular
- formed by medulla
- extend into pelvic recesses of renal pelvis
adrenal glands
dorsal to phrenicoabdominal veins (and kidneys)
- have light-colored outer cortex and darker, inner medulla
- cortex produces steroid hormones
- medulla produces epinephrine
ovarian bursa
peritoneal sac which surrounds ovaries
funnel-shaped structure that surrounds caudomedial surface of ovary
uterine tube
- carries ova from ovary to uterus
- makes up lateral wall of ovarian bursa
finger-like projections of infundibulum, on the edges of the “funnel”
-direct ova from ovary into infundibulum
body of the uterus
short piece of the uterus. (where uterine horns meet)
-caudal portion = cervix
broad ligament
- connecting peritoneum that supports female repro organs
- attached to sublumbar region
supports ovary & contains ovarian vessels
suspensory ligament of ovary
thickened, cranial border of mesovarium
portion of broad ligament that attaches to the uterine-tube
- most extensive portion of broad ligament
- supports the uterus
- often fat-filled