Vehicle Extrication Flashcards
Most struts use a strap in a ratchet or a jacking device to add tension to the object. This is called
Tension Buttress Stabilization
When approaching a vehicle fire, Move in from the at a ______ angle
45 degree
Vehicle fire at minimum _____ should be deployed and charged
1 1 3/4 charged hoseline
Hydraulic tools may be locked in place by ______ to ensure that it will stay in place
removing the hydraulic lines attached to the tool
Full PPE must be worn in the ________
warm and hot zone
Staged apparatus and the command post are located the ______ zone… Decon in the _______ zone
Cold & Warm zone
Inner survey should take no longer than _______ with 2 vehicle or less
45 seconds
The best approach to the vehicle on an inner survey :
Outer survey:
- Front driver side corner of the hood (go clockwise)
- Front side opposite the officer during the inner survey
______ should never be omitted in our role as a public servant
______ should be completed before any operations begin. At an extrication
Inner and outer surveys * Performed by 2 rescuers one walking clockwise and the other counterclockwise
Effective _______ and ________ are important to provide the best level or service.
Communication and documentation
Categories of roadway closures:
Minor = time
intermediate =
Major =
> 30 mins
30 mins to 2 hrs
2 hrs
ERG provide info on approx _________ different chemicals that may be encountered.
It is better to assign crew members tasks enrollee rather that wait till arrival. This will prevent….
confusion and freelancing
A tech rescuer should utilize an _____ ______ for on scene time management. Dispatch will notify the IC in 10 min intervals until the scene is mitigated
Incident Clock
A basic vehicle extraction involving the assessment , removal, stabilization and packaging of a pt should take no longer than _______ mins.
* This does not include response or transport times
20 minutes
* Should be used as a tactical benchmark
Total incident time should be approx _______ for agencies located in urban areas
45 mins
_______ goes hand and hand with stabilization. The main objective in stabilization is to __________.
Gain a balanced footprint by expanding the vehicles base and lowering its center of gravity prior to performing any work on the vehicle.
Hydor Rams generally come in ______, _______, and _______ sizes
20, 30, and 60 inches
Consists of short lengths of sturdy timber or composite material usually ______, ______. or _______. In lengths of ________ to ________ inches used to stabilize loads in place.
18 to 24 inches
Mechanical tensioning device that uses a ratcheting drum to put tension on a object utilizing a webbing material.
* Not designed to lift
Ratchet straps
Class B foam is used for Class B fires ( Flammable liquids). Class B can be divided into 2 categories…
Hydrocarbons - gasoline type petroleum based fuels
Polar solvents - alcohol based fuels that will mix with water such as Ethanol or E85.
An AC locater or “ Hot stick” detects the presence of electrical frequencies below….
100 Hz
Most common stretchers are :
Basket -can be used for water rescue
Common lengths of struts are ______ to ______ feet.
Struts can generally support a WLL of ______ to ______ lbs.
3 to 8 feet with support pins
WLL 4000 to 8000 lbs
***** This is called Defensive apparatus placement.
Positions apparatus at a ______ to ______ degree angle to the wreckage. Attempt to keep the pump panel facing the accident to keep the DE out of traffic. Make sure wheels face away from the accident in case vehicle is hit.
30 to 45
The systemic and continual evaluation of information presented in either visual or audio form.
Scene Size up
Inner survey boundaries:
Outer Survey boundaries:
5 to 15 ft with the rescuer staying 3 to 5 ft away from the vehicle in a defensive posture
Generally 25 to 50 ft but based on scene could be greater than 100 ft.
Most common Haz Mats that rescuers encounter:
Gasoline Diesel Fuel Kerosne Nitric Acid Toluene Acetone
If a streetlight is not on or is several houses don’t have lights on> What should you be thinking?
Downed Power lines
** Proceed very slowly
Traffic cones must be _____ in color ______ inches for daytime and low speed roadway.
_____ inches for night or high speed roadways
Cone spacing recommendations _______ ft.
18 inches
28 inches
15 ft
5 directional movement you must consider during stabilization :
pg 177
Horizontal - forward to rear Vertical - Up and down Roll - Side to side Pitch - front goes down, rear comes up Yaw - Twists or turns
5 box cribbing configurations:
Pg 176
2 piece layer crosstie 3 piece layer crosstie Crosstie platform Triangle crosstie Modified crosstie
** 2 piece, 3 piece, crosstie platform are most commonly used
Not all wood is good for cribbing. ______ and _____ are commonly used.
Hardwoods such as _____ is strong but tends to crack under stress.
*** Primary concern is the measurement of applied stress
Southern Yellow pine or Douglas fur
(load bearing capacity 6ooo lbs pg 176)
Oak species
* wood is considered elastic
The max stress a board can be subjected to without exceeding the elastic range or proportional limit is known as its ________.
Fiber stress at proportional limit rating ( FSPL)
Most basic tool for stabilization:
Made from wood composite or steel
4x4 are cut at various lengths mostly ______ to ______ inches and _____ to _____ feet or longer.
Pg. 175
18 to 20 inches
3 to 6 feet or longer
________, _________, and ________ of vehicles after a collision can create challenges for rescuers.
resting postions
Always approach helicopter from the _______ side.
Approach in a _______ position.
Main rotor blade can dip as low as:
Downhill side
Crouched position
4 ft off the ground
Fixed wing transportt is usually for ______ and for distances greater than _______ to _______
Interhospital transfers
100 to 150 miles
DOT defines Haz Mat as :
EPA defines HazMat as :
enviromental protection agency
Any substance or material in any form or quantity that poses a risk when transport in commerce
Any chemical that, if released into the environment, could be potentially harmful to the public health or welfare.
Never assume a line is dead place cones, snap light or scene tape around it.
Utility companies are programmed to energize the line several times to determine where there is break in the line
** Never attempt to throw anything over a down lone to contain or move it
- Apparatus should be placed a minimum of ________ poles away from a down line or a line with items hanging on them
2 poles
More than _______ vehicle in the US use LPG (propane) most of which have spark ignition engines that can operate on propane or gasoline
The point at which all the weight of an object appears to be concentrated
Center of gravity
A review of the incident and a way to constructively examine the positives and negatives of the incident
” What if this happens again?”
Post incident analysis
3 basic strategies to remove a pt from under a load:
Raise load by lifting
Stabilize the load and lower the ground (dig)
Combine the two approaches
Extrication activities need to happen:
Quickly and methodically
When a person is trapped under a load for long time and muscles cells die, producing toxin that when pressure is released reach the heart
Crush injury syndrome
- One of the more critical injuries of traumas
The compression of nerves, blood vessels, and muscles inside and enclosed space within the body:
Compartment syndrom
- Tissue death due to lack of o2
Farm machine can often be _____ more easily than they can be cut
You are allowed to ________ mechanism that has entrapped a pt
Manually unwind
Allows a tractor to traverse uneven ground while preventing the front end from lifting off the ground
Pivot point
All tractor wheels turn:
Allows rescuers to create an anchor point for rigging and stabilization where no other anchors are available.
Picket anchor systems
The most critical skill a rescuer can master is:
Effective cribbing
3 layer instead of 2 layer cribbing provides 2 1/4 times the lifting capacity
Turning off a trailer ignition may not _______
Kill electrical power
*Shutting electrical current off will stop a gas engine. It will not stop a diesel engine
Crush victim should be infused with fluids for _______ before extricated from machinery
- Allow bystanders to stay at a safe distance
1 hour
Hazards at the scene of a tractor overturn include:
Bystanders Instability Hazmats Power Enviromental condtions
Most states have no __________ when driving tractors
age restrictions
Tractors can weigh ________ to over ______ lbs
a few hundred lbs to over 60000 lbs
After 1985 all tractors should be equipped with _______ + ________
ROPS (Roll bar) and seat belts
- designed to hold the weight of the tractor for 1 revolution`
_______ over the leading cause of farmer fatalities.
_____ are to provide climate comfort and have to significant support
Tractor overturns
Comfort cabs
- Don’t use for lifting or stability
National Institute for occupational health and safety
______ are the main weakness of farms.
The average age of a tractor exceeds ______ yrs
To kill electrical power to a trailer _______ it is not necessary to ________-
Disconnect the electrical wires
Cut the batteries
First step in stabilizing a machine ______ PG 328
Shut off the _______ 1st so no power is transferred to the PTO.
Then stabilize the shaft with a ______ or ______
Shutting off power
Haligan or pry bar
If a person is entangled in a PTO shaft you will have to _______
Dissasemble or cut the shaft
- Do not attempt to unwind the victim
Used to transfer mechanical energy to and through a piece of machinery
The PTO shaft turns ______ to _____ revolutions per min
PTO Shaft
540 - 1000 rpms
Farm Equip
Rescuers should never
*Crib compartments before shutting off power. If there is a leak components will settle and move when pressure goes down
Use the equipments power to assist with rescueI
If a hydraulic line develops a pin hole size leak the pressure coming out could exceed _____ Psi
7000 psi
- Would tear through rescue gloves
If a tractor stalls _______
Pressure in hydraulic line is normally ______ psi on farm equipment.
Power to the tractor is lost
1800 PSI
- If this happens steering and braking can be lost
Main sources of power in machines will come from
Hydraulic power
Mechanical power (PTO)
Electrical Power
Pneumatic power ( air lines)
Machines can have 1 or more power sources. Machines will typically use _______, ______,______
Gas powered
Diesel powered
Electrical motors
Farm Equipment
Identifying and stabilizing any immediate ______ energy that could be released when power is shut off.
- Lock out and tag out. all power sources
The majority of farms are not covered under ________
- Farmers equipment may not have guards or shield in hazard areas
Points on a machine where an individual or object may be pulled into the moving parts of the machine.
Ex… clogged corn picker, wood hipper
Pull in point
Created when 2 objects move toward each other or when one object moves toward a stationary object.
Ex.. Hitches
Crush points
Created when the edge of two objects move toward or next to each other closely enough to cut soft material.
Ex… Harvester
Sheer points
Created when a rotating machine component is exposed:
Ex… PTO shaft
Wrap points
Created when 2 objects move together with at least one of them moving in a circle
Ex… Feed rolls
Pinch point
______ % of farm fatalities involve tractors, and _______% of these are machine related
The tow industry offers _______ levels of driver certification.
_______ being the highest
Class C tow truck can lift the trailer while a 2nd smaller tow truck removes the under ridden car. The large tow truck can perform both of these tasks by using a _______.
There are ________ types of tow units
snatch block
Class A boom rating of 8000 lbs B of 160000 lbs C 32000 lbs D without a boom E 2 trucks working together
The greatest concern for a tech rescuer responding to a CMV MVA is _________.
The cargo must be _________ before approach or operation can commence
- This action can be the difference between success and catastrophe
Hazardous Material
Immediately identified
Shipping papers must include
ID of shipper ID of receiver Hazard class UN/NA ID number Packing group number Total product quantity and weight 24 hr emergency contact a cert stating the materials listed are present signature of the shipper stating all regs are met
United Nations / North American ID numbers are used to _______
They are out by ________
track hazmats being transported
United nations committee of experts on the transport of dangerous goods
The weight of a single package plus its contents ________
Combines the total weight of all the packages
gross weight
Aggregate weight
Diamond shape design that displays the hazardous classification type.
Federal Law says it must be ________
Clearly displayed on both sides and the end of the vehicle
Carry dry bulk goods such as powders pellets fertilizers or grain
Not pressurized
Tanks are V shaped with rounded sides
Dry bulk cargo tank
A _______ is considered a bulk package attached to a motor vehicle.
DOT does not view ________ as a cargo tank
Tube trailers carry ______ at _____ to ____ psi
Cargo tank
tube trailers
compressed gasses
3000 to 5000 psi
( Hydrogen, oxygen, helium,methane)
_______ is the most common way to transport a Haz Mat
Hazmats are divided into _______ classifications
1 explosives 2 gases 3 flammable liquids 4 Flammable solids 5 oxidizing substances or organic peroxides 6 toxic and infectious substances 7 radioactive 8 corrosive 9 Misc Haz mat
Haz Mat regulations are issued by the ________
Which governs the transport of Haz Mats by highway, rail, vessel and air
DOT pipeline and Hazmat safety administration
The term hazardous waste includes:
Hazardous substances
hazardous waste
marine pollutants
materials with elevated temperatures
There are more than ______ CMV’s dedicated to the transport of Haz mat with _______ shipment of gasoline and _______ shipments of explosives conducted each year by road way travel
400,000 CMV’s
18,000,000 gas
125,000 explosives
The hybrid electric commercial motor vehicle utilizes either a _______ or _______ for propulsion
Electric power is generated by an on board __________
Electric motor
8 Electric power is generated by an on board battery pack or regulative braking
Fuel tanks on CMV’s are usually constructed of _______ and when available in ________
Sizes ranging from _________ to ______ gallons
They are located on either side of the frame and are called _________
Tanks are not connected
_______ fuel is most common but ________ is starting to be used cause its cheaper
aluminum , steel
50 to 150
Saddle tanks
Bio diesel
CMV battery systems consist of _______ or more _______ batteries
Which are hooked up to each other in _______
Positive and negative terminals wired together thus recharging storage capacity
They are usually stored ________
4 or more
12 volt DC
Underneath the step up
- Never attempt to engage the brakes by ________ releasing the springs located in the sealed spring chamber
Air brake systems on a tractor connects the trailer by a min of _______ air lines
They are called ______
The couplers that provide air to the braking system are known as _______
Service line - normally blue
Emergency air line - red
Glad hands
Air compressed by an on board compressor that is run by the vehicles engine.
It stores the compressed air at ______ to _____ psi and auto starts and fills the tanks when psi drops below _______
120 to 125 psi
100 psi
There are ______ types of air brakes that make up the braking system on a CMV
Service brake - Normal brake pedal
Air brake / Parking brake - When vehicle is at a complete stop, system bleeds out compressed air to hold back large springs that release and lock the brakes in place
Emergency brake - Uses a combo of the other 2 brakes when brake failure or air line break occurs
_______ hinges may be hidden on the inside of the door
Two piece full / solid hinges
Doors on CMV’s are very similar to conventional door except heavier steel.
The door handle is located _______
The latching mechanism grabs the nader bolt at ________ points
Expose and cut
Lower corner of the door
2 points
Tractor have ______ axles
1 up front to control steering has one wheel on each side
2 in the rear with 2 wheels on each side
______ is a structural component or shaft that is designed for wheel rotation
The three types are:
Live axle - transmit propulsion
Dead axle - used for load support
Lift axle - can be raised or lowered
A _______ is a separate box deck or plate mounted behind the cab in front of the 5th wheel.
It can be used to store products that should be kept away from the load in the cargo area, or to mount a power unit.
A stabilizing device called ______ _______ is at the front of the trailer and can be lowered to stabilize the tractor when its not hooked up to the tractor
Loading gear
operated by manual hand crank
The cargo trailer of a semi tractor trailer is connected to the tractor by the ________
- The kingpin sits in a flat harsh coupling called a fifth wheel, also called a turntable hitch
- fifth wheels are a attached to the frame rails of the tractor.
- The manual release is located the drivers side of the fifth wheel
The GCWR is calculated to determine a CV’s cargo capacity limitations
It stands for ________
Gross combined weight rating
To maintain a CMV’s suspension system you can _________ or ________
C Class tow truck w/ 2 slings to lift it w/ boom
Position air bags between the frame and the top of the tires
Designed to protect CMV’s cargo and frame system from damage and wear ________
Connects the axles including the wheels to the vehicle
Makes up the structural framework of the CMV, includes the braking, steering, and suspension. The frame structure is the _______ part of the CMV.
Its constructed of heavy gauge steel 2 parallel beams hold together with crossbeams
Sleepers are most commonly found in a _______
- can be added or factory integrated outer shell uses a material known as _______
- ________ are most effective because of the large span of cutting required
Semi truck
reciprocating saws
Because of the tilt cab design on a COE ( Cab over engine) for safety purposes the cab may need to be ________
Secured to the frame before extrication
CT’s are cabs are usually made out of steel, aluminum, and fiberglass
3 different types cab types:
Cab over engine ( tilt cabs)
Driver seat is positioned over the front axle
Conventional cab
Driver seat located behind the engine and front axles
* common in the US , Large fuels tanks
Cab beside engine -
Driver sits next to the engine
Mostly shipyards and airports
Anatomy of a commercial truck ( CT)
Almost all CT’s have a similar constructions features
Sections include:
Cargo area and drive train and power train
- The system that transfers rotational power from the engine to the wheels, makes the truck move
CMV’s are classified into _______ categories. And are measured utilizing GVWR and the work duty of the engine as it relates to emissions
Classes 1 to 8
Class 1 0 - 6000 lbs 2a F150 2b F250 3 F350 4 F450 5 F550 6 F650 7 F750 8 above 33,000lbs tractor trailer
In the US the ______ implements rules and regs on CMV’s.
NFPA required level ______ techs as well as JPR to perform extrication on CMV’s
Level 2 tech
Cribbing height for box crib should ________
not exceed two times it width ( Possibly length)
Procedure for disabling a hybrid bus:
Ensure it is not running
Gain entry and turn off the hybrid switch on the dash
Turn off and remove ignition key
Set park brake
Exit bus and turn off battery pack service disconnect which is located on the outside of the battery pack
System that is not commonly found. Utilizes the electric motor by itself to propel the bus and the ICE is only used to regenerate the battery pack.
May be found on a type _______ bus
Series operated propulsion system
Type A
Two types of parallel hybrid systems for type C and D school buses
Charge depleting hybrid system ( 28 12V DC batterries, yielding 336 DC volts)
Charge sustaining hybrid system uses nickel metal hydride batteries ion 7.2 volt modules yielding 288 DC volts
On a hybrid SB the driver must ________ to engage the system.
Regardless of the propulsion system every SB will have _________
Flip a switch
2 or more 12 volt DC batteries on a slide out
Front of bus drivers side
Majority of SB’s utilize ______ fuel
A small portion use _______
- They also use alternate fuels and propulsion systems like hybrid and fuel cell technology
Regular unleaded
SB steering wheel relocation:
Utilize a :
Small tow truck with a stationary boom. Grab the wire from the boom and wrap it around the steering wheel and retract the boom slowly
- or come along and chain package
For SB
Position _______ lift bags one on top of the other. With the _______ bag on the bottom close to the pt.
Make sure they are under ________
Inflate the _______ bag first
Structural support
( roof bow truss)
Use a ______ to push box cribbing under a bus. Never put your body under the bus for any reason
a longer section of cribbing
To properly conduct a lift bag operation ________ rescuers will be needed
1 for pt care
2 cribbing on each side
1 managing controls lift bag controls
OIC directing operation
Lift bag operation on a SB
The key is to ________
“lift an inch ___________”
If sugar sand _________
If you only can fir 1 bag initially ________
Always lift evenly from areas with structural support such as roof bow trusses
“crib an inch”
Place large flat solid object underneath bags
Inflate then crib up. Then deflate he bag and another bag and inflate both of them.
Best tools to lift bus:
C class tow truck
High or low pressure air bags
To gain entry into the front door of a SB ______
Remove 1 of the glass panels and insert a pike pole to grip the lever bar to release the door
- if the lever doesn’t operate cut it with hydraulic cutters
To create a platform to stand on to operate tools you can _______
Cross tie cribbing with a backboard on top
- Not all school buses are the same. Some may have _______
Additional support members like stringers that can be identified by the presence of rivet
Gaining _______ ________ to a SB can be difficult because you have too cut through multiple structural members made of heavy gauge steel
Roof access
In a SB :
Removing a section of ________ created a large opening for pt removal
- remove 2 sides by side windows
remove 2 benchseats
cut off section of sidewall
Best tool for removing bench seats in SB’s:
- first release seat from sidewall using spreaders
Spreaders and cutters
Other tool can be used but that is the best option
- Cut the seat frame where it is bolted to the floor for best results
- Don’t use air impact wrench
Storing spreaders
Storing cutters
Fully closed then quarter turn back
Tips just touching each other
Before terminating the incident
Secure equipment and apparatus, maintain and decor all tools before placing them back on the truck for the next call
National Fire Incident Reporting System
Brief summary that analysis of the overall ops and effectiveness of the agency, at a particular incident.
Can be requested by :
Authority having jurisdiction, fire chief, chief of operations
After action report
Should cover topics including - compliance to SOP, SOG's Med protocols staffing mutual aid equipment training
2 types of PIA’s:
Formal or informal
Not used to point fingers
If deficiency is found, needs to be corrected as a team
3 goals of CISD:
Diffuse the psych impact of traumatic event
Assist with recovery process
Identify individuals who may need further help
* usually last 45 to 60 mins
Structured and Confidential
Group discussion to address emotional, physical and stressful issues related to the event. Occurs within ________ to ______ hrs of the event
12 to 72 hrs
- Proven to be the most effective and helpful component of CISM
Informal and Confidential
Post incident meeting allowing individuals to express emotions. Should be conducted within 1 to 4 hrs after the incident
- Last longer than 45 mins
Geard toward enhancing natural coping mechanisms and facilitating natural resiliency and recovery from an incident
Critical Incident Stress Management
Negative stress reactors
C - Attentions deficit, nightmares, reliving the incident
B - Withdrawal, outburts, drunkness, absenteism
E - Depression, guilt, anger
P - Headaches, dry mouth, high BP
Type of stress that produces a negative response
- the major contributor to most health issues
Type of stress that produces a positive response in the mind Example Sports
A normal response to an incident, pleasant or unpleasant.
Not necessarily bad thing
It is out coping mechanism that will determine how ______ effects the body
NFPA for power tools
Maximum hydraulic fluid temp is _______
NFPA 1936
!60 degrees F
Power tools must have a _______ feature which returns the control of the tools to the neutral position in the event that the control is released.
Typical force of a spreader _________
Dead man
14,000 to 28,000 lbs of force
Spreaders were the first hydraulic tool to be used for rescue
Draws less current than conventional lights
ranges from ______ to _____ lumen per watt
LED lights ( light emitting diodes)
80 to 100 lumens
Require a fuel mixture of gas and oil
2 stroke engines
All chainsaws in use should be equipped with a _________
chain brake
Most commonly operate using a gasoline powered engine and a hydraulic pump
Hydraulic tools
Most hydraulic power units operate at _______ or _______ psi. And they utilize a ________ stage pump.
Lower pressure stage building to ______ psi
High pressure stage delivers ______ to ______ PSI
Depending on the unit you are operating
5000 to 10500
2 stage pump
3000 psi
5000 to 10500 depending on unit
Use either phosphate ester or mineral base oil.
* Mineral base is less fire resistent
Are electrical enclosures commonly found when the need for multiple outlets is required
Junction Boxes
Composed of rubber with synthetic lining. Noticed to stabilize a vehicle by itself. Don’t stack more than 2. Ensure hoses and valves are facing out. Don’t overinflate. When stacking, layer larger bag on the bottom. Only lift as high as necessary
Lift Bag
A pneumatic rotating tool used to removed nuts and bolts of various sizes, including those found in hinges seats and wheels. General operating air pressure is 90 psi.
Air impact wrench
2 types of winches: Chain hoist , Lever hoist
Chain hoists have a lifting capacity of :
Lever hoist have lifting capacity of:
500 to 40,000 lbs
250 to 12,000lbs
Device that only works on tempered glass
Spring loaded center punch
Protective gloves should extend no less than ______ inch from the wrist crease
Categories of tools for vehicle extrication:
Stabilization tool can be as:
Hand, pneumatic, hydraulic, electric battery powered, Fuel powered
Hand, pneumatic, and hydraulic
The most common air bags that are mandatory in all vehicle manufactured after 1998
Driver and front passenger
A min: explosive device used to ignite the propellent that produces the nitrogen to inflate an airbag
Ex. Squib
Active restraint device (because the occupant has to activate the system)
Passive retraint device
( the occupant does not have to activate the system)
Manual seat belts
Air bags
A type of strut system that comes in a variety of lengths and may be extended by the use of compressed air
Air shoring
Tools utilizing air under pressure
Ex. Air chisel, impact wrench
Air is supplied by air compressors, SCBA cylinders, vehicle mounted systems operate at 90 to 250 psi
pneumatic tools
A hand operated ratcheted lever winching tool that, when used with chains and hooks can provide several thousand lbs of pulling force. The standard model for extrication provides _________ to ________ of pulling force
Come along
2000 to 4000 lbs
Standard on selection, care and maintenance of PPE gear
NFPA 1851
Recommended distancing from airbags while attempting a rescue.
Driver side airbag ______
Passenger side airbag ________
Side impact _______
10 inches
20 to 25 inches
5 to 15 inches
A gas generation system uses a chemical reaction that provides nitrogen and inflate the airbag at approx ________ MPH taking approx _______ to ______ milliseconds
200 to 250 mph
30 to 40 milliseconds
Normally consists of 3 different systems plus a suppression system which uses all of these sensors for automatic deactivation
- Seat position sensor
- Seat belt sensor
- Occupant weight sensor
Occupant classisfication system
Crashes are measured in milliseconds with 1000 millisecond equaling 1 second. The entrire crash process takes _______ milliseconds
100 to 125 milliseconds
Airbags were invented in the 1980’s. They are also called ________ when used in conjunction with a seatbelt
Supplemental restraint system
High pressure lift bags are the most common type for extrication. They operate at _______
Medium pressure bags operate at _____
Low pressure provide a very high lift to right overturned vehicles, they operate at ______
100 to 145 psi
15 psi
7 psi
Pneumatic chiseler used to cut hardened steel. They do not create sparks. A high powered chisel can operate in a range of ______ to _______ psi.
- Always keep 1/2 of the blade showing to avoid burying the tip
150 - 225 psi
- Never operate at 300 psi
The max force that may be applied to an assembly in straight tension.
Rating are embossed on the chain every 12 to 18 inches
Grade 80 to 100 are most utilized
Working load limit
Components that make up an airbag
Airbag Initiator Electric control unit Inflator Sensors
With the reciprocating saw _______ blades are the best choice for cutting metals found on vehicles length of 6 to 9 inches
TPI 9 -14
TPI = ________
Bi metal
Teeth per inch
Which pulling capacity should be _______ times the gross vehicle weight of the vehicle to be pulled
1.5 times
Portable and mounted lights typically range from _______ TO ______ watts
300 to 1000 watts
Fuel powered chainsaws can cut:
light gauge steel
When converted to a vapor LPG will expand ________ times its liquid state
Basic components of a fuel cell vehicle system:
Fuel cell module Electric motor Generator Hydrogen storage system Battery pack
100% Electric
Emits no air pollutants propelled by electric motors
Does not have a tailpipe because it does not emit exhaust
Electric vehicle (EV)
Battery electric vehicle(BEV)
Nissan leaf
Hybrid electric vehicles are unofficially classified as being _______ or _______ in terms of how they utilize the electric power that is generated
Full or mild
A vehicle that combines two or more power sources for propulsion, one of which is electric power.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)
Invented the first fuel cell in 1839 “father of the fuel cell”
Sir William Grove
An electro chemical device that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity to power a motor or generator, with the by products of this process being
Fuel Cell
One of the most abundant elements on earth.
Odorless, colorless, flammable, nontoxic gas
Came into the spotlight after the hindenburg went down
______ is best used on bio diesel to suppress vapors
Alcohol resistant AFFF
Gasoline Flash point
Diesel Flash point
Bio diesel flash point
- 45 degrees F
100 degrees F
199 degrees F
Used solely for diesel engines, processed from domestic renewable resources such as plant oil, grease, animal fat, cooking oil and algae
Is not classified as a flammable liquid flash points is 199 degree F
Produces less pollutants than petrol based diesel. Its safe nontoxic and biodegradable
Bio diesel
Weighs 4.24 lbs per gallon
Mandatory 20 % reduction in product when filling
1.5 x heavier than air
Normally a vapor gas in temps over 44 degrees F
When stand under pressured it is compressed into a liquid state
Vehicle propane tanks we conduct of carbon steel
Liquified Petroleum Gas Code
Flammability range between 4 to 75 % and its flame burns clear
Four elements of a fuel cell
Propanes Flammable range
2.15 % to 9.6%
Clear plastic material that is very strong and can endure impacts with out breaking. Very pliable on impact. 50% lighter than regular glass.
Ex. Lexan and MaKrolen
- Supposed to leave it in place, removing the entire section as one
Step by step approach for extrication incidents:
- Preperation , 2. Response., 3.Arrival and scene size up, 4 Stabilization, 5 Access, 6 Disentanglement, 7 Removal, 8 Transport, 9 Incident termination, 10 Post incident debrief and analysis
Is an individual vehicle and its assigned personnel
Single resource
Are established to divide an incident into physical or geographical areas of operation
Transfer of command at a vehicle extrication should include:
Tactical priorities
Action plans
Hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions
Assessment of effectiveness of operations
current status of resources
The application of knowledge, skills, and equipment to safely resolve unique and/ or complex rescue situations
Technical rescue
What are the different forms of energy?
Electrical, mechanical, Heat(thermal), light(radiant), chemical, gravitational, nuclear
DOT classifies vehicle based on whether the vehicle transports passengers or commodities
Department of Energy classifies vehicle by size using a __________
Cubic feet system and a gross weight system
A voltage regulator regulates the flow of electricity coming from the alternator, which keeps the voltage to a safe _______ volts
12.5 to 14.5
Basic components of a hybrid electrical vehicle:
Electric motor
internal combustion engine
battery pack
Designed to burn a multitude of petroleum based fuels and alternative fuels
Internal combustion engine
Also known as propane, is a fossil fuel produced from the processing of natural gas. Propane is the third most widely used fuel source behind gasoline and diesel. Propane is heavier than air. 1.5 time as dense and will sink and pool at the floor level when released into the atmosphere.
Liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
A fossil fuel primarily comprised of methane that can be utilized as compressed natural gas or liquefies natural gas. It is known as the cleanest burning alternative fuel.
Natural gas
An alcohol based fuel. Is known as a wood alcohol because it is process from natural wood sources such as tress and yard clippings.
Can also be utilized as Flexfuel ( E85)
Energy policy act of 1992 list “alternative fuel” for vehicles
Hydrogen, electricity, biodiesel, LPG, Methanol, Ethanol and natural gas
Also known as roof pillars, are designed to add vertical support to the roof structure of the vehicle
Generally labeled A,B and C post
Roof posts
Uses a shoulder harness that automatically slides or a sell or aluminum track system
Automatic seat belt system
Designed to pull back and tighten when activated by a collision.
Uses a pyrotechnic propulsion device to engage the retractor gear
Pretensioner Seat belt system
Stored gas inflators contain a non flammable gas and can range from ______ to ______ PSI
3000 to 4500 psi
A modern glass that uses both the laminating and tempering process. Used primarily side and rear windows
Enhanced protective glass
Includes a shoulder and lap belt, known as a 3 point harness system
Uses a retractor gear that locks in place when activated
Standard seat belt harness
2 door hinge design
Leaf system
Full body system
Used to hold open hatchback and are hydraulic or gas filled
Piston struts
Located between the top and bottom hinge. Designed to assist the door in opening and closing can be comprised of hardened steel or other alloy type materials
Swing bar
Composed of a mixture of various metals and elements
Alloyed steel
Has the ability to absorb or redirect energy during a collision. Incorporates crumple zones into the front and sometimes its rear
Unibody construction
Hollow section of metal on both sides of the car. There is very Little structural support in this section
Rocker panel
Created by heating a layer of clear plastic film between two layers of plate glass
Laminated safety glass
Type of glass that is heated and the quickly cooled, this gives the glass its strength and resistance to impacts
Tempered safety glass
Composed of heavy gauge steel and is round in shape with a cap at the end. Designed to hold the door in place. One of the most difficult type of latching mechanism to cut through
Nader Bolt
Generally smaller gauge steel; which makes it easier to cut through and / or release the latch mechanism of the door
U bolt
Any attempt to remove or cut this type of glass are not advised
Ballistic glass
Smart keys should be a minimum of ______ ft away from the vehicle
15 ft
Most side impact collisions occur at the ______ post
They are often reinforced because of this
Measures the amount of force required to tear a section of steel apart
Tensile strength
The amount of force that a section of steel can withstand before permanent deformation occurs
Yield strength
2 frame systems that are commonly used in todays vehicles
Negative aspect of unibody construction
Can be cut in half with a severe collision
Bumpers must sustain a collision of ______ MPH without sustaining damage to the vehicle body
Located on the front top section of the vehicle
Consists of 2 beams located on both sides of the vehicle that hold the load section in place and attach the front wheel strut system to the chassis
Upper rail
Dashes are reinforced with a steel beam that runs the entire length of the dash
Dash bar
Located in the center console area where the radio, AC, and other components are located
It is two steel brackets attached to the dash bar
Dash brackets
Vehicle manufacturers will identify the fuel type using a _________
Vehicle Identification badge
Gasohol is _______ % ethanol and _______ % gasoline
EPA considers it “substantially similar” to gasoline and is not considered a alternative fuel
10% ethanol and 90 % gas
E85 85% ethanol 15% gas
Do not use water on a liquid natural gas leak or fire.
Water will cause the liquid to react violently . It will intensify the fire or cause an explosion. You should use _______
High expansion foam
Dry chem
A mechanism for the transfer of energy
Objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted on by a outside force
Newtons first law of motion
Motor vehicle collisions are classified traditionally by the area of initial impact
Front Lateral Rear end Rollovers Rotational (spins)
3 collisions that occur during an MVA
1 Vehicle impact
2 Occupant impact with vehicle
3 Occupants organs impact solid structures of the body
Vehicle travels under an object or Over an object
Under ride collisions
Over ride collision
A very common cause of fatalities associated with MVA’s
Lateral or side impacts
Sedan types range in size from _______ to ______
85 cubic ft up tp 130 cubic feet
ID system composed of a 17 character sequence containing #’s and letters with the exclusion of letters I,O,Q and numbers 1,0 to avoid confusion
Recharging stations for electric vehicle operate at
120 / 240 volts
An electro chemical device that utilizes a catalyst facilitated chem reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to create electricity that is then used to power an electric motor
A hybrid system by design that uses a 2 separate power sources as a propulsion mechanism for a vehicle
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle
Kinetic energy =
Mass / 2 x velocity squared
Technical specialist initially report to the _______ ______.
Ex. Aviation, enviroment, hazmat
Planning section
All organizations should be trained at a min to a awareness level in accordance with
NFPA 1670
The staging manager will report to the …..
Operations section chief
or the IC if an ops section chief hasn’t been assigned
Is an oral (informal) or written (formal) plan containing general objectives reflecting the overall strategy for managing a incident
Incident Action Plan
At a properly run ICS a person should only have ______ direct supervisor
In most situations one person can effectively manage _____ to _____ people with _____ being the optimal number
3 to 7
In the ICS system the IC receives information from a Max of 5 people
Can bypass the COC to correct unsafe acts and stop or suspend unsafe operations
Safety Officer
Safety officer must be knowledgable in
Strategies and tactic
Rescue practices
Department safety rules and regs
Are established to divide the incident into functional area of operation
Ex. Med group, search group, rescue group
May serve several purposes and many geographical or functional in nature. They are established when the number of divisions or groups exceeds the recommended span of control for the Operations section chief
Responsible for the collection, evaluation, dissemination, and use of information and intelligence critical to the incident
One of the most important functions is to look beyond the current operational period and anticipate potential problem.
Planning section
Is responsible for the accounting and financial aspects of an incident. As well as any legal issues that may arise
Finance / Administration
Is a group of personnel working without apparatus and led by a leader or boss
A group of 5 units of the same type working on a common task or function
Strike team
An organizational directive that establishes a standard course of action. It produces written guidelines that explain what is expected and required of emergency services personnel while performing their job
Standard Operating Procedures
How many MVA’s per year since 1998?
Average of 6 million
The process of removing a trapped victim from a vehicle or machinery
The spreading, cutting, or removal of a vehicle away from trapped or injured victims
A step by step process requiring
1 stabilization of the scene
2 stabilization of the vehicle
3 Stabilization of the patient
Vehicle extrication
A person who applies ADVANCED techniques to perform technical rescue ops.
Commercial or heavy vehicle, complex extrication,
Technician Level 2 Rescuer
An individual who identifies hazards, uses equipment, and applies limited techniques specified by NFPA 1006 to perform Tech Rescue Ops involving common passenger vehicle and simple small machinery
Level 1 Technical rescuer
Each of the specialties in NFPA 1670 includes 3 response levels.
1 - Awareness Level - Basic competency level that stresses recognition of the basic components of vehicle extrication rather then the actual application of them
2 - Operations level - Identify hazards, use equipment, implement limited techniques, Intermediate level
3 - Technician Level - Apply advance techniques to coordinate, perform and supervise tech rescue incidents
Developed to provide guidance on the performance of processes, products, individuals or organizations
Standard for FF professional qualifications
Standard for technical rescue Pro qualifications
Standard of Ops and training for tech search and rescue incidents
NFPA 1001
4 ICS sections
Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance / admin
Responsible for the development, direction, and coordination of all tac ops conducted in accordance with the IAP.
Operations section
The service branch with the logistics section may include….
The support branch may include
Supply unit , facilities unit and ground support unit
Communication unit, medical unit, food unit
The following units are contained within the finance/ Admin section…
Time unit
Procurement unit
Compensation/ claims unit
Cost unit
A group of up to 5 single resources of any type
Task force
The identification of situations or conditions that may injure people or damage property or the enviroment
Hazard analysis
Seeks to determine whether a organization could establish and maintain the capability and whether the organization could comply with appropriate rules, regulations, laws and standards
Organizational Analysis
Entails an assessment of the risk to the rescuers compound to the benefits that might result from the rescue
Risk benefit Analysis
Responders idnetifies, Assignments, locations
Accountability system
NFPA 1561
Standard of FD occupational Safety and health program
NFPA 1500
______ are established when the number of resources exceeds the manageable span of control of the IC and the Ops section chief.
Divisions, groups and branches
Branches are managed by a ______
Branch director
A fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work
Energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only change from one form to another
Law of conservation of energy
When dealing with the science of MVA’s ______ _______ is the driving force behind the dynamics of what actually occurs
Mechanical Energy
_______ technique is used when the impingement of metal on the victim requires a unique mechanism of movement that cannot be completed with a spreader
(impingement of the B post)
Cross Ram techniques
A hydraulic ram preferably a telescoping hydraulic ram is the best tool for the job
When tunneling use _______ to cut the arms that hinge the trunk
If the trunk uses ______ to assist its movement use ______ to cut those. Cut them closest to the end where they attach to the trunk hinge arms
Expose all metal, remove all lining
Hydraulic cutters
Tension rods
Bolt cutters
Much lighter and east to maneuver. If unsuccessful you can use hydraulic cutters.
Air chisel or recipe saw will not work because there is too much movement
Tools that should be set up and ready to conduct the tunneling technique
Air chisel w/ spare bottles
Recipe saw
Large bolt cutters
Spreader / cutter
On a crushed roof with impingement the first step should be ________
Raise the roof off of the victim w/ a hydraulic tool before any posts are cut. The metal will be drawn down at the victim as it is cut.
When using a ram DO NOT _________
Use a 4x4 to widen the footprint for your tips. The 4x4 will roll, break or kickoff under extreme pressure
* However you can use a 4x4 for the butt end
Do not use _____ _______ + ________ for cutting impaled objects, they will cause to much movement and torquing of the object
Hydraulic cutter
Recipe saw
Hand saw
When putting an impaled object operate the tool with ________ and cut ________
With 2 hands
as close to the pt as possible
Victim Management involves
Vehicle entry
Pt packaging
Pt removal
5 skin colors
Pale, flushed, blue, yellow, normal
Normal pulse rated Adult- Adolescent 12 -18 School age - 6 - 12 Preschool 3 - 6 Toddler 1 -3 Infant 1 month - 1 yr
60 to 100 60 to 100 70- 120 80 - 140 90- 150 100- 160 First number goes up by ten
When the come along and chain package is properly applied ______
The properly rated come along for this technique is rated in the _______ to ______ category
The rescuer has to complete control over and full movement
The rated handle is designed to bend and fail under a predetermined pressure
2000 to 4000 lb category
Non hydraulic dash lift can be completed using
Pneumatic air chisel
Recipe saw
Hi lift jack
3 ways to move a dash
Dash lift
Dash roll
Steering wheel and column relocation( using come along)
- never use hydraulic tools with a rated chain package to move a steering column. The rescuer cannot control the amount of pressure exerted.
How many rescuers will be need to complete a steering column relocation _______
_______ point rescuer system to lift pt on backboard
_____ point system to carry the backboard
When done correctly the inner/ outer survey plus to application of a tension buttress system should be completed in under _____ min
______ is usually performed to a vehicle resting on its roof but can be applied to any vehicle resting position where access to the roof and doors are blocked
Hybrid, fuel cell, and alternative fuel vehicle may have _____ so an alternative method rather than tunneling is recommended
High pressure storage fuel tanks and / or battery packs in the trunk
To expose the latch of the trunk
- Do not spread the door completely open. This will cause the whole vehicle to shift and be dangerous. Expose with spreader then use cutters on the latch.
Crash the rounded tip of the trunk with the spreaders creating a purchase point. Then spread to expose the latch . Cut latch with cutters
The area separated the trunk from the rear passenger compartment
Rear dash
Stereo speakers may be mounted here
Best tools are the air chisel and recipe saw combination
Remove the rear seats
the remove the front seat backs the best way is to ______
Expose the hinges by cutting material with a knife or trauma sheers. Once done cut the hinges with the air chisel or hydraulic cutters
Before opening a trunk
Determine if anything hazardous or heavy is going to fall out and crash down
How many rescuers should be inside a vehicle that is being tunneled?
2 if possible
1 to disentangle the to
2pt care
In the back seat the ______ is a great anchor point for the bottom of the ram
Transmission hump
After the impingement of an extremity is relieved form the B post
Crib above and below the extremity to maintain the spare created by the ram, prevent the metal from collapsing back onto the extremity
A good place to positions the tips of the ram to push the B post out is ______
Seat belt harness
- here is a steel reinforced plate inside the B post being the seat belt harness
When an object impales on an occupant, the main objective is to ________
Stabilize the object at the entry and exit point.
It will usually need to be cut at the entry and exit point for the pt to be properly extricated
During impalement OP position a rescuer inside the vehicle with a _________
Water extinguisher
- In case metal being cut need to be cooled or to extinguish sparks
- Not usually the case with a circular saw but can be expected with a cut off saw
Use ______ and _______ to secure the impaled object once cut.
Remove the pt in a _________ position
Pillows with the center cut out and taper
Seated position
The relief cut for the dash lift in the fire wall area should be made ______
- insert cribbing under rocker panel
Directly between the top and bottom hinge
- go through the entire firewall
- If its a large area use the spreaders to crush it before cutting
Dash roll
Pushing or rolling the entire front end of the vehicle
- Hydraulic ram is best option
- No need for upper rail relief cut
Relief cut for the Dash lift should be ________
In the upper rail between the strut tower and the dash
- strut tower is located above the center point above the wheel well. Strongest part in the area of the vehicle
- The cut created a hinge point
Dash Lift technique
- used when a object is on top of the hood or for an undesired type entrapment
- If you use a dash roll you would set a teepee effect
- Used when the dash needs to be lifted independently off the front end of the vehicle
- Requires a relief cut to the upper rail
- Only lifts the dash on one side of the vehicle
One of the first steps in the dash lift is to expose the hood and cut the hinge also look for ______ which could pose a safety hazard
Hydraulic piston struts
* to expose insert spreaders where the hood meets the dash and open, insert cutters and cut the hinge. If pistons are present cut the piston where it is attached to the hood. Do not cut the cylinder
The _______ technique can be performed with the roof still attached but for best pt access always remove the roof
Dash lift technique
* Just remove a small section of A post
Best technique to expose the upper rail to make the relief cut
Wheel well crush
* Then peel the hood off with the spreaders using the purchase point you located
The biggest compilation you can run into during a dash lift is the presence of ________
Dash Brackets
- Will stop dash from lifting
- Must expose brackets from passenger front compartment expose and cut both brackets
Do not cut a steering wheel ring if _______
It is still impinging on the pt
- A ratcheting cutting tool works well on steering wheels
Safety of the crew always precludes entering a vehicle that is unsafe
Use the ______ to position airway
Jaw thrust ( in case of spinal trauma) If pt is in the sitting position put on behind his hand and one hand under the chin to raise the head to a neutral position
Unconscious pt check the _______
Conscious pt check the _________
If you must insert a glove finger in a pats mouth use a _______
Bite block
If you don’t feel a carotid after ______ to _______ start CPR
5 to 10 seconds
Triage IDME
Red -
Green- Black
Priority, delayed, walking wounded, already dead
One of the easiest methods of triage _______
Start - Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment
Jump Start
8 yo or 100 loss
For gaining door access ( exposing latches) use the __________
For gaining access to hinges ________
Vertical spread technique
Wheel well crush technique
Cutters should be positioned ______ to the object being cut
Pg 221
A vehicle on its side has a _______ center of gravity and a narrow track or base causing it to topple easily
The goal is to lower it by expanding the vehicles foot print or the area of the vehicle in contact with the ground
The goal is to position the struts to form a ________
A frame configuration
Tools needed for a cross ram techniques
Large hydraulic telescoping ram ( extends 50 in or greater)
Assorted cribbing
Normal respiration rates
Adults + adolescents
Children 1 to 12
12 to 20
15 to 30
25 to 50
SWOT analysis
Is a self analysis examination model that can be adjusted, adapted, and applied to any situation, incident or project an organization is involved in
Strengths, Weaknesses,Oppurtunities, Threats
School bus doors open _______
_______in wide
______ in high
Can be operated by ______ or ________
Outward 24 68 Lever bar or air actuated switch * glass is tempered or laminate tear gasket around glass and push in release it from the frame
DOT defines a commercial motor vehicle as a motor vehicle or combo of MV used in commerce to transport passengers or properly if the MV satisfies at least one of the following
Has a gross vehicle weight of 26000 lbs including tower until with a GVWR of over 10000lb or more
Designed to transport more than 16 passengers including the driver
Any size if used in the transport of hazardous materials
A pedal can be removed using
Any power tool or a section of webbing or rope
Side removal of a vehicle resting on roof make 2 relief cuts _________
1 Completely through the fire wall between the hinges
2 at the bottom of the B post and rocker panel area
- Using the spreader and a small ram you will be able to lift the vehicle up and create space
For a single removal or a vehicle resting on its roof. First cut should be ________
Cut through the bottom of window frame ( D ring) on both side. This will release the door from the ground
Removing door hinges with air chisel cut the _______ hinge first. On heavy gauge hinges ______ brace the back of the chisel against _______ lean into the gun and apply a _______
Cut only one hing leaf at a time
Your chest
Slight up and down rocking motion
A recip saw with ______ to ______ amps will allow you to cut a wide range of grades and types of steel
Use a ____ inch ______ blade with a TPI rating between ______ and ______
11 to 15 amps
9 inch bimetal blade
TPI 9 to 14
Lower TPI will vibrate too much
Higher TPI is not aggressive enough and will dull
Don’t cut _____ or ____ with the air chisel
Rubber or plastic
the blade will only bounce off of it
- Always cut at least 2 inches above or below the seat belt bracket
Never ______ an air chisel
Pressure should be in the general range of _____ to _____ psi
Free fire : can damage tool
150 to 200 psi
2 types of air chisel blades ________
Panel cutter ir T blade - used for shallow straight cuts on small gauge sheet metal
Flat/ curved blade - cutting medium to heavy gauge steel
When cutting a wide C post with an air chisel you must _________
Make a pie or inspection cut to peel back the outer metal panel to reveal the inside panel. A air chisel cannot cut a wide C post without first completely this step
2 area to cut a roof
Cut at the base of the post using the weight of the vehicle. Or cut at the roofline if it is not compromised
When cutting a roof with an air chisel check the roof for ________
Tensioning or torsion deformities. This will determine the proper angle for the cut.
- always cut away from these area to avoid getting your tool trapped and jammed by collapsing metal
Rub rails:
What gauge? what width? Where are they placed?
16 gauge corrogated metal inches or more in width run entire length of bus (even rear) Floor line Seat cushion line and just under window frame * BLACK LINES
School bus main body frame structure consists of steel sidewall ______ _______ that go from one side bow over the top and back down other side
Bow trusses
* support frame of the sb
made of heavier 12 gauge steel
Chassis frame of a school bus is a 2 long steel channel beam of _____ to _____ gauge steel
And cross members of ________ gauge steel
Crossmember are normally spaced _______ apart
8 to 10 gauge
14 gauge
12 inches
FMVSS school bus standards:
Length of bus:
Width of bus:
Inside body height-
aisle width-
Aisle clearance for wheel chair accessibility -
Bus with power ramp or lift aisle width -
Not created than 45 ft
Not greater than 102 inches
72 inches or more at least 12 inches at bottom 15 on top of seat
30 in to the closest emergency exit
30 in from the ramp to the emergency exit
SB’s are designed to prevent:
The body design is :
Prevent overrides
Low to the ground
Stabilizing a SB in its normal position -
2 1 3/4 lines charged
2 high lift jacks at rear
4 tension struts 2 front 2 rear
Ensure air brake is engaged
School bus is any bus carrying a driver and more than ______ passenger for transport to school.
2 classifications for school buses _______ and _______
small less than 10000 lbs
Large over 10000 lbs
2 types of SB glass:
Gasket push out type ( can be pushed out)
Beaded mastic type
requires recip say
SB have _________
installed to control emissions
It has 3 stages
Exhaust after treatment device
Passive, Active, Manual
All performed automatically
SB Bench seat have a _____ in tubular frame and _____ outer leg posts only exception is ________ which ________
1 inch
2 outer leg posts
Emergency agree seats
The seat section lift up
SB emergency roof hatches
Operate from in and outside the vehicle
total opening is ______ inches
not large enough for ________
16 1/2 inches
Pt secured to backboard
SB side window exits \_\_\_\_\_ to \_\_\_\_\_ in high at least \_\_\_\_\_\_ wide Slide down to open They are designed to release the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ remaining hinged only on 1 side
9 to 13 high
22 wide
entire frame
* use air chisel and a prying tool to remove
SB emergeency exit doors
Swing ______ from _______ to _______
hinges on the ______ side ( when outside)
Several types of hinges
Outward from left to right
hinges on the right
Piano type, three bolt, single strap( non exposed)
Maybe on the inside of the bus
There are approx ________ buses traveling _______ miles transporting ________ kids to and from school annually
4.3 billion
23,5 million children
4 types of buses
School bus
transit bus -fixed, scheduled routs, urban geographic areas
Intercity bus - Long distance transport
Charter / tour bus - usually round trip service or for a tour
Gross vehicle weight rating
takes into account
and the vehicle itself
No passenger vehicle are subdivided by:
Number of axles
number of units
including both power and trailer units
Seats are attached to floorboards in ______ or more places
Pedal relocation using webbing
Webbing must be ______ ft long secure the webbing to the pedal and ______
* _______ have to be operational for this to work
Window frame / D ring close to latching mechanism
Door hinges
* Door need to be opened at least 1 inch
Never drop the ________ below the pats feel where the brake and accelerator are
Fuel or electric lines could be down there
floor plan
Recip saw roof removal, vehicle on its side: to increase the speed of this op ________
2 recip saws can be used at the same time by 2 rescuers. This can lead to roof removal in 2 to 3 mins
Removing the roof of a vehicle on its side utilizing recip saw cut 2 ______ lines just above the roof rail. You must cut the ______ section first
Lowest section first to avoid the tool getting stuck due to the roof collapsing on itself
When using a recip saw to remove the roof of a vehicle on its side you should use a ______ inch blade rather than the standard 9 inch
6 inchh 9 to 14 TPI
Roof top are generally 2 to 3 inches thick
shorted blade will help ensure you don’t hit the victim
Before the roof is removed ensure that the ______ have been cut
The recip saw will cut through the C post ______
It works better on a wider post
Assign _____ rescuers to stabilize both sides of the roof as it is cut
When holding the air chisel 1 hand on the grip and one hand _______
Gripping the blade, mid shaft between the tip and collar
* Always keep 1/2 of the blade showing through the entire cut
When using a recip saw cut at a _______
Downward angle to limit vibration. also keep the shoe of the tool firmly against the object being cut
______ give bow trusses members structural support at the roof level
______ gauge steel
Stringers * run from front to back
16 gauge steel
Because of time and difficulty gaining access through the _______ of a SB should not be attempted. Unless there are no alternatives.
Only school bus with wheels in front of the front tires
Type D
National Highway safety administration
Federal motor vehicle safety standards
Type D school bus
- Transit style
Stripped chassis is were the outer body is mounted to the bare chase. Entrance in ahead of the front wheels. 80 to 90 person capacity - front of the bus is flat
- 85 to 90% of all buses are type C or D
Type C school bus:
Known as conventional school bus constructed with a hood and front fender assembly.
Entrance behind the front wheels
Over 21,500 lbs
85 to 90 of buses are type C or D
Type B bus
Type B 1 weighs
Type B2 weighs
Constructed utilizing a stripped chassis. Entrance door is behind the front wheel well
B1 10,000 lbs or less
B2 over 10,000 lbs
Gaining or creating access to a SB will depend heavily on the vehicle _______
The goal is to create a main entry or exit area
Resting postion
A SB will not usually come to rest on
Its roof
If you can’t get to the battery of a school bus you can
locate the air intake manifold
dischage a 10lb dry chem into it. It will suffocate and shut down the engine
To chaulk SB wheels
Step cribbing placed upside down in front and behind each tire
School bus travel is one of the safest from of travel
approx ______ accident per every 100 million miles traveled
Tow truck with articulating boom
Class C
2 suspension systems found in SB
Metal leaf spring
Air ride type sustem
very important to stabilize the air tide type
For big incidents
Assign a resource/ staging officer and add a
separate response channel for all incoming units
Marry SB in
4 or more places
Front window of a SB is made of
Laminated safety glass
Greatest concern for a officer at a school bus extrication is _____
The first _____ to _____ mis set the tone for the incident
Gaining and maintaining control
10 to 15 mins
SB batteries are secured on a _______ position in side the vehicle body located near the _______ of the vehicle on the _____ _____.
There are usually ____ or more _____ batteries connected in a ______ configuration to increase amperage
Pull out sliding tray Front Drivers side 2 12 volt DC Parallel
Type D and SB does not have a ______ it will have a _______, and also a door a ______, and also a door in the _____ section of the bus
rear exit door
Emergency escape window
middle section
In europe commercial vehicles are called a
SB floor deck is composed of
14 gauge sheet metal panels
Type A school bus
Conversion type constructed utilizing a cutaway front section
* with a leftist drivers side door
Type A1 14,5000 or less
Type A 2 14,5000 to 21,500lbs
Crash rail
Between the floor and seat rub area. Extends entire length of bus.
* Designed to protect student from impact intrusions
SB are designed with a _____ construction
The body frame has inner and outer sheet metal panels usually made of _____ to ____ gauge steel.With fiberglass insulation inside measuring _____ to _____
Body outer frame
22 to 24 gauge
1 to 1.5 inches
Not designed to “cut” metal but to compress it until it reaches its fracture point.
Two types of blades are _____ and ______
Cutting force can range from _____ to _____ psi
Hydraulic cutter
Curved or O blde
straight blade
40,000 to 80,000 psi
Dr ________ was the creator of the golden hour
R adams Cowley
3 step process to produce a favorable outcome for vehicle extrication
Site operations
Vehicle stabilization
Victim access and management
5 primary phases of an incident action plan
1 underdstand the situation 2 establish incident objectives and strategies 3 develop the plan 4 prepare and disseminate the plan 5 evaluate and revise the plan
Most apparatus do not carry enough ______ to properly divert traffic safety.
- Always start from th furthest point and work towards the incident
traffic cones
- PPE must be worn on every MVC
Best tool to defalte a tire
Stem pillar or channel lock
- can also use the forked end of the halogen to sheer the valve stem of where it protrudes from the rim
- Only on rimmed where w/ hubcaps removed
The overall objective for is to position cribbing in _____ or more solid areas spread out equally to create that _____ _____
4 or more
Balanced platform
Wood is _____ in nature meaning it is a mix of material and has a lack of uniformity
It is considered anisotropic in that property of each species can differ according to its growth ring and direction of the grain
Landing zone should measure
100x 100 ft
no less than 60x 60
Landing zone is established by the ______ through a coordinate effort with the ____ ____
ground crew
flight crew
Both operators must agree
Most air ambulances fly well in excess of _____mph
If a propane tank relief valve does not activate or if it is overwhelmed, the tank will _____
Concerns with fuel runoff ____ _______ ____ ___ all ways to control runoff 3 D’s and an A
Presence of ignition sources
Enviromental concersn
Reaction of fuel when they mix with each other or other products at the incident
Damming, Diverting, Diluting and absorbing
Gas explosions and leak usually involve?
Occur due to leaking tanks or damage from over pressurization
Natural gas
Propane gas
Once leak has been located monitor all building in immediate area
Do not use the spreaders as a push point for the Ram . After crushing the rocker panel
This will damage the spreaders
In a dash roll, if the B post has been removed, Crimp the rocker panel to create a dip for the ram to sit in. Positions the tip of the ram _____
at the bottom corner of the A post ( where it meets the dash)
Make sure to crib under the rocker panel where the base of the ram is
First step of a dash roll
remove the roof
The C post is
A side out when done correctly can be completed in less than
5 mins
The side out begins at the _______
- Never lean against a door that is being spread
Rear door and progress forward
* Spread the B post off of the rocker panel. Make sure to crib under the B post rocker panel area pro to spreading
Most common type of vehicle collisions
Side impact
Side out was introduced in 1999 Fire engineering magazine
Popular to access the hinges to cut them when you cannot access a vehicle latch side
Wheel well crush technique
Don’t spread door until it pops off the radar bolt or U bolt. You should ….
Window frame is known as ______
Expose the latch with a vertical spread and insert the cutters and make the cut
D ring
Purchase point may be needed to expose a locking mechanism enough to insert a cutter.
This technique is known as:
A _____ is the best hydraulic tool for making a purchase point
Expose and cut
Hydraulic spreader
With a partial ejection carefully insert towels around the head and neck _____ _______
Then use _______ to slowly cut away sections of laminated glass
From the direction the windshield was impacted
Trauma sheers
Utilizes multiple layers of tempered glass laminated glass, laminated material, polycarbonate thermoplastics all andwhiched together to a desired thickness
Ballistic or bullet resistant glass
_____ is not effective for cutting polycarbonate windshields. The heat cause by friction will reseal the incision.
Recip saw
K 12 will work but not recommended
- One tool that shows promise is the hand held electric 5 inch dual action circular saw
You should treat polycarboante windows as :
Options for removal
Part of the vehicle body
Remove the entire section as 1 piece
Utilize a prying tool or spreder to pry the window out of its casing
With the spreaders make a purchase point by crushing a section of the roof rail where the window is seated
A thermoplastic material used in vehicle window applications
It is light durable plastic that is up to _____ times stronger than glass
250 times
* it will resist direct impacts from any striking tool on the apparatus
Using the glass hand tool make two holes with the spiked end for purchase points at the ____
Top center and bottom center of the windshield
* avoid short strokes when cutting glass
Removing a laminated glass windshield is best accomplished using ______
- Remove rearview mirror to avoid it becoming a projectile when you strike the glass with the glass tool
2 rescuer working on opposite sides of the vehicle
Cut windshield out with ______
Hand saw or recip saw
Always use respiratory protection N 95 filter
Laminated glass is held in place by a ______
Usually used for windshields sometimes used for and side windows
Mastic type adhesive
That requires a cutting action of the glass itself to be removed
Avoid trying to scrape adhesive out very time consuming
Start breaking glass at the
Tinted windows
Furthest point from the victim
Make a hole with a center much
create a space insert gloved hand and take whole section of glass out at once
The process of removing a roof or a major structural component of the vehicle requiress
all glass to be removed from the vehicle
Center punch only works on ______
Front windows or common passenger vehicle are _______ glass
Tempered glass most vehicle used tempered glass for side windows
Managing your victim entails:
Dont remove pt from vehicle remove vehicle from pt
Victim access, care, packaging, removal
Describes a objects balance in relation to its center of gravity
Secondary batteries can be located in
Rear trunk
Under front or rear seat
Under the right or left wheel well
Fold back tape when cut sections of cable to prevent cabled from touching terminals
A smart key lets a driver start the car from _____ to ______ ft away
15 to 20
To marry 2 vehicle. Anchor the ratchet strap to the _____ of the bottom vehicle, then loop the loose end through the ______. Make sure that the hook is facing ______
Lowest area of the passenger side A post of the bottom vehicle.
Through he B post of the top vehicle and back through securing it to itself
Up and outward to avoid hood dislodging when tension is applied
MArrying 2 vehicle will eliminate ______
Best tool for this ______
Stabilize the bottom vehicle first using cribbing
Independent movement of the 2 objects
Industrial grade ratchet strap
- use a pike pole to pass straps under a vehicle
- Never crawl under the top vehicle
Roof strength requirements
prior to 2012
post 2012
Equal to 1.5 times the unloaded weight of the vehicle
3 times the unloaded weight of the vehicle
While vehicle are on their roofs
Never stack box cribbing more than ______
* initial cribbing goes to most unstable area
2 times the width
With a vehicle on its roof there are usually 3 points of access
Drivers side
Passenger side
Cribbing should be placed to keep these area unobstructed
A basic operation for stabilizing a vehicle on its side should take no longer than
Main advantage of A farm stabilization of a car on its side
3 to 5 mins
Roof area is free of any cribbing
Create a purchase point with
After struts are in place ______
Spike end of a halogen and flat axe
Once its in pull down on halogen to create a bigger purchase point
Reseat all cribbing with a 4x4 or rubber mallet
With a vehicle on its side the first strut should be placed at a ________ so that the tip of the strut can push off from it.
Maintain a angle of not less than _____
Sold section of the under carriage
Rescuers at a extrication should work from ______. In a ___ stance.
One knee
Semi kneeling stance
After inner/ outer survey is done the officer should _____ ______ as the other crew members begin cribbing
Place his hands on the front or rear section of the vehicle to feel for shifting or movement