prepositions Flashcards
Which word can mean: in, at or to?
Translate from English to French
“I live in Nice”
j’habite à Nice
Translate from English to French
“I get up at seven”
je me levé à sept heures
Translate from English to French
“I go to school”
je vais à l’école
Translate from English to French
“on foot”
à pied
Translate from English to French
“by bike”
à vélo
Translate from English to French
“on the left”
à gauche
Translate from English to French
“on the right”
à droite
à + le = ?
au théâtre (at/to the theatre)
à + la = ?
à la
à la piscine (at the swimming pool)
à + l’ = ?
à l’
à l’hôtel (at/to the hotel)
à + les = ?
aux États-Unis (in/to the USA)
Translate from English to French
“I’ve got leg ache”
j’ai mal à la jambe
Which word can mean: of, from?
de (d’)
Translate from English to French
“the history teacher”
le prof d’histoire
Translate from English to French
“an orange juice”
un jus d’orange
Translate from English to French
“she comes from Scotland”
elle vient d’Écosse
Which French phrase or word means?
prés de
Which French phrase or word means?
“from …. to”
de … à
de neuf heures à cinq heures
(from nine to five)
Which French phrase or word means?
“a lot of”
beaucoup de
Which French phrase or word means?
“a bottle of”
une boite de
Which French phrase or word means?
“next to”
à coté de
à coté de la salle de bains (next to the bathroom)
Which French phrase or word means?
Je me dispute avec ma soeur (I argue with my sister)
Which French phrase or word means?
“at someones house”
Je suis chez ma copine (I’m at my friend’s house)
Which French phrase or word means?
Il est dans sa chambre (He is in his bedroom)
Which French phrase or word means?
derrière l’hôtel (behind the hotel)
Which French phrase or word means?
“in front of”
On se retrouve devant le théâtre?
(Shall we meet in front of the theatre)
Which French phrase or word means?
en face de
en face du parking
(opposite the car park)
Which French phrase or word means?
entre la salle à manger et l’ascenseur
(between the dining room and the lift)
Which French phrase or word means?
Qu’est-ce que tu fait pendant les vacances?
(What are you doing during the holidays?)
Which French phrase or word means?
près de
mon chien est près de moi
(My dog is near me)
Which French phrase or word means?
C’est super pour les jeunes
(It’s great for young people)
Which French phrase or word means?
Le chat est sous le lit
(The cat is under the bed)
Which French phrase or word means?
Il y a des livres sur les étagères
(There are books on the shelves)
Which French phrase or word means?
J’apprends le français depuis quatre ans
(I have been learning French for four years)