verbs (infinitives) Flashcards
When two verbs follow each other, what must happen to the 2nd verb?
The second verb will always be in the infintive.
J’aime jouer de la guitare (I like playing the guitar)
Some verbs require a preposition between them and the infinitive. What are the 2 common prepositions?
à and de
Il apprend à nager (he is learning to swim)
J’ai oublié de fermer la porte (I forgot to close the door)
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to help someone to
aider quelqu’un à ……
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to learn to
apprendre à …..
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to manage to
arriver à ….
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to start to
commencer à ….
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to continue to
continuer à …..
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to be interested in
s’intéresser à ….
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to invite someone to
inviter quelqu’un à
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to succeed in
réussir à ….
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to stop
arrêter de
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to decide to
décider de
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to try to
essayer de
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to be forced to
être oubligé(e) de
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to forget to
oublier de
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to refuse to
refuser de
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“I have my car repaired”
Je fais réparer ma voiture
Faire + infinitive is used to say that someone is having something done
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“He is having his hair cut”
Il se fait couper les cheveux
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“They are having a house built”
Ils font construire une maison
How is perfect infinitive formed?
It consists of the infinitive of avoir or être;
plus the past participle of the verb.
après avoir regardé l’heure (after looking at the time)
How is the perfect infinitive used?
It is used after après to mean after doing something
elle a mangé après s’être levée (she ate after getting up)
What modal verb is used to say what must or must not be done?
Devoir + an infinitive is used to express what must or must not be done.
Je dois porter un uniforme (I must wear a uniform)
On ne dois pas jeter de papiers par terre (you musn’t drop litter on the floor)
The conditional tense of devoir is ‘should’
On devrait dois porter un uniforme(We should have to wear a uniform)
What modal verb is used to say what can or cannot be done?
Pouvoir + infinitive is used to express what can or cannot be done.
On peut faire des randonnées (you can go hiking)
Elle ne peut pas sortir pendant la semaine (she cannot go out in the week)
The conditional tense of pouvoir is ‘could’
On pourrais faire des randonnées (you could go hiking)
What modal verb is used to say what one wants or does not want to do?
Vouloir + infinitive is used to express what one wants or does not want to do:
Je veux partir (I want to leave)
The conditional tense of vouloir is ‘would like)
e.g. Je voudrais partir en vacances
(I would like to go on holiday)