Thoracic Limb Flashcards
Teres Major
O: Caudal border scapula I: Teres major tuberosity A: Flex shoulder jt Innervation: axillary n. Gp: Medial mm. shoulder
Superficial Digital Flexor
O: Medial epicondyle humerus
I: Middle phalanges, proximopalmar parts, of digits 2-5
A: flex carpal & digital jts (EXCEPT the distal interphalangeal jts)
Innervation: median & ulnar nn.
Gp: caudomedial antebrachial
Biceps Brachii m.
O: Superglenoid tubercle I: Proximal & medial aspects of radius & ulna A: flex cubital jt, extend shoulder jt. Innervation: Musculocutaneous n. Gp: cranial m. of arm
Common Digital Extensor
O: Lateral epicondyle I: Extensor process of all distal phalanges A: extend the carpal & digital jts Innervation: Deep branch of radial n. Gp: Craniolateral antebrachial mm
Trapezius m.
O: Dorsal neck & thorax I: Spine of scapula A: Elevate the limb Innervation: Accessory n. (CN 11) Gp: attaches to scapula
Infraspinatus m.
O: Infraspinous fossa
I: Greater tubercle
A: flex shoulder jt., abduct limb at shoulder jt., act as lateral collateral lig.
Innervation: suprascapular n.
Gp: lateral m. of shoulder
(Bursa lies b/n its tendon & greater tubercle)
Lateral Digital Extensor m.
O: Lateral epicondyle I: distal phalanges of lateral digits A: extend carpal jt & digital jts 3-5 Innervation: Deep branch of radial Gp: craniolateral m. of forearm
Flexor carpi ulnaris m.
O: medial epicondyle humerus, olecranon I: Accesory carpal bone A: Flex carpal jt. Innervation: median & ulnar n. Gp: caudomedial antebrachial
Brachialis m.
O: Proximal, lateral humerus I: proximal & medial aspects of radius & ulna A: flex elbow jt. Innervation: Musculocutaneus n. Gp: cranial m. of bracium
Brachiocephalicus m.
O: Clavicle/Clavicular intersection
I: Brachial-cranial distal humerus, Cervical-dorsal neck, Mastoid-mastoid process
A: pull limb cranially, extend shoulder jt, draw head/neck laterally or ventrally
Innervation: cervical & thoracic spinal nn, accessory n.,
Gp: Extrinsic mm. of thoracic limb
Rhomboideus m.
O: occipital bone, dorsal neck & thorax
I: dorsal border scapula &/or scapular cartilage
A: elevate limb, pull scapula to trunk
Innervation: cervical & thoracic spinal nn, peripheral nn, accessory n
Gp: extrinsic mm. thoracic limb
Omotransversarius m.
O: wing of atlas
I: distal spine of scapula
A: advance thoracic limb, lateral and deep flexion of neck
Innervation: cervical & thoracic nn, peripheral nn, accessory n
Gp: extrinsic mm of thoracic limb
Superficial pectoral m
O: cranial sternum
I: crest of greater tubercle of humerus & cranial border humerus
A: adduct limb
Innervation: cervical & thoracic nn, peripheral nn, accessory n.
Gp: extrinsic mm of thoracic limb
deep pectoral m.
O: sternum
I: greater and lesser tubercles of humerus
A: adduct limb & pull it caudally
Innervation: cervical and thoracic nn, peripheral nn, accessory n
Gp: extrinsic mm of thoracic limb
latissimus dorsi m.
O: thoracolumbar fascia
I: teres major tuberosity
A: draw limb caudally or trunk cranially, flex or extend shoulder jt.
Innervation: cervical & throacic nn, peripheral nn, accessory n
Gp: extrinsic mm of thoracic limb
serratus ventralis m
O: cervical vertebrae, thoracic wall (ribs)
I: serrated face scapula
A: support and elevate trunk
Innervation: cervical & thoracic nn, peripheral nn, accessory n.
Gp: extrinsic mm of thoracic limb
supraspinatus m
O: supraspinous fossa I: greater tubercle humerus A: lateral stability shoulder jt (lateral collateral lig), extend shoulder jt Innervation: suprascapular n Gp: lateral shoulder mm
Deltoideus m
O: spine and acromion of scapula I: deltoid tuberosity A: flex shoulder jt Innervation: axillary n Gp: lateral shoulder mm.
subscapularis m
O: subscapular fossa I: lesser tubercle humerus A: medially stabilize shoulder jt, adduct at shoulder Innervation: subscapular n Gp: medial shoulder mm
tensor fasciae antebrachii m.
O: latissimus dorsi m. & fascia on caudal border scapula I: tuber olecrani A: extend elbow jt Innervation: radial n Gp: caudal brachium mm
triceps brachii m
O: long = caudal border scapula, all others = proximal humerus
I: tuber olecrani
A: all extend elbow jt, long-flex shoulder jt
Innervation: radial n
Gp: caudal brachium mm
extensor carpi radialis m
O: lateral supracondylar crest humerus I: dorsoproximal end metacarpals 2-3 A: extend carpal jts, flex cubital jts minimally Innervation: deep branch radial n Gp: craniolateral antebrachial mm
ulnaris lateralis m
O: lateral epicondyle humerus I: proximolateral metacarpal 5, accessory carpal bn A: abduct manus, flex carpal jts Innervation: deep branch radial n Gp: craniolateral antebrachial mm
abductor pollicus longus m
extensor carpi obliquus m
O: body of ulna I: proximal metacarpal 1 A: extend carpal jts, abduct digit 1 Innervation: deep branch radial n Gp: craniolateral antebrachial mm
supinator m
O: lateral epicondyle humerus I: body of radius A: supinate manus Innervation: deep branch radial n Gp: craniolateral antebrachial mm
flexor carpi radialis m.
O: medial epicondyle humerus I: palmaroproximal aspect of metacarpal bns 2-3 A: flex carpal jts Innervation: median & ulnar nn Gp: caudomedial antebrachial mm
Deep digital flexor m.
O: medial epicondyle humerus, radius & ulna I: distal phalanges, palmar aspect A: flex carpal jts and digital jts Innervation: median & ulnar nn Gp: caudomedial antebrachial
Pronator teres m
O: medial epicondyle humerus I: body of radius A: pronate manus Innervation: median & ulnar nn Gp: caudomedial antebrachial
Interosseus mm
O: palmar, bae metacarpals 2-5
I: axial & abaxial base proxmial phalanges 2-5 (via sesmoidean lig)
A: support metacarpophalangeal jts, flex metacarpophalangeal jts 2-5
Innervation: deep branch of median and ulnar nn
Gp: palmar manus
Teres minor m.
O: Caudal border scapula I: Teres minor tuberosity A: Flex shoulder jt. Innervation: suprascapular & axillary nn. Gp: Lateral mm. of Shoulder
Coracobrachialis m.
O: Coracoid process of scapula I: Crest of lesser tubercle of humerus A: Adduct limb at shoulder jt, act as medial collateral lig. Innervation: Gp: Medial mm. of shoulder
Anconeus m.
O: caudal aspect of distal humerus I: tuber olecrani A: extend elbow jt. Innervation: radial n. Gp: caudal mm of arm
Brachioradialis m.
O: lateral epicondyle humerus I: fascia near carpus A: flex cubital jts. & supinate manus Innervation: Gp: craniolateral antebrachial
pronator quadratus m
Attachments: apposed surface of radius & ulna
Action: pronation of manus
Gp: caudomedial antebrachial