velum Flashcards
tensor veli palatini levator veli palatini velum uvular pharyngeal constrictor palatoglossus (anterior faucial pillar) palatopharyngeus (posterior faucial pillar) hyoid bone
muscles of the velum
the _______ of the velum determines whether or not the nasal cavities are coupled to the oral and pharyngeal cavities during speech
if the velum is pulled up against the pharyngeal wall _________
no air escapes through the nose
if it is pulled down into the nasopharynx ___________
air can escape through the nose
oribicularis oris
intrinsic muscles of the oro-facial area
transverse extrinsic oro-facial area
levator labii superior
levator labii superior alaeque nasi
zygomatic major and minor
depressor labii inferior
angular extrinsic oro-facial area
depressor anguli oris
levator anguli oris
vertical extrinsic oro-facial area
other extrinsic oro-facial area
closes mouth and puckers lips
orbicularis oris
compresses lips and cheeks against teeth; draws corners of mouth laterally
draws angle of mouth laterally
lifts upper lip
levator labii superior
dialtes nostrils
levator labii sperior alaque nasi
draws corners of mouth upwards and outwards
zygomatic major and minor
draws lower lip downward and laterally
depressor labii inferior
raises lower lip
depresses corner of mouth or compresses lips
depressor anguli oris
lifts corner of mouth or compresses lips
levator anguli oris
helps pucker and round lips
incisivus superior and inferior
cervical facial
how do oro-facial muscles effect speech sounds?
shape of the mouth- closed, opened, rounded lips, spread lips
spread lip sounds [i]
buccanator resoris
rounded lips sounds [u], [w]
obiqularis oris
how do pharyngeal muscles effect speech sounds?
when the sound is made with the tongue dorsum or root retracted back towards the pharyngeal wall