adjectives Flashcards
How must an adjective agree with the noun it describes?
In French, adjectives have different endings according to whether they are masculine and feminine, singular or plural.
What ending does the masculine singular form take?
None. It is the default (dictionary) form and has no extra ending.
e.g. Mon frère est petit (my brother is small)
In general, what ending does the masculine plural form take?
Add an ‘s’ to the masculine singular form:
e.g. Mes frères sont petits
(My brothers are small)
In general, what ending does the feminine singular form take?
Add an ‘e’ to the masculine singular form:
e.g. Ma sœur est petite
(My sister is small)
In general, what ending does the feminine plural form take?
Add an ‘s’ to the femine singular form:
e.g. Mes sœurs est petites
(My sisters are small)
If the masculine singular form of the adjective ends in ‘e’, how is the feminine singular form derived?
No extra ‘e’ is added to the masculine singular form to create the female singular form of the adjective.
e.g rouge
un vélo rouge (a red bike)
une voiture rouge (a red car)
{N.B. if the adjective ends in é, an e is added.
mon film préferé (my favourite film)
ma chanson préferée (my favourite song)}
If the masculine singular form of the adjective ends in ‘eux’, how is the feminine singular form derived?
The female singular form of the adjective ends in ‘euse’ rather than ‘eux’.
e.g. un garçon heureux (a happy boy)
une fille heureuse (a happy girl)
If the masculine singular form of the adjective ends in ‘eur’, how is the feminine singular form derived?
The female singular form of the adjective ends in ‘euse’ rather than ‘eux’.
e.g. un garçon travailleur (a hard-working boy)
une fille travailleuse (a hard-working girl)
If the masculine singular form of the adjective ends in ‘ive’, how is the feminine singular form derived?
The female singular form of the adjective ends in ‘if’ rather than ‘ive’.
un garçon sportive (a sporty boy)
une fille sportif (a sporty girl)
If the masculine singular form of the adjective ends in ‘eau’, how is the feminine singular form derived?
The female singular form of the adjective ends in ‘elle’ rather than ‘eau’.
un vélo nouveau (a new bike)
une voiture nouvelle (a new cars)
If the masculine singular form of the adjective ends in a consonant, what is sometimes done to derive the feminine singular form?
The final consonant is sometimes doubled, before adding an ‘e’ to form the feminine singular form.
il est italien (he is Italian)
elle est italienne (she is Italian)
What is the feminine singular form of ‘blanc’ (white)?
In general, how are masculine plural forms generated for most adjectives ending in -al?
Most adjectives ending in ‘-al’ change to ‘-aux’ (masculine plural) or to ‘-ales’ (femine plural).
topical (tropical) … tropicaux
What is the masculine plural form of banal?
(this is an exception)
Where are adjectives generally placed in French sentences?
after the noun to which they refer
e.g. un chat noir (a black cat)
What categories of adjectives are placed before the noun?
- beauty - une jolie fille (a pretty girl)
- rank - le premier crû (the first rose)
- age - un jeune garçon (a young boy)
- goodness - le mauvais chien (a bad dog)
- size - une petite souris (a little mouse)
acronym BRAGS.
What is the masculine singular form of the adjective nouveau, that is used when followed by a noun that begins with a vowel or mute h.
un nouvel ami (a new friend
{N.B. a few adjectives that come in front of the noun have a special masculine form when followed by a vowel or mute h.
What partative article should be used with nouns that have a preceding adjective?
Use ‘de’ or if the noun begins with a vowel or mute ‘h’, d’
Il a mangé de magnifiques gâteaux.
What are the 3 forms of the possessive adjective used for ‘my’?
- mon
- masculine singular
- mon père (my father)
- ma
- feminine singular
- ma mère (my mother)
- use mon, if the feminine noun begins with a vowel or mute ‘h’.
- mes
- plural
- mes parents (my parents)
What are the 3 forms of the possessive adjective used for ‘your’ (singular) ?
- ton
- masculine singular
- ton père (your father)
- ta
- feminine singular
- ta mère (your mother)
- use ton, if the feminine noun begins with a vowel or mute ‘h’.
- tes
- plural
- tes parents (your parents)
What are the 3 forms of the possessive adjective used for ‘his/her/its’?
- son
- masculine singular
- son père (his/her father)
- sa
- feminine singular
- sa mère (his/her mother)
- use son, if the feminine noun begins with a vowel or mute ‘h’.
- ses
- plural
- ses parents ((his/her parents)
What are the 2 forms of the possessive adjective used for ‘our’?
- notre
- masculine & feminine singular
- notre père (our father)
- notre mère (our mother)
- nos
- plural
- nos parents (our parents)
What are the 2 forms of the possessive adjective used for ‘your’ (plural or polite singular)?
- votre
- masculine & feminine singular
- votre père (your father)
- votre mère (your mother)
- vos
- plural
- vos parents (your parents)
What are the possessive adjectives (masc singular, fem singular and plural) for ‘their’?
- leur
- masculine & feminine singular
- leur père (their father)
- leur mère (their mother)
- leurs
- plural
- leurs parents (your parents)
What is the masculine singular form of the interrogative adjective ‘Which’?
C’est quel dessin?
(Which drawing is it?)
What is the masculine plural form of the interrogative adjective ‘Which’?
Quels chats sont noirs?
(Which cats are black?)
What is the feminine singular form of the interrogative adjective ‘Which’?
Quelle heure est-il?
(What time is it?)
What is the feminine plural form of the interrogative adjective ‘Which’?
Quelles sont tes matières préférés?
(What are your favourite subjects?)
What are the 2 forms of the indefinite adjective used for ‘other’?
- autre
- masculine and feminine singular
- autres
- plural
What are the 4 forms of the indefinite adjective used for ‘certain’? ‘
- masculine singular
- certain
- feminine singular
- certaine
- masculine plural
- certains
- feminine plural
- certaines
What is the only form of the indefinite adjective used for ‘each’?
n. b. chaque is always singular
e. g. Il y a une télévision dans chaque chambre.
(There is a televison in each room)
What are the 2 forms of the indefinite adjective used for ‘same’?
- même
- masculine and feminine singular
- mêmes
- masculine and feminine plural
What is the only form of the indefinite adjective used for ‘several’?
N.B. plusieurs is always plural
e.g. Il a plusieurs voitures.
(He has several cars)
What are the 2 forms of the indefinite adjective used for ‘some’?
- quelque
- masculine and feminine singular
- quelques
- masculine and feminine plural
What are the 4 forms of the indefinite adjective used for ‘all’?
- tout
- masculine singular
- tout le monde (everybody)
- toute
- feminine singular
- tous
- masculine plural
- toutes
- feminine plural
What are the 2 masculine singular forms of the demonstrative adjectives ‘this’?
- ce
- ce magasin (this shop)
- cet
- before a noun beginning with a vowel or mute ‘h’
- cet homme (this man)
What is the feminine singular form of the demonstrative adjectives ‘this’?
cette chemise (this shirt)
What is the plural form of the demonstrative adjectives ‘these’?
ces baskets (these trainers)
Comparatives - what phrase is used for ‘more … than’?
le/la/les … est plus … que …
Le chat est plus grand que la souris
(The cat is bigger than the mouse)
Comparatives - what phrase is used for ‘less … than’?
le/la/les … est moins … que …
La souris est moins grand que le chat
(The mouse is smaller than the cat)
Comparatives - what phrase is used for ‘same … as’?
le/la/les … est aussi … que …
Les tomates est aussi cher que les bananes
(The tomato is as expensive as the bananas)
Superlatives - how do you say that one (noun) is the most …..
le plus ….
Le girafe est le plus grand animal
(The giraffe is the biggest animal)
Superlatives - how do you say that one (noun) is the least ….
le moins ….
C’est le film le mons intéressant
(Its the least interesting film)
What is the comparative/superlative for bon (good)?
Elle est la meilleure!
(She is the best!)
What is the comparative/superlative for mauvais (good)?
Mon frère est la pire
(My brother is the worst)