Neck and Thorax Flashcards
Location of 1st cervical nerve
exits through the lateral vertebral foramen of the atlas.
External Jugular Vein
Location: groove b/n sterocephalicus & brachiocephalicus.
cranially it’s made from the ventral Linguofacial vein and the dorsal Maxillary vein.
Location where cervical nerves 2-7 exit
through intervertebral foramen b/n adjacent vertebrae.
where 8th cervical nerve exits
intervertebral foramina b/n 7th cervical vertebra and 1st thoracic vertebra
Cephalic Vein
Location: cranial aspect of forearm
gives off the axillobrachial vein
empties into external jugular vein near brachiocephalicus m.’s humeral attachment
Accessory Nerve
Location: b/n cervical portion of brachiocephalicus m. and trapezius m.
Entry: deep surface of trapezius m. (caudally)
ONLY nerve that supplies trapezius m.
How would inflammation or surgical manipulation of superficial cervical lymph nodes affect accessory nerve?
If they press too much into the nerve,
Carotid sheath contains:
- Common carotid artery
- Vagosympathetic Nerve trunk
- Internal jugular vein (small)
Carotid Sheath Location
dorsal to fuesed sternohyoideus and sternothyroideus mm.
Thyroid glands
Lie on either side of trachea.
located near the cranial carotid sheath
- space b/n forelimb and thoracic wall (armpit).
- bound by serratus ventralis m. dorsally & pectoral mm. ventrally.
Axillary Vein
Transverses axillary space & enters arm.
Axillary Lymph Node
Location: Caudal to axillary vein against medial mm. of forelimb
not normally palpable in dogs
Mediastinum contains:
- Heart
- Great vessels
- Esophagus
- Trachea
- Several other structures
Hilus of the Lungs
where bronchi and vessels enter the lungs
Left Lungs’ Lobes
- cranial part of Cranial lobe
- caudal part of Caudal lobe
- Caudal lobe
part of immune system.
Large in young animal & small in older animal.
Internal thoracic arteries
- Run from cranial mediastinum caudally on dorsal surface of sternum.
- There are a right and left one
- Give off branches that run dorsally, caudal to each rib.
Large, light colored vessel immediately ventral to vertebral column.
Caudal Vena Cava
Location: about the level of the heart’s dorsal border & deep to accessory lob of right lung on the midline.
Right Lung’s Lobes
- Cranial Lobe - undivided
- Middle Lobe
- Caudal Lobe
- Accessory Lobe
Accessory Lobe’s location
b/n caudal mediastinum & fold of mediastinum that contains the vena cava.
Cardiac Notch
Location: b/n cranial & middle lobes of right lung
Allows pericardial sac to contact thoracic wall.
Where intracardiac injections are given.
Phrenic Nerves
Formed by branches from 5th - 7th cervical nerves.
Run caudally on either side of mediastinum, alongside pericardial sac & enter diaphragm.
Function: supply motor and sensory innervation to diaphragm
Vagus Nerves
Location: Run caudally in cranial mediastinum on both sides of esophagus. Run cranially past hilus. From brain run caudally in carotid sheath to thorax and abdomen.
Divide into ventral and dorsal branches
Tracheobronchial Lymph Nodes
Location: dorsal & caudal to tracheal bifurcation & alongside bronchi.
Cranial Vena Cava
Function: carry venous blood from head & forelimbs to right side of heart
Formed by: Left and right Brachiochephalic Veins
Location: right side of cranial mediastinum
Left Subclavian Vein
Function: Drains left forelimb
Left External Jugular Vein + Left Subclavian Vein form…
left Brachiocephalic Vein
Right Azygos Vein
Function: Usually drains into cranial vena cava but may empty directly into right atrium.
Receives intercostal veins from diaphragm level to 3rd/4th intercostal space.
Caudal Vena Cava
Most ventral structure running b/n diaphragm and heart.
Fuction: carries venous blood from structures caudal to diaphragm to the right side of the heart.
Brachiochephalic trunk
- 1st visible vessel given off the aortic arch.
- Gives off left & right common carotid arteries.
Left & right common carotid arteries
run cranially in carotid sheaths to supply the head AND continues as right subclavian artery.
Right Subclavian Artery
supplies right forelimb + other things
Left Subclavian Artery
2nd branch off aortic arch
Intercostal Arteries
Lie caudal to 1st-12th ribs.
(4th-12th intercostal arteries are continuous with the dorsal intercostal arteries)
Accompanied by intercostal veins and intercostal nerves.
Intercostal Veins
Accompany intercostal arteries.
Drain into Azygous and internal thoracic veins.
Dorsal branch of each intercostal artery supplies…
Epaxial mm.
Lateral Cutaneous branches of Intercostal arteries supply…
structures superficial to intercostal mm.
Intercostal Nerves
- ventral branches of thoracic spinal nerves that course ventrally caudal to each rib.
- lie next to intercostal aa. and vv.
- give off ventral cutaneous branches as they course ventrally.
Ventral Vagal Trunk
formed by the fusion of the 2 ventral branches of the vagus nerves
Dorsal Vagal Trunk
Formed caudally by the fusion of the right and left dorsal branches of the vagus nerves.